The better to grind the goyim paste. How to polish with GOI paste: professional advice and useful information. Polishing plastic and glass products

The modern chemical industry offers a wide selection of specialized abrasive compounds for polishing and grinding any materials. However, all modern products are united by a narrow specialization (by type of surface being treated and by grain size), as well as the serious cost of branded polishes. As a universal analogue that adequately copes with the finishing of metal, plastic or glass, we can name the long-known GOI paste.

Composition and properties of GOI paste

The abrasive paste produced by the State Optical Institute was developed in the 30s of the last century as a means for high-precision finishing of the surfaces of metal, ceramic and glass parts. The original composition of the paste contained chromium oxide powder, which provided the composition with a memorable dark green tint.

Currently, chromium oxide is prohibited for use as it is a toxic compound. Therefore, modern GOI pastes are made on the basis of aluminum oxide and are red or white.

The red paste provides intense polishing, while the white paste is designed to create a smooth, glossy surface.

The paste also contains plasticizing and binding substances, such as stearin, silica gel and kerosene, and auxiliary additives.

Depending on the size of the abrasive fraction, GOI paste is divided into the following types:

  • No. 4 is intended for primary processing (removable layer from 20 to 40 microns);
  • No. 3 for the formation of a matte surface without marks from abrasive particles;
  • No. 2 and No. 1 for final fine polishing (removable layer no more than 0.1 microns).

According to the release form, GOI paste comes in bars, tubes and containers, and there are also polishing wheels for grinders impregnated with the composition.

Car enthusiasts and service stations successfully use GOI paste for grinding and polishing car glass (especially windshield glass), mirrors, as well as headlights and other lighting fixtures.


Car headlights are an important element of traffic safety. They must provide the intensity and dispersion of the light flux sufficient for confident movement at night and in conditions of poor visibility. The vast majority of traffic accidents at night occur due to insufficient lighting or malfunctioning lighting devices.

Most modern cars are equipped with plastic headlights, but there are headlights and fog lights with glass lenses.

When using a car for a long time, the glass of the headlights becomes cloudy under the influence of the external environment. Solid dust particles and small stones leave scratches and microchips on the outer surface of the headlights. Plastic headlights also often become cloudy from exposure to tar, motor oil and aggressive auto chemicals. You can restore the transparency of headlights using GOI paste. To assess damage to the outer surface of the headlights, they should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust using specialized detergents. Contaminant particles that are not removed from the headlight glass will lead to additional scratches during subsequent grinding.

Polishing headlights with GOI paste is done manually or using a felt attachment on a drill. To achieve the desired effect, you need to treat the damaged surface for at least 3-4 minutes. Periodically, you should clean the headlight from dust and excess paste using a dry cotton cloth, and evaluate the result achieved. Grinding is carried out until the headlight glass becomes absolutely smooth.

If the transparency of the headlight could not be restored by grinding the outside, it means that the defect is on its inner surface. This problem is typical for plastic lighting fixtures: Under the influence of high temperatures from halogen or xenon lamps, the inside of the headlight becomes cloudy. To restore transparency, it is necessary to disassemble the headlight and polish the inside of the lens. Glass headlights, as a rule, do not need to be polished from the inside; it is enough to wash the light-transmitting surface well with a glass cleaner.

In a similar way, using GOI paste, you can restore the appearance of faded or worn out rear lights.

Attention! During manufacturing, a protective coating is applied to the surface of plastic headlights, which is removed during the grinding process. Therefore, after polishing with GOI paste, it is necessary to re-coat the treated area with a special varnish in several layers. The protective film dries after at least 24 hours.

The sequence of steps for polishing headlights with your own hands can be seen in the following video:


When the car moves, grains of dust and debris carried by the oncoming air flow intensively damage the outer surface of the interior glazing with sharp edges. Additional damage to the windshield in the form of chips and cracks is caused by small stones flying out from under the wheels of oncoming traffic, as well as grains of sand that fall on the windshield wiper blades. When the window lifters are repeatedly activated, the door windows are scratched by solid dust particles deposited on the inside of the seals - velvet. Excessive efforts when cleaning glass from adhering ice and snow with a hard scraper or wiping with a dry, rough cloth also add mechanical damage.

As a result, the glass becomes dull, cracks, scratches and abrasions impair visibility, and at night they distort the headlights of oncoming cars, blinding the driver.

Shallow glass damage (up to 300 microns), microcracks, chips and local abrasions from wipers can be eliminated by grinding and polishing the glass using GOI paste.

In the presence of deep scratches, extended cracks and chips, grinding can lead to loss of transparency and curvature of the glass surface. In this case, it is advisable to replace the glass with a new one.

Before polishing car windows with GOI paste, they must be thoroughly washed and dried. It is recommended to highlight defective areas with a marker on the inside of the glass. Adjacent parts of the roof, pillars and hood must be protected from accidental damage with masking tape or other material. When polishing (especially using power tools), be careful not to damage the glass.

To polish the windshield, you should use only GOI finishing paste with a minimum size of abrasive particles (No. 1).

How to dilute

Before use, GOI polishing paste requires preliminary softening. In its initial state, the paste can be quite dry, which will make it difficult to apply it to the polishing cloth, and hard lumps will lead to the formation of unnecessary scratches on the glass during processing.

The list of liquids used to soften the material is quite extensive: from distilled water, industrial and motor oils to white spirit and purified gasoline for lighters.

It is not recommended to dissolve GOI paste with gasoline or white spirit. due to their flammability, and then it is difficult to neutralize the specific pungent odor of these liquids. The following method is more practical:

  • Apply a small amount of motor oil to a block of GOI solid paste using a syringe or pipette;
  • the liquid is rubbed into the block using flannel or cotton cloth until the paste has a consistency similar to plasticine;
  • With the resulting plastic mass, you can polish defective areas of glass or headlights without the risk of damage.

For greater homogeneity, the mixture of GOI paste with motor oil can be heated before use (for example, in the microwave) and mixed thoroughly.

Advice! Prepare the polishing mixture in batches. Over time, the liquid evaporates and the paste becomes solid again.

The glass or plastic surface to be treated must also be moistened with water and lubricated with industrial or motor oil. If you apply GOI paste on dry glass, there is a high probability that the outer layer will become dull.

How to use

The principle of processing with GOI paste is that the small particles contained in the paste remove a thin layer of glass along with microcracks and scratches.

The pre-prepared paste should be applied to a cloth or polishing wheel and lightly wiped on a hard surface to remove excess and solid particles. After this, the defect areas are ground first with reciprocating movements with partial overlap of the strips, and then in a tapering spiral from the edge to the center of the damage.

Important! The paste should be applied only to the working surface of the instrument, and not to the glass itself.

Periodically you should wipe the element being treated with a damp cloth and monitor the condition of the polished surface.

Polishing with GOI paste using a grinder should be performed at medium speed (no more than 1000 revolutions), with smooth movements without stopping the working tool in one place. The grinding wheel should be positioned at an angle of no more than 5 degrees and have the maximum possible contact area with the workpiece. Should be constantly check the degree of heating of the polished surface(especially for plastic headlights) and, if necessary, stop grinding until the part has cooled.

Upon completion of polishing, the remaining paste and abrasive dust should be rinsed off with plenty of water, and then wipe the glass dry with a microfiber cloth.

To maintain the effect, it is recommended to repeat the polishing procedure approximately once every 1.5-2 years, depending on the operating conditions of the machine.

Even people far from plumbing and other work have heard about GOI paste. It seems like you can use it to polish and grind metal, plastic and even glass. Let's figure out what can be done with it, how to use it correctly, consider the gradation of paste grain size and approximate prices in stores.

It was invented in the thirties and to this day is one of the best pastes for polishing metal products. I won’t list the ingredients for you, because all this can be found on the internet, but I’ll just say that it’s made on the basis of chromium. Among other things, it is used for fine polishing after whetstones.

Sold in different containers, from small 30 gram jars to massive cylinders weighing a kilogram or more.

But what many people don’t know is that pasta comes in different grain sizes. For many, it's just a green paste used to polish metal. However, the polishing process requires that the abrasive (which it is) be of different “coarseness”, because it is used not only at home. Coarse grit may scratch the surface, while fine grit will not be able to remove deep scratches.

Therefore, pasta comes in 4 grains:

  • No. 1 very fine, used for polishing and giving the perfect shine
  • #2 is not much different from #1
  • No. 3 medium grit removes all the unwanted material on the metal, leaving the metal with a matte finish that can be brought to a perfect mirror shine using finer grits.
  • No. 4 is the largest paste, it can even remove shallow scratches on metal.

General questions are well reflected in the video:

How to use GOI paste.

There are a huge number of different instructions on the Internet, which reflect all sorts of nuances such as movements when polishing, what rags to use, etc. I will indicate the main points that are worth paying attention to.

  • How to dilute GOI paste. As you know and have seen, paste is a rather dense and hard mass. How to apply it, for example, on a regular rag to polish a spinner or something else? Therefore, it needs to be liquefied; for this, ordinary machine oil is used. Break off a small piece, add a few drops of oil, stir until smooth. Now you can apply GOI to a cloth and polish whatever you wanted there.
  • The second application method is suitable for grinding and straightening knives or cutters. Take a wooden block/board and rub it with paste until there is enough abrasive on the wood to work the metal. Then simply straighten the knives by moving the knife back and forth along the block, maintaining a certain angle of inclination.
  • When polishing on emery, felt wheels are used; apply the paste to them as well, diluting it a little with oil.
  • Now about materials for polishing - about rags. If you are polishing a plastic surface, use the softest cloth - cotton or flannel. To polish metal, you can use a coarser fabric - jeans, tarpaulin, or the same felt circle. Think about old felt boots - an excellent material for polishing metal using GOI paste.

In terms of cost, small jars cost 20-30 rubles, a kilogram bar costs 200 rubles.

The modern chemical market offers motorists a wide range of abrasives for grinding and polishing. Many compounds have a very narrow specialization, that is, they are intended to treat only a certain type of surface, and branded polishes are also very expensive. Today we will tell you about GOI paste - a universal product that can be used for polishing various materials.

1 Composition and technical characteristics of GOI paste

The GOI (State Optical Institute) abrasive paste was developed back in the 30s of the 20th century and has since been used for high-precision finishing of the surfaces of glass, ceramic and metal products. In those years, the paste included chromium oxide powder, which provided it with a recognizable dark green tint.

Today, chromium oxide is not used in the production of abrasives, as it is recognized as overly toxic. Instead, aluminum oxide is used to make GOI paste, which gives the composition a white or red color. It is better to use red paste for polishing, and white paste to create the smoothest glossy surfaces.

GOI paste is usually spoken of as a universal product that can be used for polishing various materials. In addition to aluminum oxide, modern GOI paste for polishing windshields includes special binders and plasticizing substances, in particular, stearin, kerosene and silica gel. Depending on the size of the abrasive fraction, there are several types of polishing paste:

  • No. 4. Designed for initial surface treatment. Capable of removing a layer thickness from 20 to 40 microns.
  • No. 3. Used to create matte surfaces without traces of abrasive particles.
  • No. 2 and No. 1. Designed for fine, final polishing of surfaces. Provides removal of a layer less than 0.1 microns thick.

On the market, GOI paste can be found in different packaging: bars, tubes, containers. Special polishing wheels made from paste are also produced for grinding machines. Car enthusiasts and specialized service centers use this composition for polishing and grinding car mirrors, glass, headlights and other lighting devices.

2 Rules for using paste for polishing car headlights

Headlights are one of the important elements of the car, affecting the safety of using the vehicle at night. They must create an intense luminous flux, powerful enough to ensure good visibility. A significant portion of road accidents that occur at night occur due to poor lighting or problems with lighting devices.

Modern cars are usually equipped with headlights made of plastic, but there are fog lights and other light sources made of glass.

During the operation of the car, the glass of its headlights becomes cloudy due to constant exposure to the environment. Microchips, scratches and cracks appear on lighting devices due to small stones and dust getting into them. Plastic headlights often become cloudy due to exposure to motor oil, automotive chemicals and tar. To restore the original transparency and functionality of headlights, you can use GOI paste.

Periodically, you need to clean the headlight from excess abrasive substances and dust with a dry cotton cloth in order to evaluate the results of polishing. Before starting polishing, it is necessary to assess the extent of damage to the lighting fixtures. To do this, the surface of plastic or glass headlights is thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt with special detergents. If dirt particles are not removed, they can cause further damage to the surface of the headlights during sanding. In order not to damage parts of the body adjacent to the lighting fixtures with abrasive compounds, it is recommended to dismantle the headlights before processing.

There are several ways to polish headlights with paste. Processing can be done manually or with a drill with a special felt attachment. Damaged surfaces must be treated for 3–5 minutes to achieve the maximum positive effect. Periodically, you need to clean the headlight from excess abrasive substances and dust with a dry cotton cloth to evaluate the results of polishing. Processing continues until the headlight becomes completely smooth.

If grinding did not restore the original transparency of the headlight, it means that it also has defects on the inside. They occur under the influence of elevated temperatures when using xenon or halogen lamps, causing the inside of the headlamp to become cloudy. To restore the transparency of the device, you will have to completely disassemble the headlight and polish it from the inside. Glass headlights do not require polishing from the inside; they simply need to be treated on the outside and then washed with glass washing liquid.

It is important to note that the surface of modern plastic headlights often has a special protective coating that is erased during grinding. Therefore, immediately after processing and cleaning the lighting devices, they need to be re-coated with a special transparent varnish in several layers. Complete drying of such varnish occurs no earlier than a day after application.

3 Is it possible to use Goya paste to treat car windows?

While the car is moving, dust, particles of dirt and debris, carried by oncoming air currents, constantly fall onto the outer surface of the interior glazing. They can damage glass and negatively affect its smoothness and transparency. The windshield receives more serious damage when colliding with small stones flying out from under the wheels of oncoming vehicles.

Glass also gets scratched when using power windows due to dust and sand particles getting stuck on the inside of the seals. And the windshield is scratched by grains of sand deposited on the windshield wipers. You can damage the glass surface with your own hands if you use excessive force when cleaning the glass with a scraper of snow and ice.

GOI glass polishing paste should be used only if you are confident in your abilities and will not allow scratches to appear during use. All this leads to cracks, scratches and dulling of the glass, which impairs the visibility and appearance of the car. Minor damage to glass (up to 300 microns) can be effectively eliminated using GOI polishing paste. However, grinding cannot be carried out if there is significant damage; such work can lead to curvature of the glass surface and an even greater loss of transparency.

Before processing, glass must be thoroughly washed and dried. It is best to mark areas with damage on the inside with markers, and adjacent parts of the body, hood and roof should first be protected with masking tape. Polishing glass manually and especially using electric tools should be done very carefully and carefully. Any sudden movements can damage the glass or other parts of the car.

4 How to properly dilute and use abrasive paste?

Before polishing the car with the purchased paste, the abrasive agent must be softened. In its original state, this material is too dry, which makes it very difficult to apply to a polishing cloth, and hard lumps of paste can damage glass and other vehicle parts.

To soften the paste, you can use different liquids, from motor oil and distilled water to refined gasoline and white spirit. We do not recommend using flammable chemicals to dissolve the paste. With them, you not only expose yourself to danger, but also endow the treated machine parts with a pungent odor that will be difficult to get rid of.

In its normal state, GOI paste is very dry, which prevents it from being easily applied to a polishing cloth. The easiest way is to dilute the paste with motor oil, a few drops of which should be applied to a hard abrasive block using a pipette or syringe. Use a cotton or flannel cloth to rub the liquid into the block until the paste becomes similar in consistency to plasticine. In this form, the product no longer poses a danger to the surfaces being treated.

To increase the homogeneity of the resulting paste, the mixture of GOI with motor oil can be slightly heated in the microwave and mixed thoroughly.

The principle of polishing surfaces with a paste is that the small particles contained in it remove the thinnest layer of plastic or glass along with the microcracks present on them. The prepared paste is applied to a cloth or polishing wheel and rubbed a little on hard surfaces to remove solid particles. Then the surface with existing damage is processed with reciprocating movements with the next strip partially overlapping the previous one. After this, it is allowed to treat the surface with a cloth or in a circle in a spiral direction from the edge to the center.

The surface to be treated must be damp, and during processing it must be periodically wiped with a wet cloth. Cleaning from dust will also allow you to monitor the condition of the processed part. To polish with a grinder, use a power tool at medium speed - less than 1000 rpm. Glass and other materials should be processed with smooth movements, without stopping in one place. The abrasive wheel should be positioned at an angle of less than 5 degrees to the surface being treated in order to have maximum contact with the workpiece. If the part becomes very hot, processing should be stopped. It is better to repeat polishing every year or two so that important elements of the car remain operational.

Affordable and effective remedy

GOI paste is a polishing agent for products made from various metals. And for each there is its own variety. It is important not only to choose it correctly, but also to know how to use GOI paste correctly.

Varieties of Green Polish

Three types of polishing paste have been known since Soviet times:

  • No. 4. The first rough processing was carried out with it.
  • No. 3. The surface becomes matte, without streaks.
  • No. 2 and No. 1. Used for finishing, adding gloss to surfaces.

These varieties differ in the size of the abrasive particles included in the paste.

This drug was released:

  • in a solid block;
  • in a box in the form of a viscous liquid mass.

This product is popular due to its excellent properties and inexpensive price.

Getting ready for polishing

The use of GOI paste has a number of specific features. It turns out that the remedy needs to be prepared. How to do this?

    Take a soft cloth. Flannel is best suited for this procedure.

    Soak a cloth in gasoline. The one that is poured into lighters is also suitable.

    Apply a thin layer of paste to the moistened cut.

    Wipe the unnecessary piece of metal to remove excessively large pieces that will lead to scratches.

    It is strictly prohibited to smear the product itself with the product!

    Let's start the process

    The preparation was successful: a flannel cloth was moistened with paste and gasoline, all unnecessary large grains were removed. Let's start polishing.

    Important: do not press on the product, make smooth movements with your hand and simply rub the surface.

    When you notice that the product has become smooth, stop. It's polished.

    Please note: it is necessary to apply industrial oil of liquid consistency to the item being processed from time to time.

    We remove gross defects on products

    There are several types of pasta

    To polish products with severe defects, processing is carried out with all types of paste. The sequence of their application is as follows: No. 4 → No. 3 → No. 2 → No. 1.

    Rinse the polished product in kerosene. It can be freely purchased at pharmacy chains. After drying it, apply tsaponlak, which fights the oxidation process. Products coated with this preparation will not require re-polishing for a long time.

    We clean glass, plastic, silverware

    Need to tidy up your cell phone's display glass and body? GOI paste will come to the rescue. Plastic is a fragile material and should be handled with care, so take the softest product of all - No. 2. Otherwise, there will be countless scratches on the lid.

    How to polish plastic? There are no special additions: like any other item. The procedure is similar to that described above.

    First, wipe the glass with rubber wheels, and then polish it with a cloth soaked in paste.

    Please note: do not use gasoline or oil when processing your phone!

    Silver can also be treated with this reliable product. Lighten spoons, forks and cups. Just first boil it in a solution mixed from:

    • glasses of water;
    • two teaspoons of ammonia;
    • 50 grams of soap cut into strips;
    • 50 grams of washing powder.

    After this treatment, polish with paste and let your silver items shine with renewed vigor.

    Car enthusiasts use GOI paste to polish their windshield. Watch the video on how to polish an IZh wing with GOI paste:

    Stop! Do not polish!

    But it’s a miracle that not all objects without exception can be polished. There are also those that are prohibited:

      Gilded items. Under the influence of the paste, the top layer, which is of the main value, will be erased.

      Steel (except for knives, which are polished with a whetstone with stretched leather) and nickel. They are processed with a special device, and not by hand.

      Metal watch. But: You can polish it if you remove the mechanism from them.

      Sapphire crystals on the watch. Not affected by paste. Polishing will not bring the desired effect.

    Only when used correctly will a unique polishing product bring results.

GOI paste is a universal cleaning product that can successfully grind and polish any surface: from rough metal to tablet and phone screens. Polishing with GOI paste is simple and effective, so every owner should keep the treasured jar with the greenish mixture on hand.

GOI paste: what is green mass?

The name stands for: State Optical Institute. This is where this cleaning material was created in the 30s. last century. It looks like a greenish mass, sold in the form of a smooth block and in a sealed jar.

Composition of the cleaning product

The main component in the composition is chromium oxide. The grain size of the preparation and its characteristics directly depend on its concentration. The higher the percentage of chromium oxide, the rougher the composition (variation can be from 60 to 85%).

Important! The green mixture is harmless to humans due to the fact that 3-valent chromium oxide is used in its creation, and only 6-valent chromium oxide is harmful. However, it is recommended to wear safety glasses and a mask while working, because when using it, dust appears that irritates the human mucous membranes.

Pasta varieties differ in grain size. Each of them is given a special number:

  • No. 4 - rude. It contains: chromium oxide - 81%, stearin - 10, fat - 5, kerosene - 2, silica gel - 2. Light green tint, best scrapes the top layer of the material. Cleans out large scratches left after using other abrasives.
  • No. 3 - average. Chromium oxide - 76 parts, fats - 10, stearin - 10, kerosene - 10, silica gel - 2. Pure green hue. Cleans out minor irregularities and scratches and gives the material a matte finish.
  • No. 2 - thin. Chromium oxide - 74 parts, stearin - 10, fat - 10, oleic acid - 2.8, kerosene - 2, silica gel - 1, baking soda - 0.2. This composition is characterized by a dark green color. Used for polishing most products.
  • No. 1 - thin. Nitric oxide - 65-70%, stearin - 10, fat - 10, kerosene - 10, silica gel - 1.8, soda - 0.2. It is distinguished by a dark color with a tint of green. Goi pastes 1 and 2 are designed for grinding or final finishing of the material, and give it shine and shine.

Important! The most common composition is GOI paste No. 2. It is ideal for products made of precious and non-ferrous metals, as well as glass and plastic.

Dried green mixture can be “reanimated” so that it becomes soft again. This is done using machine oil. Add 3-4 drops of machine or any other technical oil to a small piece, ground into fine crumbs. Place in the microwave for 30 seconds and grind the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

GOI paste for cars

Over time, scratches appear on the car body, headlights and glass dim, which greatly impairs the driver’s visibility. It would be logical to carry out polishing from time to time in a car dealership or with your own hands. A proven green mixture will help you cope with your problems.

Sand or polish?

All car owners should understand the fundamental differences between these processes.

  • Grinding is a rough method of applying abrasives, which, by scraping off the top layer, level the surface. Used when serious scratches are evident. After this, the canvas will become matte, and additional exposure to compounds with fine grains will be required.
  • Polishing is the final stage after grinding. The goal is to add shine to the product using fine-grained products.

Interesting! To understand what kind of GOI paste you will need for polishing or grinding the body, evaluate the condition of the car. To do this, run your fingernail over it. If it clings to a scratch, then the body will need grinding No. 3, and if not, then impact No. 2 or No. 1 will do.

Features of grinding different parts of a car

Use flannel to polish the windshield, headlights or mirrors, and felt for the body. The polishing paste is used as follows:

For glasses and headlights:

  • Initially, wash the glass with water and shampoo, glass cleaner or alcohol, and wipe dry. This will enhance the effect.
  • Polishing glass or headlights from scratches should be done with a special machine with a grinding wheel or a drill with a felt attachment. Manual work will only remove the dullness.

  • Mix the green mass with machine oil at the rate of: a drop of oil per spoon of goya. Apply the mixture to the flannel pad of a polishing machine. Carefully treat the desired areas or, if desired, the entire glass.
  • The direction of movement can be any, but the principle of lane overlap is encouraged.

  • Periodically remove any remaining GOI with a paper towel and evaluate the result. Finish only when the area is perfectly smooth.

Important! If you are working on a specific area, then the surrounding area should be covered with plastic film, so as not to wash the entire car later.

  • It is better not to grind excessively deep scratches, but to fill them with a special colorless compound.

Important! For glass, use only a thin mixture No. 1 or 2. Monitor the temperature of the glass, otherwise it will overheat and crack during the cleaning process.

For the body:

  • To remove dullness from the body, clean the surface with a glass cleaner and wet it with water.
  • Apply the paste to the circle of the car, wait until it accelerates to a speed of 1100 revolutions, and, without stopping, move across the area, maintaining an angle between the circle of the car and the body of 4-6 degrees.
  • Remove any remaining drug with warm water under low pressure.

Video: Polishing a car with GOI paste

Cleaning products using GOI depending on the material

The use of polishing compound depends on the type of material.

General principles of cleaning with GOI paste

Polishing the surface at home is easy. It is only important to follow the general advice and not spoil the fabric being processed. The product is used in the following sequence:

  • To prevent scratches on the surface, take a piece of rag and soak it in gasoline.
  • It is necessary to spread a little green mixture on a rag and wipe it on an unnecessary object made of metal or glass. This will cause excessively large crystals to disintegrate.
  • Rub the desired area with light movements without pressure until the body becomes shiny. This treatment will only take 3-4 minutes. It is only important not to scratch the treated area with large particles.
  • After finishing the processing, you need to walk over the sanded object one more time with gasoline or immerse the entire product in kerosene.

Metal processing with GOI paste

Before using GOI paste, it is important to decide on the type of metal. For example, silver cutlery (knives, spoons, forks) turns green over the years and requires high-quality cleaning. In order not to accidentally spoil expensive material with roughness and scratches, perform cleaning according to the following scheme, variety No. 3:

  • Wash all necessary silver utensils under running water.
  • Rub with a soft toothbrush and detergent.
  • Separately, pour a glass of water into the saucepan, adding a spoonful of ammonia, a pinch of laundry soap and a whisper of washing powder.
  • Boil the appliances in this composition.
  • Rub a piece of felt with a bar of paste and treat the utensils. Then take a softer cloth and sand each spoon for a few minutes.

Read more about other methods of cleaning silver.

  • Speaking of other metals, goyi is used with great success for knives, drills and other tools. Cleaning of metals is carried out according to the above scheme.

  • To polish a watch, you must first remove the watch mechanism.

  • Gold is cleaned with flannel or a piece of leather with mixture No. 1 applied. Try to apply without pressure so as not to damage the soft precious metal.

Important! Remember to always apply polish to a cloth or sanding wheel, not to the workpiece. This will prevent unsightly scratches from appearing.

Video: Cleaning a coin with GOI paste

Processing your phone or tablet screen

To polish the screen of a mobile phone or tablet, you need composition No. 2 and a flannel rag.

Cleaning involves the following steps:

  1. Apply a thin layer of the green preparation to the flannel.
  2. Pre-rub any unwanted metal or glass surface with it to remove abrasives.
  3. Rub the display with light movements without pressure for 5 minutes, be careful when working with a fragile product.
  4. Remove any remaining product with a clean, dry cloth. The screen will be rubbed until it shines.

Important! The product for plastic is used in the same way as for glass.

For what materials is GOI paste not suitable?

Do not forget that polishing even with such a miracle drug causes irreparable damage to some materials. It is not recommended to influence:

  • gilding (risk of erasing the top layer);
  • steel and nickel (except for scissors and knives);
  • sapphire glass from a watch (the procedure is ineffective).

Have you used GOI at home? What advice would you give to readers? Write about your impressions in the comments below.

Video: Finishing a knife with GOI

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