How to sew a car seat organizer with your own hands? Car organizer Pockets on the car seat with your hands

If you often travel with children or just want to get your car in order, this master class is for you. Today we will sew a functional organizer for the back of the seat with pockets.

This cape is very easy to take off and put on. This means you can wash the organizer whenever necessary. The pockets can be made large to accommodate magazines and newspapers, document folders, etc. Or you can make them smaller to put various little things in it. These car seat covers are especially convenient for those traveling with children. Your child can put all their toys in the pockets - a great activity for the duration of the trip. And if it is still small, you can place a bottle with food in the pockets so that it is always in an upright position and nothing spills; rattles and other entertainment; other necessary and important little things. In short, any motorist will find a use for such an organizer.

Of course, you can also find a ready-made cover for the back of the seat - today the choice is huge, but it will be much more convenient to sew them yourself. If only because this way you can vary the number of pockets and make them with elastic bands or zippers - in a way that is convenient for you.

We will tell you how to sew a car organizer with your own hands and show you some ideas for inspiration.

What do we need?

  • dense (preferably quilted fabric) - approximately 1.5 m
  • material for finishing pockets: elastic bands, locks, buttons - optional
  • material for ties: braid, ropes, piping

How to sew an organizer?

The standard organizer pattern looks like this.

Please note that this is a small size. If you need an organizer for small items, use this pattern; if you are making it for a child, it is better to increase the size of the main canvas (35*45 would be optimal). It is better to determine the exact dimensions by the size of the car seat.

When you have decided on the main fabric, you can calculate the length of the ties. Place the fabric on the chair. If this is not possible, simply sew the strings longer so that you can tie them into a bow. If they turn out to be very long, you can simply cut off the excess.

On the pattern of the main fabric, make markings for the pockets. Then make their patterns.

It is better to treat the edges of the organizer with braid or piping so that they do not fray. If the main part of the fabric is too thin, double it. You can also put a seal between them. Pockets are sewn on by hand (the bottom part can be stitched using a machine)

You can process the upper part of the pockets in advance so that later you can insert an elastic band or string into them.

Now take a look at some ready-made solutions. Choose what you like best and feel free to get down to business. Get inspired and have fun creating!

Are you tired of things scattered on the seats and garbage in different places in the cabin, you can’t quickly find documents in the glove compartment or you don’t have enough space in the trunk? Then you've come to the right place. The presented selection of life hacks will help solve these problems.

For many people, their car is their second home because they spend a lot of time in it. To bring order to the interior and make your stay in the car as comfortable as possible, we suggest using useful life hacks shared by experienced car enthusiasts. Believe me, even experienced drivers will appreciate the tips presented.

1. Convenient hooks for headrests

To prevent bags or packages from occupying the seats and their contents falling out, attach special hooks to the front seats, which can be bought in stores or ordered online. They can also be replaced with large carabiners.

2. Useful organizer

A regular organizer for house shoes is also useful in a car. It needs to be attached to the back of the front seat to get a lot of free pockets for storing various small items. An ideal solution for families with children.

3. Order in documents

Many cars have a hell of a lot in the glove compartment, and it can be very difficult to quickly find the necessary documents. You only need to put things in order once by purchasing a wide folder in which you can lay out documents and stick stickers with names for easy searching.

4. Extra storage space

It happens that you need to take a lot of things on the road, so additional storage space will come in handy. It is necessary to stretch a net over the rear seats near the roof, on which you can place, for example, outerwear or any other not too heavy things.

5. Use all the space

Few people open the windows near the rear seats where children are seated, so they can be used for another purpose. A great idea is to attach different suction cup holders to the glass for small things: toys, pencils, and so on. This will help keep your backseat clutter-free.

6. To prevent wires from getting tangled

You usually take a lot of different cables and connectors on the road. To prevent them from getting confused, separate them and put them in small boxes. They can be placed in the glove compartment or in one small box that fits, for example, under the seat or in any other place.

7. Cool drinks without ice

When it’s hot on the road, you really want to drink cold drinks, but taking packs of ice with you is not always convenient, since it melts and water can spill. In this case, there is a great idea - take regular dishwashing sponges, soak them in water, squeeze them thoroughly, and then freeze them. Place the sponges in Ziploc bags and place them in a cooler bag or other appropriate location.

8. Useful patch pockets

This is another addition that will help bring order to your car interior. You can make patch pockets with your own hands and place them on the sides of the seats. They will fit napkins, a phone, a notepad, stationery items and other useful little things.

9. Simple air freshener

Don’t want to spend money on special air fresheners or can’t find the scent? Then make it yourself. Take an ordinary wooden clothespin and drip your favorite essential oil onto it (5-10 drops are enough). All that remains is to attach a clothespin to the grille from where the air comes out.

10. Spacious trunk

Often it is not possible to neatly place things in the trunk, but there is a way out - a simple shelf made from scrap materials that can be added or removed at any time. Thanks to such a partition, things will not wrinkle and will be perfectly preserved.

11. Available seat protection

To avoid having to clean the chairs frequently, it is better to use covers. You can buy them at the store, but to save money you can easily make them yourself. Use durable fabrics that are easy to wash.

12. Separator for children

Traveling becomes even more difficult if there are several children in the car, who can interfere with each other, quarrel, fight, and so on. An excellent solution is to separate them using pieces of cardboard or other material that should hold its shape.

13. To have everything at hand

A great idea for storing essentials: attach carabiners to the handles, which you can attach, for example, a case for glasses, a phone, a player, and so on.

14. Convenient food stand

To make it convenient to eat food on the road without having to deal with numerous containers that can tip over at any moment, use a plastic basket, which is usually used in the bathroom to store shampoos and other products.

15. Useful sun visor

Many people underestimate the visors located near the front seats, although they can be used for more than just sun protection. For example, here you can place an organizer for storing various small items - glasses, pens and other necessary items. It's easy to do it yourself.

16. To keep things clean

It is very convenient to have a small trash can in your car that will not be in the passenger's way, but will have enough space to throw away used tissues, miscellaneous receipts, and so on. Thanks to this, the time that was previously spent collecting garbage around the cabin will be significantly reduced. If there is no small bucket, then attach a self-adhesive hook to the panel and hang a bag on it to collect the garbage.

17. Comfortable travel pillow

Although car seats are designed taking into account the anatomy of the human body, it is uncomfortable to rest on them for a long time. A great idea is a pillow that attaches to the seat belts with Velcro. It is convenient to rest your head on it while sleeping. You can also make a pocket in this pillow for your phone or player.

18. For convenient viewing of movies

Now the easiest way to distract and occupy a child is to give him a tablet with cartoons. In order not to hold the gadget in your hands, it is recommended to attach it to the front seat by making a simple holder using cardboard and rubber bands.

19. Cup holder protection

Cup holders are rarely used for their intended purpose and in most cases they store various small things: pennies, batteries, paper clips, and the like. In addition, they accumulate a lot of garbage, which is not easy to get rid of. An excellent life hack has been invented for this purpose - put cupcake molds in the cup holders, they will be easy to remove and wash if necessary.

Hi all. Today I will show you how to make an organizer with pockets on a seat for a child, it is attached to the back, my master class with detailed descriptions and photos and the simplest one.

Sewing an organizer for a child’s car is not that difficult, so I did everything myself again.It is also quite quick and easy to sew; for example, it took me an hour.

With the advent of children, parents have to resort to various tricks in terms of food, toys and many other cases. And when your child is already confidently sitting in a child seat, he is interested not only in looking out the car window, he wants to twirl a toy in his hands, eat liver and wash it down with water.

And when all this is scattered around the car, the child has no way of reaching the things he needs. This is where an organizer comes to the rescue.

Car back organizer

The easiest and most common way to put everything together compactly is to sew an organizer into a machine for the back of the seat. After all, you must admit that the baby will have everything in sight and at hand.

Why is an organizer sewn onto the back of the seat? I don't know who came up with this, but the idea is just great. And when I saw such an organizer in someone else’s car in the parking lot, I immediately rushed to the store for thick fabric.

By the way, there are also organizers for the trunk, but my kids don’t ride in the trunk; the interior is still more comfortable, so an organizer for the back of the car is the best option.

How to sew an organizer for a car

You can sew an organizer into a machine better and faster if you have a sewing machine.

With it it will be easier for you, and the organizer will turn out much neater.

To get started, you need to decide on the fabric. I have already written that the fabric should be thick, now we need to choose a color.

You can choose fabric for the organizer in any color you like. It could be bunnies, fairies or fruits, but I chose a protective color.

You may say it’s a bit gloomy, but this is exactly the color I needed, knowing my daughter.

If the fabric depicts bunnies, squirrels or apples with cherries, then such an organizer will definitely not suit us. Because all the way she will cry and demand to stroke or touch them. And she begins to focus her gaze on them while the car is moving, which sometimes leads to vomiting. So I had to take a protective color to avoid such consequences.

We have decided on the fabric, now we need to take measurements of our car seat. We take any implement that has divisions and measure the width and length.

I did this and calmly got to work. Even though the fabric is thick, I still folded it in two layers and cut it to my size.

We sew our two fabrics together and thus our organizer for the back of the seat will be thicker and more practical.

It has reached its main goal. And the purpose of the organizer is to keep everything stored and lying neatly, and not scattered around the car. So, let's start creating pockets. Once the organizer is in the car for a child, then we take into account all the nuances.

For example, I definitely need a compartment for a water bottle and for books. We are nowhere without books.

We also need a compartment for cookies and soft toys. Therefore, you need to measure the width of the books and the volume of the water bottle. We measure, cut, overcast so that the edges do not unravel and sew to our organizer.

This is how it worked out for me.

Speaking of fastenings. I made cuts at the top, and the headrest holds our organizer, and at the bottom I sewed an elastic band with my hands.

We have already tried our organizer for the child. How do you like this thing? And you must admit, it’s not at all difficult to sew an organizer into a car.

Friends, I got this kind of car organizer for a child, it is designed for a seat, with a large number of pockets, such a device will bring order to your car. Don’t be lazy and sew an organizer for your children’s car.

Nina Kuzmenko was with you.

If you have a long car ride with a child, an organizer is a must. In addition to keeping the baby occupied, it will protect the seat from traces of small feet.

Even a beginner can sew this necessary and useful thing. Thick fabric, ribbons or elastic bands and your imagination.
The simplest thing is to make a rectangle from non-staining fabric that fits the size of the back of the chair, sew on bright pockets and ties at the top and bottom.
For fastenings, you can use thick elastic bands, buttons, and carabiners. You can use Velcro, but then calculate the weight - it’s a little unreliable.

Pockets can also be arranged taking into account the specified functionality. Think about what it will be filled with. Album, pencils, tablet... You can make a transparent window for the tablet or securely fasten it with rubber bands. Then you can watch cartoons while traveling.
Provide a pocket for your favorite toy. Try to make her comfortable. You can add a warm blanket and pillow, or a spoon to feed the toy. Then you can fully play during the trip.

Be sure to make a pocket for a water bottle and treats.
Several secret pockets will add variety.
Let the full potential of the organizer be revealed gradually.

If you are good at sewing, you can make a handbag organizer. It’s very convenient to take with you and turn it into a table. This design is suitable for older children.

Another option is to make an organizer for a child seat. Then all things will be located on the sides of the child. Place a tray table on the child seat. This is very convenient for drawing and eating on the go.

Fantasize with your child, select fabric, think over the style, but do not reveal all the secrets.
May your trip be fun and unforgettable!

// November 15, 2016 // Views: 5,643

How often we cannot find the right thing simply because it is in the wrong place! Along with the panic of loss, anger and irritation come to us because of wasted time on aimless searches. To prevent such situations from arising, the whole family maintains order in the apartment, and the woman controls it. Another thing is a car. Especially if the car is a family car and is used by several family members at once. It is not easy to agree on the location of things in certain places in such a situation. Each driver has his own concept of the correct location of devices that may be useful along the way. You can find a way out by building an organizer for your car with your own hands.

When planning to travel by car with children, you need to take many different things on a trip: wet wipes, toiletries, paper tissues, mobile phone chargers, headphones, bottles of drinks, cases with sandwiches, albums, notepads, pencils.

Constantly packing and unpacking all this “good” is very tiring. In addition, not all cars are designed to accommodate such a large number of things; sometimes there is nowhere to put them. Travel accessories are placed directly on the seat, which is unsafe when traffic is moving and limits the use of free space. Therefore, we suggest sewing an organizer for your child onto the back of the car seat, where all his favorite things can easily fit.

Creating a children's organizer

Sewing a colorful organizer for your car is very easy. The main thing is to arm yourself with imagination and inspiration.

Let's look at an example of creating this useful accessory with your own hands. In our case, it is made in the standard average size of 33x54 cm, but by measuring the back of the rear seat of your car, you can change the proportions.

To work you will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • dense fabric 1 meter wide, which will act as the foundation of our product;
  • contrasting fabric for making pockets;
  • any elastic fabric for the backing (you can use mesh);
  • edging for finishing (for a size of 33x54 cm you will need about 3 meters);
  • any cord for firmly fixing the organizer from the bottom of the chair;
  • scissors;
  • sling (about 1 m);
  • retainer;
  • measuring meter;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • threads;
  • sewing needles;
  • two eyelets.

Choose a fabric based not only on your taste, but also on the fact that the organizer will need to withstand certain loads. Therefore, for the base and pockets of the product, it is better to take durable material that does not require frequent washing.

We are preparing the frame for the future organizer. To do this, cut out a rectangular piece from the base material twice as long as the finished model. For our case, this is 33x108 cm. The part must be folded in half and ironed.

The corners of the product can be left sharp or rounded. To do this, print out the stencil presented below, attach it to the workpiece, trace it with chalk or pencil and cut it along the line.

To ensure that the organizer keeps its shape and does not sag, it is given rigidity. To do this, dublin or interlining is inserted inside the workpiece. The edges of the base are treated with finishing edging. Let's start making pockets. The pattern for the model in this example will be as follows: 20x33 cm - top pocket, 23x43 cm - middle pockets, 30x43 cm - bottom pockets.

The dimensions for the parts are based on the fact that they need to be folded in half. If you decide to make a backing for the pockets, then the lining material must be taken in dimensions of 10x33, 11.5x43 and 15x43 cm, respectively.

Pocket details are folded in half, ironed, backed with non-woven fabric, treated with decorative piping and sewn to the base. To give the pockets volume, a pair of folds are made in the middle of the workpiece. The step-by-step process is shown in the photo.

For convenience, a special small pocket for a cell phone is sewn onto the organizer. The cells of the product can be decorated with contrasting fabrics, embroidery, voluminous stripes, and beads. When all the pockets are attached to the base, we proceed directly to making the mount, with which the organizer will be fixed to the car seat.

The upper part of the fastener is made of a cable with a lock for easy tension adjustment.

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