What is specialized transport? Vehicles: classification. Vehicle categories. Rescue transport. Ambulance. Fire trucks

Table 4

Classification feature Special Specialized
By purpose Firefighter Medical assistance Security Truck cranes Cleaning Dump trucks with attachments Vans with attachments Tankers Container trucks Garbage trucks
On a commercial basis Commercial Non-commercial Commercial Non-commercial
On a commercial basis Commercial Non-commercial Commercial Non-commercial
According to the terms of transportation Specific conditions of transportation. Specific transportation.
By type of interaction with other organizations External, connecting this enterprise with others
By type of cargo transported Anti-icing materials Passengers Dangerous goods Perishable goods Waste Garbage
By type of cargo removed Sweeps from territories Snow Waste Garbage -
By industry of transported cargo Household services Industrial Construction Agricultural Trade
By object of movement Special transport Specialized transportation
By territorial basis City Regional City Regional
By rolling stock Watering machines Sweepers Snow plows Rotary snow blowers Combination machines Snow loaders Garbage trucks Container Heavy duty Transport
According to seasonality Winter period Summer period All year round
Based on transport performance indicators per unit of services performed Area of ​​cleaned area in m2 Volume of exported cargo in m3; rub./car - hour; T

The waste transportation process is influenced by the following factors:
- Population;
- configuration of the road network and development of transport infrastructure in the region;
- technological factors;
- level of improvement of the housing stock;
- climatic and meteorological conditions;
- architectural and planning composition of settlements;
- the state and prospects for the development of residential development;
- economic opportunities and needs.

Satisfying the needs of cities for improvement is a complex and at the same time labor-intensive and resource-intensive process. This is due to the fact that both expensive equipment and skilled and manual labor are used at the same time. The difficulty of cleaning the city is also associated with the specifics of the work, which are determined by the following factors:
- a large range of types of work and individual technological operations;
- large differences in the annual volumes of work of different types;
- seasonal nature of the place and time of appearance of works;
- high requirements for speed of work;
- carrying out work in conditions of continuous traffic flow and the need to create minimal disturbances to it;
- dispersal of work volumes over significant distances relative to each other and the locations of utility services;
- high requirements for the dimensions and maneuverability of harvesting equipment;
- high level of use of manual labor, since it is not possible to mechanize individual technological operations by attaching additional equipment.
Collection and removal of snow, leaves, household waste, garbage with their subsequent disposal is a fairly expensive service. Therefore, to carry out these operations, a rational organization of their management and, accordingly, financing is required. To solve these problems, a completely new formulation of cost accounting for the implementation of work on landscaping, including the transport process associated with the implementation of various technological operations, is required.
In this regard, to manage the costs of providing services for the maintenance of highways and landscaping of territories carried out by specialized transport, it is necessary to keep records using a budgeting system. This is due to the large number of operations performed, types of transportation, equipment used, and the nature of the cargo being moved, which depend on many factors. The implementation of the transport process requires the organization of accounting of all its components in order to, through budgeting, determine the need to finance this process in a motor transport enterprise.

Taking into account the material presented, we conclude that the transport process is the process of transporting cargo and passengers in accordance with the needs of sectors of the economy and the population.

The transport process is one of the types of production

process and includes operations of reception, transportation, storage,

transshipment, delivery. In the transport process, as already noted, unlike the industrial process, no new material product is produced.

Each operation, like a process, consists of objects of labor, means

production and production personnel, whose interaction

aimed at creating transport products:

The subject of transport production is the transportation of passengers,

mail, cargo;

Means of transport production – transport space and transport equipment;

Performers of transport production – transport production personnel.

Transport products are the result of delivery work performed

to the final destination of passengers and cargo.

In general terms, the means of production are understood as

industrial buildings, structures and equipment. They can be

grouped into two groups: transport space and transport

Transport space is a space equipped for movement and

control the movement of transport objects of the earth's surface zone,

underground, water and air space.

In accordance with this definition, the composition of the transport

spaces include:

Transport communications are communication routes

representing objects of underground, water or air

spaces equipped for the movement of vehicles

(railroads, highways, waterways, airways,


Transport and technological terminals : loading

unloading and warehouse complexes, port and station facilities,

complexes and buildings for customer service when placing an order for

transport products;

Buildings, structures and complexes for transport management


Transport technology is a set of technical objects with

through which the transport process is carried out.

The transport equipment includes:

Transport (mobile) vehicles that move goods and

passengers on transport communications;

Equipment of transport and technological terminals, designed for carrying out loading and unloading, transport and storage and intra-terminal transport technological operations;

Traffic flow management technology: information-

computing systems, equipment for communication and information transfer,

designed to support management procedures in the process

customer service, vehicle management and

management of organizational structures of transport.

Transport production personnel in accordance with the structure

It is advisable to classify means of production according to the following

main structural groups:

Leaders and managers (managers) of organizational

transport structures;

Operators of production processes taking place on land

objects of transport space;

Vehicle operators;

Programmers and operators of transport control systems


2.3 Indicators of the power of technical equipment of transport.

To fulfill its purpose, each type of transport has a certain technical base, or in other words, means of production. The technical equipment of any type of transport is extremely complex and diverse. The main elements of technical equipment, characteristic of all types of transport, can be considered: a path with artificial structures (bridges, tunnels, road facilities, etc.); rolling stock; permanent technical facilities, built, as a rule, in areas of cities and other populated areas in the form of stations, ports, terminals, depots, cargo warehouses (warehouses), factories, workshops, material and technical bases, energy and water supply systems; special (including electronic) devices for controlling the movement of transport units and for communicating with officials servicing transport. Permanent technical facilities also include office buildings and structures with appropriate equipment, including loading and unloading machines and mechanisms, machines for repairing and maintaining in good condition all transport property.

The scale of the transport industry as a whole is growing, and equipment is constantly being improved thanks to new achievements in science and technology. The volume and technical level of equipment largely determine the potential of this type of transport, but in itself it does not guarantee the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it. This requires, first of all, adequate technology, organization and a transport process management system.

Let's consider these questions using the example of road transport.

The main task of organizing and planning production in a motor transport enterprise is the rational combination and use of all production resources in order to perform maximum transport work when transporting goods and better serve the population with passenger transportation.

Road transport enterprises according to their purpose

are divided into motor transport, car servicing and car repair.

Motor transport enterprises are complex enterprises that carry out the transportation of goods or passengers, storage, maintenance and repair of rolling stock, as well as the supply of necessary operating and repair materials and spare parts.

Motor transport enterprises by the nature of their work

transport work is divided into:





According to the nature of production activities, ATPs are distinguished:

Common use;

Not for general use.

Public motor transport enterprises transport goods for enterprises and organizations of economic sectors and citizens under contracts, transport passengers in buses and passenger taxis on urban, suburban intercity and international routes. Non-public motor transport enterprises transport goods and passengers for the own needs of enterprises in economic sectors.

Motor transport enterprises have a certain production capacity. The production capacity of the ATP depends on the roster of cars and buses, their carrying capacity and capacity. The production capacity of rolling stock technical and repair zones, workshops and ATP sections is determined by the highest throughput of the leading production units, maintenance lines, repair posts, etc.

The assessment of the elements of the production and technical base must be carried out not only from the point of view of quantitative characteristics, but also from the point of view

their quality condition.

Elements of technical equipment of road transport can be divided into the following groups:

General information;

The number of rolling stock and its mode of operation;

Enterprise States;

Indicators of the enterprise territory;

Characteristics of the main buildings and structures;

Characteristics of production sites;

Organization of maintenance and repair work for rolling stock;

Information on the availability of basic technological equipment.

General information. They include the following basic data:

Name, purpose and type of enterprise;

Enterprise capacity (number of vehicles in operation);

Year the enterprise was put into operation;

The year the enterprise began operating;

The cost of the “passive” part of the enterprise’s operational assets (buildings, structures, equipment, networks, communications, etc.) without the cost of rolling stock, etc.

Number of rolling stock and mode its operation.

Category of operating conditions, average daily (average annual) mileage per unit of rolling stock, number of days of work per year, time on duty, average coefficient of technical readiness, average age of rolling stock are indicated separately for each group of rolling stock models, determined for the period of the survey or according to the reporting data of the ATP .

If at the ATP there are groups of cars of the same model, but having

vehicles operated as single vehicles and as part of road trains.

States of enterprise.

Indicators of the ATP territory.

They include the total area of ​​the land plot, the built-up area of ​​the territory, as well as the built-up area of ​​individual buildings and structures, the build-up ratio, the area of ​​asphalting and landscaping, the number of vehicle storage places for rolling stock (closed, open without heating, open with heating).

Characteristics of the main buildings and structures.

Includes data such as building area, usable area (broken down by the area of ​​production, storage and administrative premises), number of floors, material of the main building structures (frame, load-bearing structures of the floor, ceiling (covering), fencing, height

premises to the bottom of load-bearing structures, construction volume, balance sheet

cost, condition assessment). The assessment of the condition of a building (structure) is determined by three indicators (good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory) and is established by experts depending on the service life, type and quality of the main building structures, the degree of their wear, and the conformity of the design

buildings for production purposes in accordance with current norms and regulations, etc.

Characteristics of production sites, includes the following

Main factors:

Area, number of employees (including by

shifts), duration of operation of the site per day, working conditions (condition

ventilation, lighting, temperature, assessed by expert method:

good, satisfactory, bad), number of posts (universal,

specialized, on production lines, for road trains), number of seats

expectations (indoors and outdoors), level and extent

mechanization of production processes, as well as other data,

reflecting the specifics of the production site.

Organization of maintenance and repair.

It is determined by the operating mode of production, the annual volume of work, the number of production workers, posts and other indicators, which are given separately by types of technical influences and the main models of rolling stock included in technologically compatible groups.

Indicators of the annual volume of work are indicated according to the main models

rolling stock if reporting data is available, and if not, for the entire ATP rolling stock fleet. The number of maintenance and repair posts with their specialization by type of rolling stock is given separately for the main models. Existing methods for organizing the production of maintenance and repair of rolling stock, its units and components are presented (on production lines, at individual specialized or universal posts, unit-unit method, individual, etc.).

In the conditions of production cooperation, information on the performance of certain types of maintenance and repair work on rolling stock at other enterprises is taken into account, as well as types of technical services provided by this ATP for other enterprises, organizations or individual owners.

Information on the availability of basic technological equipment.

They are taken into account in the form of a statement, which indicates: the name of the equipment, its brief characteristics, model, quantity, condition (percentage of wear), use of the equipment (hours per day). The list includes all types of main technological equipment, industrial and individual (own) production.

2.4 Volume indicators of transportation work. Indicators of the quality of technical work of transport.

There are five main types of transport: rail, water (sea and river), road, air and pipeline.

Railway transport. Provides economical transportation of large cargo, while offering a number of additional services, thanks to which it has an almost monopoly position in the transport market. And only the rapid development of road transport in the 70-90s. XX century led to a reduction in its relative share in total transport income and total freight turnover.

The importance of railways is still determined by their ability to transport large volumes of goods over long distances efficiently and relatively cheaply. Rail transportation has high fixed costs due to the high cost of rail tracks, rolling stock, marshalling yards and depots. At the same time, the variable part of costs on railways is small.

The main part of the freight turnover is provided by the railways with the export of mineral raw materials (coal, ore, etc.) from mining sources located far from waterways. At the same time, the ratio of fixed and variable costs in railway transport is such that long-distance transportation is still beneficial for it.

Relatively recently, there has been a tendency towards specialization of railway transportation, which is associated with the desire to improve the quality of the services they provide. This is how three-tier platforms for transporting cars, two-tier container platforms, articulated cars, and special-purpose trains appeared. A special-purpose train is a freight train, all of whose cars are designed to transport one type of product, for example, coal. Such trains are more economical and faster than traditional mixed trains, because they can bypass marshalling yards and go straight to their destination. Articulated cars have an extended chassis that can accommodate up to 10 containers in one flexible coupling, which reduces the load on the car and reduces the time required for transshipment. Double-deck container platforms, as the name suggests, can be loaded with containers on two floors, doubling the cargo capacity of the rolling stock. Such technical solutions help railways reduce the freight load of wagons, increase the carrying capacity of trains and facilitate loading and unloading processes.

Water transport. Here, a division into deep-sea (ocean, sea) shipping and inland (river) shipping is accepted. The main advantage of water transport is the ability to transport very large loads. In this case, two types of vessels are used: deep-sea (they need ports with deep-water areas) and diesel barges (they have greater flexibility). The main disadvantages of water transport are limited functionality and low speed. The reason is that railroads or trucks must be used to transport goods to and from ports unless both the origin and destination are located on the same waterway. Water transport, therefore, with its large carrying capacity and low variable costs, is beneficial to those shippers for whom low transport tariffs are important, and delivery speed is of secondary importance.

Typical cargoes transported on inland waterways include ore, minerals, cement, grain and some other agricultural products. Transport options are limited not only by its connection to navigable rivers and canals, but also by its dependence on capacity for loading, unloading and storage of such bulk cargo, as well as by growing competition from railways serving parallel roads.

In the future, the importance of water transport for logistics will not decrease, since slow river vessels can serve as a kind of mobile warehouses if properly integrated into the overall logistics system.

Automobile transport. The main reasons for the active use of vehicles in logistics systems are their inherent flexibility of delivery and high speed of intercity transportation. Road transport is distinguished from railways by relatively small investments in terminal equipment (loading and unloading facilities) and the use of public roads. However, in motor transport, the magnitude of variable costs (driver wages, costs of fuel, tires and repairs) per 1 km of travel is large, while fixed costs (overheads, depreciation of vehicles) are small. Therefore, unlike railway transport, it is best for transporting small quantities of goods over short distances. This determines the areas of use of vehicles - processing industry, trade, etc.

Despite certain problems in the motor transport industry (increasing costs for replacement and maintenance of equipment, for wages of drivers, loaders and repairmen), in the foreseeable future, road transport will retain a central position in meeting the transport needs of logistics.

Air Transport. Cargo aviation is the newest and least popular type of transport. Its main advantage is the speed of delivery, the main disadvantage is the high cost of transportation, which is sometimes offset by the speed of delivery, which makes it possible to abandon other elements of the structure of logistics costs associated with maintaining warehouses and inventories. Although air travel is not limited in distance, it still accounts for less than 1% of all intercity freight traffic (expressed in ton-miles). Air transport capabilities are constrained by the capacity and cargo capacity of aircraft, as well as their limited availability.

Traditionally, intercity freight transport has relied mostly on passing passenger flights, which was profitable and economical, but led to a loss of flexibility and delayed technical development. Chartering a jetliner is expensive and the demand for such services is sporadic, so the fleet of aircraft operating exclusively for cargo transport is very small.

Air transport has lower fixed costs compared to railways, water transport or pipelines. Fixed costs of air transport include the cost of purchasing aircraft and, if necessary, special cargo handling equipment and containers. Variable costs include kerosene, aircraft maintenance, and flight and ground personnel.

Because airports require very large open spaces, air transport is generally not integrated into a single system with other modes of transport, with the exception of road transport.

A wide variety of cargo is transported by air. The main feature of this type of transport is that it is used to deliver goods mainly in cases of emergency, and not on a regular basis. Thus, the main cargo transported by air is either high-value or perishable goods, when high transport costs are justified. Potential objects of air cargo transportation are also such traditional products for logistics operations as assembly parts and components, goods sold through mail catalogs.

Pipeline transport. Pipelines are an important part of the transportation system and are primarily designed to transport crude oil and liquid petroleum products, natural gas, liquid chemicals and aqueous dry bulk products (cement). This type of transport is unique: it operates around the clock, seven days a week, with breaks only for changing pumped products and maintenance.

Pipelines have the highest proportion of fixed costs and the lowest proportion of variable costs. The level of fixed costs is high, since the costs of laying pipelines, maintaining rights-of-way, building pumping stations and creating a pipeline management system are very high. But the fact that pipelines can operate with virtually no human intervention determines the low level of variable costs.

The obvious disadvantages of pipelines are the lack of flexibility and the limitation of their use to transport only liquid, gaseous and soluble substances or suspensions.

Speed ​​is determined by the time it takes to travel a certain distance. The fastest of all is air transport. Accessibility is the ability of transport to provide communication between any two geographical points. Road transport is the most accessible, since trucks can pick up cargo directly at the point of departure and deliver it directly to its destination. The reliability indicator reflects potential deviations from the expected or established delivery schedule. Because pipelines operate 24 hours a day and are immune to weather or overload, they are the most reliable form of transport. Loading capacity characterizes the ability to transport cargo of any weight and volume. On this basis, the highest rating belongs to water transport. Frequency is the number of transportations (transportations) in a traffic schedule. Since pipelines operate continuously, they take first place here too.

2.5 Indicators of economic efficiency of work.

Let us highlight the main operational characteristics that determine and influence the efficiency of various modes of transport.

Operational indicators of water vessels:

Displacement (mass or volume) is determined by the mass or volume of water,

displaced by a floating vessel;

Carrying capacity - the carrying capacity of a given vessel;

Deadweight (or full load capacity) - the amount of cargo that the ship is capable of accepting before draughting to the summer load line at the waterline;

Cargo capacity - the ability of a ship to accommodate cargo of a certain volume (separately for packaged, piece and bulk cargo).

There is a distinction between single cargo capacity, when the volume of all cargo spaces is used simultaneously, and double, when cargo spaces are used in turn to ensure uniform loading of the vessel.

Operational indicators of the railway stock:

Load capacity utilization factor, equal to the ratio of the actual mass of cargo in the car to its carrying capacity;

Capacity coefficient equal to the quotient of dividing the actual cargo in the car by the capacity of the car;

The technical loading standard is the amount of cargo agreed with the shipper that can be loaded into a given car with the best use of its carrying capacity and capacity.

Road transport is characterized by indicators of operational and technical quality, which, together with data on specific operating conditions, serve to select rolling stock of a particular brand.

Such indicators include the characteristics of the car in terms of its dimensions, weight, load capacity, cross-country ability, speed and other dynamic qualities, stability and maneuverability, and, finally, efficiency. The efficiency of using road transport is determined by such indicators as the cost of transportation, its productivity, energy intensity, etc.

The attractiveness of motor transport is partly explained by its relative superiority over others in all five characteristics with the exception of carrying capacity. This circumstance allows us to consider the operational characteristics (indicators) of vehicles in more detail.

The performance of road transport rolling stock is assessed by a system of technical and operational indicators that characterize the quantity and quality of work performed. Technical and operational indicators of the use of rolling stock in the transport process can be divided into two groups.

The first group should include indicators characterizing the degree of use of rolling stock of freight road transport:

Coefficients of technical readiness, production and use of rolling stock;

Load capacity and mileage utilization rates,

Average travel distance with cargo and average transportation distance,

Downtime during loading and unloading;

Time to dress up;

Technical and operational speed.

The second group characterizes the performance indicators of rolling stock:

Number of riders;

Total transportation distance and mileage with cargo;

Volume of transportation and transport work.

The presence of cars, tractors, trailers, and semi-trailers in a motor transport enterprise is called the listed rolling stock fleet.

Supply and distribution organizations participate in the transport process and thereby have a significant impact on the cost of transporting goods by road. Knowledge by employees of organizations of the influence of operational indicators on the cost of 1 t-km allows the correct use of vehicles when delivering products to consumers and thereby reducing the cost of cargo transportation.

With an increase in technical speed and a reduction in downtime for loading and unloading, the mileage and productivity of the vehicle increase while the amount of fixed costs remains unchanged, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of transportation per 1 ton-km.

With an increase in the utilization rates of carrying capacity and rolling stock mileage, the cost of transportation is sharply reduced, since this reduces the amount of both variable and fixed costs per 1 ton-km.

Since the cost of transportation depends on the volume of work performed and the funds spent on it, the main condition for its reduction is the increase in labor productivity of drivers and other employees of motor transport enterprises, saving material resources (reducing the cost of fuel, materials, spare parts, etc.), as well as reduction of administrative and management costs by rationalizing the management of motor transport enterprises.

A huge role in reducing transportation costs is played by the effective organization of transportation and comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations. A rational solution to these issues makes it possible to make maximum use of the vehicles' carrying capacity and ensure minimal downtime during loading and unloading. A significant reduction in cost is achieved by using trailers, which dramatically increase vehicle performance and help increase mileage utilization.

2.6 Transport network development indicators.

The main objectives of the Transport Strategy in the formation of a unified transport space in Russia based on the balanced development of efficient transport infrastructure are:

Elimination of gaps and bottlenecks in the transport network, including in the Asian part of Russia;

development of transport approaches to major transport hubs and border checkpoints;

Formation of a unified road network, accessible year-round to the population and business entities;

Creation of a unified balanced system of transport communications of the country on the basis of differentiated development of communication routes of all types of transport;

Increasing the capacity and speed parameters of transport infrastructure to the level of the best world achievements, taking into account the creation of reasonable reserves, increasing the share of high-speed communication routes;

Creation of an integrated system of logistics parks on the territory of the country as the basis for the formation of a modern commodity distribution network;

Infrastructure improvement is expected to be carried out in relation to all types of transport.

In the field of railway transport, it is planned to build 20,730 km of new lines by 2030, of which the length of high-speed railway lines by 2030 could be more than 10 thousand km, and high-speed lines - more than 1,500 km.

Until 2015 it is planned:

Construction of second tracks with a length of 2407.9 km, including 1478.6 km on main routes;

Construction of third and fourth tracks on main routes with a length of 348.5 km;

In 2016 - 2030 it is planned:

Construction of second tracks with a length of 3055.6 km;

The implementation of measures for the development of road infrastructure in 2010 - 2030 will allow achieving the following results:

Increasing the density of the public road network from 5.1 km per 1000 people in 2007 to 10 km per 1000 people in 2030 and from 42.6 km per 1000 sq. km in 2007 to 79 km per 1000 sq. km in 2030;

Increasing the length of public highways of federal significance that meet regulatory requirements for transport and operational indicators, from 37.5 percent in 2007 to 80 percent in 2030;

Increasing the share of the length of public roads of higher categories (I and II) in the total length of federal roads from 47.8 percent in 2007 to 80 percent in 2030;

The increase in the length of public roads of federal significance serving traffic in overload mode will increase from 12.8 thousand km in 2007 to 14.2 thousand km in 2030 (from 27.3 percent to 15 percent of the total length of federal roads values);

Providing about 20 thousand promising rural settlements with a constant year-round connection to the network of public roads on paved roads by 2030;

In the field of air transport, it is planned to increase the number of operating airports to 357 by 2020, if by 2010 it is possible to reverse the trend toward reduction of the airfield network and maintain at least 315 airfields as a result of an active investment policy. By 2030, the airfield network should include more than 500 airports, mainly through the development of regional air transport infrastructure.

By 2030, the development of seaports in all sea basins of the country will continue. New transshipment complexes will be built primarily in the North

(for the purposes of subparagraph 5 of paragraph 2 of Article 346.26 of this Code) - vehicles intended for transporting passengers and cargo on roads (buses of any type, cars and trucks). Vehicles do not include trailers, semi-trailers and trailers. In a motor vehicle intended for the transportation of passengers, seats for the purposes of this chapter are defined as the number of seats (except for the driver's seat and the conductor's seat) based on the data from the technical passport of the vehicle manufacturer. If the technical passport of the manufacturer of a motor vehicle does not indicate the number of seats, then this number is determined by the bodies of state supervision of the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment in the Russian Federation on the basis of an application from the organization (individual entrepreneur) that is (is) the owner of the motor vehicle intended for the transportation of passengers when carrying out business activities subject to taxation in accordance with this chapter;..."


"Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ (as amended on 03.12.2012)

"...a vehicle is a device intended for transporting people, goods or equipment installed on it on roads;..."


Federal Law of April 25, 2002 N 40-FZ (as amended on July 28, 2012) “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” (as amended and additionally entered into force on August 10, 2012)

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

See what “Vehicle” is in other dictionaries:

    vehicle- - a device intended for transporting people, goods or equipment installed on it on roads (from traffic regulations). EdwART. Dictionary of automotive jargon, 2009 ... Automobile dictionary

    vehicle- Ground mechanical device on wheels of categories L, M, N, O, intended for use on public roads. [Technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles] Topics: motor transport... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    vehicle- 2.1 vehicle: A single-deck vehicle designed and equipped for the carriage of more than 22 passengers. There are three classes of vehicles. It is allowed to use the vehicle in more than one... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Vehicle- Main article: Transport Cars are now the most common vehicles using an internal combustion engine ... Wikipedia

    Vehicle- Any type of aircraft, ship, train, automobile or other vehicle that can be used to transport a person to or from a country. see also carrier... International Migration Law: Glossary of Terms

    VEHICLE- in customs law, any means used for the international transport of passengers and goods, including containers and other transport equipment... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    VEHICLE- in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 18 TMK a vehicle is any means intended for the international transportation of passengers and goods, including containers and other transport equipment. See also Vehicle rental agreement... ... Legal Dictionary of Modern Civil Law- in forensic automotive technology, I.e. refers to mechanical I.e., in which the draft force is created by the engine (car, etc.) ... Forensic Encyclopedia

Vehicles are devices used to transport goods or equipment installed on it or people by road. This definition gives a completely comprehensive picture of the vehicle. However, in practice this is often not enough. Traffic regulations contain more complete information about the vehicle.

General information

Conventionally, there are rail and trackless vehicles. There is also a division into non-self-propelled and self-propelled. The movement of vehicles in the latter case is ensured by the operation of the motor. The traffic rules, however, have a different classification. In accordance with the rules, mechanical and non-mechanical types of vehicles are distinguished. These categories have fundamental differences.

Mechanical vehicles

Their main feature is the presence of an engine. Mechanical vehicles (vehicles) are trucks, cars, and motorcycles. These also include self-propelled machines and tractors. The engine can be anything: hydrogen, gasoline, gas, diesel, etc. Another criterion for such vehicles is their purpose. They should only be used on the road.

Non-mechanical vehicles

These primarily include bicycles. They are vehicles, with the exception of wheelchairs, that have at least 2 wheels and are driven by the muscular energy of citizens and control them. Pedals or handles can be used for this. Motors can be installed on bicycles. Their maximum does not exceed 0.25 kW. At the same time, they automatically turn off at speeds above 25 km/h. All of these parameters allow us to classify bicycles as non-mechanical vehicles.

Special category

Mopeds are mechanical means (transport). This is due to the presence of an internal combustion engine or an electric motor. Meanwhile, mopeds are included in the category of non-motorized vehicles. This is explained by the fact that their maximum design speed does not exceed 50 km/h, and the working volume of the motor is 50 m 3 (or the rated power with a continuous load of more than 0.25 and less than 4 kW). Other vehicles are defined in a similar way. These are primarily scooters, motorcycles and other similar vehicles with engines.

Important point

Driving a vehicle classified as non-motorized does not require a driver's license. The vehicles themselves do not undergo registration; signs (numbers) are not provided for them. Meanwhile, we should not forget that the persons who own them are drivers. In this regard, driving a non-mechanical vehicle must be carried out in accordance with traffic regulations.

Maximum permissible weight

It characterizes the weight of the vehicle with cargo, passengers and driver. The permitted weight is set by the manufacturer and is considered the maximum permissible. Let's understand the terminology. The maximum permissible weight of a vehicle with passengers, cargo and driver is considered to be the maximum. Exceeding the established indicator is prohibited. This is due to the fact that under high loads (greater than those provided by the manufacturer), the car body, brake system, engine, suspension, steering part will not be able to function normally. Accordingly, there is a risk of creating an emergency situation. The maximum permissible weight is to a certain extent a theoretical indicator, which is prescribed in the vehicle title and registration certificate. Often many people confuse it with the actual weight of the vehicle. The key difference between these parameters is that the permitted mass is set once and for all. However, the actual weight may constantly change. However, in any case, its size should not exceed the permitted mass.

Weight as a criterion of differentiation

Vehicles are classified according to their permitted weight. Trucks are divided into 2 categories according to this indicator. The first includes vehicles with a permissible weight of no more than 3.5 tons, the second - more than 3.5 tons. This figure acts as a kind of indicator of the size of cars. In this regard, trucks whose permissible weight is less than 3.5 tons are included in the category that also includes passenger cars.

Permitted weight of coupled vehicles

The totality of their weight parameters is taken as the maximum permissible weight of vehicles moving as a whole. To understand this situation, it is advisable to refer to the concepts of “trailer” and “road train”. The first is a vehicle that is not equipped with a motor and is used to move in conjunction with a mechanical vehicle. A road train refers to devices that are coupled to a trailer. Accordingly, if there are several vehicles in the composition, including those without engines, the total permissible weight will correspond to the sum of their permissible weight provided by the manufacturers.

Route vehicle

It is a technical vehicle intended for public use. This category includes buses, trams, and trolleybuses. Their main function is to transport people along a set route with stops at designated places. Such vehicles are determined by the following criteria:


It should be noted that one of the key criteria for route vehicles is the availability of a working schedule. Why is this feature particularly highlighted in the definition? The fact is that while the vehicle is not on the route, it will not be considered public transport. For example, a passenger GAZELLE driving to a garage or parking place after a shift is an ordinary vehicle. There are certain concessions and privileges for public transport. For example, the driver of a route vehicle can ignore the effect of a number of prohibitions or special lanes are provided for this. They are distinguished by special markings and signs.

Vehicle purchase and sale agreement

Many vehicle owners need to sell their car. At the same time, a contract for the sale of the vehicle is drawn up. Here are some recommendations for how to compile it correctly. The document can be filled out by hand or on a computer. Particular attention should be paid to key terms. The contract must contain a number. For example, 01/2016. Subsequently, this number will be indicated in the PTS. The document contains the place and date of the transaction. The passport details of the seller and the buyer must be indicated. Information about the car must also be present in the document. They are copied from the certificate and PTS. The price of the car is set by the parties to the transaction themselves. The amount is written in numbers and words. Immediately before signing, the owner hands over the keys and documents, and the buyer hands over the money. In addition to the contract, a vehicle acceptance certificate is also drawn up.


The seller must provide:

  1. Original PTS.
  2. Car registration certificate.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The buyer presents:

  1. A document that verifies his identity.
  2. OSAGO policy.

First of all, you should make sure that the vehicle:

  1. Does not serve as collateral.
  2. Not a credit card.
  3. Has no penalties.
  4. There are no restrictions on registration actions.
  5. Not arrested.


After signing the contract, the new owner is indicated in the PTS. Within ten days from the date of the transaction, the buyer must register the car. At the end of the established period, the former owner can check the fact. In this situation, the former owner will need a signed agreement. The citizen does not have a vehicle, but it is registered with him - what to do in this case? The former owner has the right to terminate registration by submitting a corresponding agreement to the traffic police. If the policy has not expired on the date of the transaction, the citizen has the right to return the money under it. It should be taken into account that the calculation of unused days begins on the calendar date following the day of termination of the insurance agreement.

Vehicle rental

It is regulated by the provisions of the Civil Code. The Code provides for two types of charter: with and without crew. Their definitions are given in Art. 632 and 642. The subject of the agreement is exclusively vehicles intended for the transportation of baggage, passengers and cargo. Renting a vehicle with crew involves two obligations. One is directly related to the provision of a vehicle for use. The second concerns the provision of services by the crew. The differences in regulatory regulation of these types of transactions are as follows. Responsibilities for operating a vehicle provided without a crew are assigned to the lessor. In the second case, they are performed by the tenant. The payment made by the user is called freight. The crew of a leased vehicle is subordinate to both the lessee and the lessor. Liability for damage to third parties is distributed depending on a number of circumstances. So, if the vehicle is provided without a crew, it is borne by the lessee. He may be released from liability if he proves that the damage was a consequence of the actions of the victim or When renting a car with a crew, the lessor is responsible for the damage.


Currently, there are a huge number of vehicles of various types. Meanwhile, regardless of the vehicle category, drivers are required to comply with traffic rules. The rules establish requirements relating not only to direct movement on the roads, but also to the registration and operation of vehicles. Drivers need to remember that a vehicle acts not only as a means of transportation, but also as a source of danger. In this regard, the condition of the object must be given special attention. To prevent emergency situations, it is recommended to carry out timely diagnostics of the machine. When making transactions, you should carefully study the documents provided by the seller. The buyer, in turn, needs to register the vehicle in a timely manner.

The range of services of the motor transport company TransLines LLC includes specialized freight transportation, which requires specialized motor transport, special working conditions and is associated with certain risks.

What we transport

The following cargoes require special transportation conditions:

  • heavy, large and oversized - weighing more than 500 kg, exceeding standard road dimensions;
  • perishable - food products with a certain shelf life and other products whose quality may deteriorate during delivery;
  • hazardous - substances that pose a danger to people or material assets;
  • valuable - objects of art and museum exhibits.

We provide special cargo transportation in Perm, Moscow and throughout Russia. The type of cargo and its volume is one of the components of the cost of the service.

Cost of transportation of special cargo

Vehicle type Weight, tons Volume, m3 Cost in rubles/per 1 hour Cost in rubles/per 1 km. Minimum number of hours when ordering
Gazelle 1,5 15 350 12 2
Goby 3 16-20 750 18 4
Bull, thermos, refrigerator 3 16 800 19 4
Awning, onboard, isotherm, refrigerator 5 22-34 850 20 4
10 34-45 1000 29 4
"All-terrain vehicle" 10 - 1500 38 8
20 - 1900 45 8
Awning, side 20 82-92 1200 39 4
Thermos, refrigerator 20 82-92 1400 42 4
Trawl - - 2500 75 8

Our road transport

Having our own fleet of vehicles allows us to provide appropriate conditions for transportation. You can order vehicles from us:

  • flatbed semi-trailer with a load capacity of up to 20 tons;
  • cargo van (manufactured goods, refrigerator);
  • tank semi-trailer for hazardous substances;
  • low-loader platform up to 12 meters long, with a lifting capacity of up to 60 tons.

In addition to these vehicles, there are several other types of special-purpose cargo transport.

All vehicles are kept in excellent condition and are ready to leave upon request. It is served by drivers who have extensive experience in delivering dangerous, oversized and valuable cargo, who are familiar with the Moscow-Perm-Moscow route and other cities. The price for specialized cargo transportation depends on the type of vehicle and the distance.

How we are working

Features of work

The motor transport company TransLines LLC has been working in the field of cargo transportation for more than 10 years. Our specialists are well acquainted with what they do and with the roads of Moscow, Perm and throughout Russia. Transportation of goods by specialized vehicles is carried out in compliance with certain rules, for which:

  • selection of equipment is carried out in accordance with the specifics of the cargo;
  • the optimal route for prompt and safe delivery is developed;
  • Safety precautions are strictly observed when performing loading and unloading operations and while the vehicle is moving.

When loading vehicles, our specialists strictly monitor the packaging and securing of items in the back, the specified temperature and do not allow delays along the way. For the careful transportation of museum exhibits and fragile valuables, a car upholstered on the inside with soft material is used. We offer additional insurance services and provide storage space for rent.

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