Shell core finish what. Shell and Core LLC. Sergey Kudryavtsev, managing partner of Pridex Group

There are two types of premises on the office market today: those with ready renovation and those in shell & core condition (for final finishing). In the context of a protracted crisis, most companies preferred the first option in an attempt to optimize their capital expenditures. In turn, the owners of high-class premises also sought to complete the finishing work themselves in order to attract tenants. The market has stabilized, and the flow of companies wishing to change their location has increased. We are confident that it is definitely worth considering the option of renting a bare office if you do not intend to move within the next three to five years.

Layout vs comfort

All office premises are conventionally divided into three planning options:

    Classic or office-corridor. The offices are equipped with doors.

    Open space (open space). Workplaces are zoned using low partitions or not zoned at all.

    Mixed layout. The open space is complemented by several offices for management or a number of departments.

Obviously, each type of layout has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice here is mainly related to the direction of the company. Representatives of government agencies prefer secluded classic offices, creative companies prefer a common space filled with air and light.

In both cases, ideal seating arrangements for employees cannot be achieved if the premises were organized according to the requirements of the previous tenant (in case the office is rented out when the tenant moves out) or if the owner performed the standard finishing on his own. Perhaps Zinochka from company X agreed to sit next to the kitchen or bathroom, but this would absolutely not suit Maria Viktorovna from your company.

In the photo: offices in shell&core in ; offices for tenants moving out to and office with new finishing in

Ready office: difficulties

Significant advantages of a premise with finishing are the ability to quickly move and save time, resources and nerves on repairs. But there are many more difficulties, including those that may appear during the move:

    The already mentioned “rigid” seating and layout and the impossibility of expanding the office.

    Wear and tear of the premises (cosmetic repairs and improvements will be required).

    Identification of hidden defects that you did not notice during inspection.

    The need to audit engineering systems - electrical, ventilation, water supply.

    Poor quality of finishing (cheap materials, sloppy work, wear and tear, which will still require improvements or minor cosmetic repairs).

Renovations carried out in offices by the owner are unlikely to correspond to the corporate style and color preferences of the company - there is no point in the landlord implementing intricate design fantasies. Paintable wallpaper or plaster, suspended ceilings, carpet or linoleum, neutral light colors - this is what 90% of finished offices look like. This means that the companies working in them become “faceless”, standard, and unmemorable.

The photo shows a block with a standard finish in

Office image

Individual finishing will tell the client more about your company than the most intelligent manager. This is the case when “you meet people by their clothes.” Shapes, lines, colors and symbols are a visual series that forms a positive or negative opinion among visitors. If a company's office is different from others, the client will at least remember the company. If it’s pleasant to be in the room, he will remember it in the good sense of the word.

The photo shows the office of the Avito company

How much should you invest in repairs?

Shell & core condition implies the presence of vertical communications, double-glazed windows, and concrete screed in the room. In class A offices, such finishing is usually of higher quality - no additional leveling of surfaces is required. There are two options for interaction here: repairs at the expense of the owner or repairs at the expense of the tenant. In the second case, the tenant may be provided with a number of benefits (for example, in the form of a reduction in the rate by one), or provided with rental holidays during the work.

If you are renting an office for at least 5-7 years, it is definitely worth considering the option of renting the premises without finishing. The key factors in this case will be the price of the premises itself (it is 20-30% lower than a ready-made office), the period of the rental holiday and the size and period of indexation of the rate. And our specialists will be happy to help you choose the best option in terms of price-quality ratio completely free of charge!

Finding a suitable office for your company is a rather lengthy and complex process. It is necessary to decide on the location, room size, planning solutions, rental rate and many other parameters. After the choice has been made, one important and rather controversial point remains - to take an office that is ready to move in or to do the renovations yourself, that is, to rent what is called a shell & core. Let's settle this issue once and for all.

Shell core office space condition – what is it?

“What does shell & core mean?” – this is where the search for an answer to the question begins: at what stage of renovation should an office be rented? Shell & core (or “under finishing”) is the state of the premises in which it is not yet suitable for entry. This type of office decoration represents its complete absence, where there are only concrete walls, floor and ceiling, communications and heating, and double-glazed windows. Depending on the class of the building, the condition of the office may differ: in class A business centers, in this case, the site may be completely ready for arrangement, but in classes B and C, additional work may be required to level the walls and install a fire alarm alarm and ventilation.

Pre-finishing is the state of the room, after which the final repair follows. As a rule, these are completely leveled walls, a poured floor, installed communications, proper functioning of the heating and ventilation systems. Roughly speaking, this is a transitional stage between shell & core and a clean office. Clean finishing assumes that the office is ready to move in, and additional finishing work can be carried out only if necessary and desired by the tenant or owner.

Pros and cons of shell and core

Pre-finishing, despite some inconveniences, has both disadvantages and a number of advantages.

Disadvantages of shell & core:

  1. It takes a lot of time to prepare the premises for move-in.
  2. High costs for materials and repair work.
  3. Large risks associated with the identification of serious errors during construction, a sharp increase in prices for materials, or bankruptcy of the company.

There are also positive aspects of choosing space in the shell & core state:

  • firstly, it is possible to initially decorate the office in your own unique style or divide it into zones;
  • secondly, the landlord, as a rule, provides rental holidays during repairs or carries out repairs at his own expense;
  • thirdly, choosing the “for finishing” option will be a rational decision if you are going to move in three or more months.

Benefits of finishing

A ready-to-move-in office is more popular among tenants.

There are several reasons to choose this particular workspace:

  1. Save time. Clean finishing allows the company to move into the office as quickly as possible, if there are no other interfering factors (current tenants or payment problems).
  2. Saving money. Typically, such an office will not require additional repair costs in the near future, however, the finishing in it, as a rule, is very ordinary. If the tenant himself has indicated a desire to change the interior, then he can do this by agreement with the owner.
  3. There is an opportunity to make better repairs in the future, since during the first time the office is used, the building will have time to “settle”, which will not entail any negative changes during the redesign work or change of layout.

What type of finish should I choose?

Choosing the type of office, as mentioned above, is a controversial issue, and it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to it. The main thing you should rely on when choosing is the budget of your organization, which you are willing to invest in repair work, as well as the planned time of the move, the specifics of your activity and commitment to your corporate style. If you want to get to work faster and don’t care about the color of the walls, then you can opt for a ready-to-move-in office. If you are ready to invest additional funds in your workspace and are not planning an urgent move, then shell & core is for you.

An office “to be finished” or shell & core is a room without any renovation, which requires time and money before becoming usable. A premise with a fine finish is a ready-to-move-in workspace that is more convenient for the tenant and requires lower costs. A ready-made office or one that requires investment – ​​it’s up to you to decide. Here, a lot depends on the specifics of the company’s activities, the timing of the move and the budgets that your organization has.

    Core charge- is the effective nuclear charge experienced by an outer shell electron. In other words, core charge is an expression of the attractive force experienced by the valence electrons to the core of an atom which takes into account the shielding effect... ... Wikipedia

    shell- less, adj. shell like, adj. /shel/, n. 1. a hard outer covering of an animal, as the hard case of a mollusk, or either half of the case of a bivalve mollusk. 2. any of various objects resembling such a covering, as in shape or in being more or… … Universalium

    Shell (projectile)- This article is about the artillery projectile. For the small arms ammunition, see Shotgun shell. Some sectioned shells from the First World War. From left to right: 90 mm fragmentation shell, 120 mm pig iron incendiary shell, 77/14 model 75 mm... ... Wikipedia

    Core sample- Rock core samples. The product of a Diamond rig. (The bird is a Pied Butcherbird.) A core sample is a cylindrical section of (usually) a naturally occurring substance. Most core samples are obtained by drilling with special drills into the… … Wikipedia

    Core electron- Core electrons are the electrons in an atom that are not valence electrons and therefore do not participate in bonding. An example: the carbon atom has a total of 6 electrons, 4 of them being valence electrons. So the remaining 2 electrons must... ... Wikipedia

    Core (manufacturing)- A core is a device used in casting and molding processes to produce internal cavities and reentrant angles. The core is normally a disposable item that is destroyed to get it out of the piece. They are most commonly used in sand casting, but... ... Wikipedia

    Shell script- This article is about scripting in UNIX like systems. For batch programming in DOS, OS/2 and Windows, see Batch file. For batch programming in Windows PowerShell shell, see Windows PowerShell#Scripting. A shell script is a script written for the... ... Wikipedia

    Shell Turbo Chargers- Infobox PBA team color1=yellow color2=green name=Shell Turbo Chargers founded=1985| history=Shell Azodrin Bugbusters (1985 1986) Shell Azocord (1986) Shell Oilers(1987) Shell Rimula X(1990 1993; 1994 1995) Shell Helix (1993) Formula Shell Super… … Wikipedia

    Shell Shocked Sheldon- Infobox Television episode Title = Shell Shocked Sheldon Series = Garfield and Friends Caption = Season = 1 Episode = 11 Airdate = October 8, 1988 Production = US003 B Writer = Mark Evanier Sharman DiVono Director = John Walker Steve Clark John... ... Wikipedia

    Core wheel- Wheel Wheel (hw[=e]l), n. l, hweogul, hweowol; akin to D. wiel, Icel. hv[=e]l, Gr. ky klos, Skr. cakra; cf. Icel. hj[=o]l, Dan. Hiul, Sw. hjul. 218. Cf. (Cycle), (Cyclopedia).] 1. A circular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    core- n. a complete unit, often with a figure eight shape, which usually consists of the plug, shell, tumblers, springs, plug retainer and spring cover(s). It is primarily used in removable and interchangeable core cylinders and locks ... Locksmith dictionary


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We often encounter a situation where customers, when choosing premises for a new office in modern business centers, consider options for renting premises with basic furnishings from the landlord or performing a full range of work on the design and construction of an office by companies specialized in the FIT-OUT segment.

Having accumulated significant experience in implementing projects both for end users of offices and for development companies, we offer a view on this issue from the FIT-OUT market, which will allow us to most objectively determine which option is more attractive and rational.

Profitable FIT-OUT

It is no secret that there is a stereotype in the market about the high cost of quality services in the FIT-OUT segment, that is, the design, construction, finishing and engineering equipment of the interior premises of commercial real estate. This especially applies to modern high-quality facilities with a full range of engineering equipment. However, in modern conditions the facts say the opposite: renting shell&core premises (without finishing) and independent implementation of the FIT-OUT project is a less expensive and, most importantly, more profitable enterprise than office rental with developer fit out.

We will note the three most indicative factors in favor of choosing shell&core format premises and independent implementation of the FIT-OUT project.


In terms of the cost of proposals, furnished premises are positioned on the market on average 20-30% more expensive than shell&core format properties. On average, rental costs for shell&core premises will be about $700 per sq.m. per year including VAT, while proposals with finishing are estimated at $850 per 1 sq.m. per year including VAT.

The cost of implementing a FIT-OUT class A project, from design to commissioning of the facility, ranges from $800 to $1,200 per 1 sq.m., which in the first stages, of course, increases the amount of office costs.

Comparison of the average level of costs for renting office premises of class “A” in the case of renting premises without finishing (shell&core), rental holidays and costs for implementing a FIT-OUT project and renting premises with finishing by the developer, including VAT, per 1000 sq. m.

Rental periods

1 year (in dollars)

5 years (in dollars)

10 years (in dollars)

Shell&core premises rental

Implementation of the FIT-OUT project

Class “A” in shell&core + costs for FIT-OUT

Rental premises with developer fit-out

Class "A" with finishing from the developer

Cost difference

If we compare only the costs of renting and implementing the FIT-OUT project, that is, design, construction, finishing and engineering equipment of the office space and the option of renting the proposal with finishing, the cost of both approaches will be equal for the 6th year of operation.


FIT-OUT projects are divided into two main groups: the clients in the first are the final “consumers” of offices, and the second, in which the clients are developers who bring their buildings to the market.

The main difference between these areas is the approach to the selection of design, construction, finishing and engineering solutions. An indicative fact is that on average a developer spends about $500 per sq.m. on basic finishing of premises. Whereas the range of project costs for end consumers is from 800 to 1200 dollars per 1 sq.m., and in our calculation the cost is assumed to be 1000 dollars per 1 sq.m.

For a developer, the FIT-OUT stage is just part of the process of bringing a building to market. Therefore, the main emphasis is on cost optimization, often to the detriment of the functional and image components, which leads to a decrease in the level of office comfort.

In the case of an independently completed FIT-OUT project, the customer has a direct interest in the highest possible quality of work. As a result, all components of the project are studied in more detail: layout, interior design, finishing materials, engineering equipment, which ensures high quality and durability of the office. For example, the technologies used by PRIDEX Group make it possible to implement a project that will be modern and comfortable for more than 10 years.


Choosing a room with finished finishing is always a compromise. Moreover, the compromise is not in favor of your business. Based on the premise that every business is unique, every company requires a customized workspace that fully aligns with its goals and values.

When working on layouts and the concept of staff accommodation, the project team takes into account the specifics of the customer and its development plans, resulting in a solution that takes into account not only the current state of the client’s business, but also the development of the company in the future, which can significantly increase the efficiency of the office

In a well-thought-out and well-implemented office space, employee productivity increases by an average of 4-8%. In this case, the office becomes one of the main competitive qualities of the company in the eyes of the staff, which has a positive effect on employee motivation, reduced turnover, etc.

The advantages of free planning and FIT-OUT projects are obvious: the client receives carte blanche to implement the project. He himself determines the design and content of the project, based on his preferences, chooses the most rational and convenient layout, thereby realizing the most effective office for himself.


Based on all three factors, we evaluated each option for an average office of 1000 sq.m.


Rental periods

1 year (in dollars)

5 years (in dollars)

10 years (in dollars)

Class “A” office in shell&core + costs for FIT-OUT

Implementation of the FIT-OUT project

Application of modern highly efficient planning solutions, compliance of the office with the company’s goals (12%)

Reduced costs for finding new personnel, paying sick leave - 6% *

Total costs for a class “A” office in shell&core + costs for FIT-OUT

Class "A" office with finishing from the developer

Inefficiently used areas (10%)

Total costs for a class “A” office with finishing from the developer

Total difference between options

Initial data:

Rental rate Shell&Core

Cost of implementation of the FIT-OUT project

Rent with basic finishing

* based on 100 employees in an office area of ​​1000 sq.m. with an average salary of $1,500 per month

In this calculation, we do not take into account the cost of “using money”, because the costs incurred reduce the tax burden and this indicator is not significant.

The option of independently implementing FIT-OUT projects is chosen by the majority of Fortune 500 representatives, whose corporate standards require companies to change offices at least once every 5-7 years, that is, during the payback period of the FIT-OUT project. This strategy allows for the most efficient use of office space resources, on the one hand, at the most rational costs, on the other.

Thus, market realities have nullified almost all arguments in favor of premises with developer finishing. Of course, if a quick move is necessary, such proposals remain attractive, while in other cases the advantages of the approach involving renting shell&core premises and independent implementation of the FIT-OUT project are obvious.

Sergey Kudryavtsev, managing partner of Pridex Group

The approach to work according to the principle (method, principle) of “SHELL & CORE” appeared as a necessary measure in the construction of administrative and office buildings in the first place, and public (especially retail) buildings in the second place.

“SHELL & CORE” - SHELL and CORE. Shell and core. The principle of dividing, first of all, building engineering support systems into two parts, one of which (core, core) is designed and implemented in full, and the second (shell, shell) is only calculated. Some confusion arises due to the fact that for the construction part of a building, including the main structural elements (walls, columns, beams, floors, regardless of whether they are made of prefabricated elements or monolithic reinforced concrete), the term Core is used. and for internal partitions and decoration - the term Shell (shell, shell). According to ordinary everyday logic, the outer walls should be called the shell, and everything that is inside them should be called the core. But architects and engineers have their own logic. We proceed from the fact that the core (the basic element of the building, the skeleton) can and should be only what can be built (and before that, of course, designed) in the first place. Internal partitions and decoration (i.e. shell, shell) cannot be built initially.

The design and installation of systems included in the “shell” is carried out after the functional zoning within the floor is determined. At the same time, changing the purpose of premises within the zone is undesirable and sometimes unacceptable. This is primarily due to rationing or limiting the load on engineering systems for various purposes. For example, for medical institutions, catering establishments, spas, solariums and some others, the volumes of consumed resources provided by engineering systems (volumes of supply and exhaust air, cold and hot water, electricity, cold for an air conditioning system or even industrial cold for retail displays). And such an increase can be quite significant.

Of course, from the user's point of view, "SHELL & CORE" primarily concerns interior partitions and finishing. This is the visible part of the room, and when completed it should be completely finished, from floor to ceiling. Nothing pleases the eye more than a completed renovation, especially if everything is done correctly, neatly; stylish design and favorite colors only enhance this feeling. Even if it turns out that the room has no ventilation, air conditioning and water, and maybe even electricity, this will upset the user to a lesser extent than an office completely “stuffed” with engineering systems that does not have a finishing touch. But engineering thought continues to be in full swing. The most impeccable office is not viable if it is not equipped with all the necessary engineering infrastructure. And the equipped one is viable. Let only Spartans feel comfortable in it. Even if they don’t outwardly appreciate it. But it can function.

Everything that is not visible to the eye seems not so significant and important to us. This is well known to all-round finishers (those who lay wiring, plaster, and run water). Therefore, everything that is inside the screeds and walls, everything that is hidden from the customer’s prying eyes, can be (and often will be) executed poorly, from unsuitable or low-quality (and therefore cheap) materials, in violation of standards, and sometimes not executed at all . I have seen buildings with “decorative” elements of engineering systems. It seems to be there, but it doesn’t work. Therefore, initially all communications must be designed and laid, which will subsequently be hidden (hidden work certificates are always drawn up according to them, and this is not a formality at all, but an opportunity for the customer to be convinced of the correctness of the design, execution and quality of materials, the ability to prevent the “burial" of defects in the walls or construction waste in the screed). In some cases, you can even check the functionality of engineering systems. Only after this can you begin finishing.

So, the “SHELL & CORE” principle allows the customer to fully satisfy their aesthetic and technical needs, but is more expensive and takes significant time for design and repair. It is most justified where customers with individual preferences and special requirements are expected, for example in the field of security (sound-light-radioproof meeting rooms, for example).

In my opinion, designing according to the “SHELL & CORE” principle in engineering is necessary, first of all, to minimize alterations that are inevitable when changing the layout and even the purpose of premises within a floor, and sometimes an entire building. That is why the “SHELL & CORE” principle formed the basis of OPERATIONAL DESIGN, which we, among other things, do.

Boyko Valentin Vasilievich
General Director of Eskada LLC.

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