Find out the distance between settlements. Laying routes and calculating distances between cities on roads. Create a route. How to get from and to. Calculation of distances between cities by car, car. Get directions on the map from and to

Search and create public transport routes that are optimal for you FROM your location to the desired street or house, as well as car, bicycle and walking routes for walking.

Choose transport:

Public transport By car Bicycle On foot

Show route on map

Route on the city map.

Are you asking where you can get or how to get to a certain street or house in Moscow? The answer is very simple, find your optimal route around the city using the trip planner on our website. Our service will find for you up to 3 options for travel around the city of Moscow FROM your address to your destination. On the map with routes, click the more details button (the start icon) and go to a detailed description of travel options. For all routes, travel time will be shown taking into account traffic jams, numbers of buses, minibuses and other public transport.

Popular routes:

  • FROM: Moscow, Sheremetyevo Airport - TO: Moscow, Kaluga Square;
  • FROM: Moscow, MTSK Rostokino - TO: Moscow, Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line, VDNH metro station;
  • FROM: Moscow, Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line, Borovskoye Shosse metro station - TO: Moscow, Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line, Kaluzhskaya metro station;
  • FROM: Moscow, Kashirskaya metro station - TO: Moscow, Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line, Konkovo ​​metro station;
  • FROM: Moscow, Kashirskaya metro station - TO: Moscow, Kantemirovskaya street, 61;

Users of our site often ask, for example: “How to get from the bus station to the hospital?” and so on. We decided to make it easier for everyone to find the optimal route.

Driving along a pre-designed route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for directions on the road and turns.

Using the trip planning service, you just need to enter the beginning and end of the route, then click the “Show route on the map” button and you will receive several route options. Choose the most suitable one and start moving. Four modes of route planning are possible - by city public transport (including minibuses), by car, by bicycle or on foot.

Very often, users are faced with a situation where they need to calculate the distance of a path. However, how and with what help to do this? The first thing that comes to mind is a navigator that can determine distance. However, the problem is that the navigator only works with the road, and if you are, for example, in a park and want to find out how many kilometers you need to walk through desert areas, such a “solution” to the problem will not solve it at all.

However, we would not write an article if we did not have an ace up our sleeve: we are talking about Cards. The application is updated every day and supplemented with new features; we cannot say exactly when the ability to determine distance appeared, but this is probably one of the most useful functions.

In order to find out the distance traveled or planned path, you need to:

  • Hold your finger on the starting point, after which additional settings will appear
  • Swiping up will open the settings in full screen
  • Click on "Measure distance"
  • Swipe across the display and select a waypoint or destination by tapping on a location on the map
  • As you progress, the distance shown in the lower left corner will increase. In order to delete the last point, you need to click on the return button, which is located in the upper right corner next to the “Menu” button. By the way, by clicking on three menu points, you can completely clear the entire route.

    Thus, we have learned to determine the distance of the route of interest.

    It is worth noting the generally stable and high-quality work of Google Maps. There are many similar applications in the Play Store, including MAPS.ME, Yandex.Maps, but for some reason it is the solution from Google, firstly, that fits best externally into the system, bringing its own Material features, and secondly, it is software implemented in quite high level. Here you can view the street using a StreetView panorama, download offline navigation, and so on. In a word, if you are interested in maps, feel free to download the official Google solution.


    Get directions by car

    This service allows you to quickly get a route between any cities

    Russia and Abroad, and immediately see the route laid out on the map.

    Why do you need a distance calculator?

    Look at which cities will pass the route, you will be able to decide in advance on a place to stay for the night.

    You will see the approximate fuel consumption for the entire trip and be able to estimate financial
    expenses. You will find out how long you will spend on the road.

    How to get directions by car?

    First you need to set the starting and ending points of the route. In the calculator

    The calculation has two fields - “city from” and “city to”. Enter in the appropriate fields

    Names of cities.

    In the “fuel consumption” field, enter the corresponding characteristics of your car

    (in liters per 100 kilometers). In the “fuel price” field - the average price of gasoline,
    with which you fuel your car.

    This data is needed to calculate the total fuel costs for the entire trip.

    In the “additional distance calculation settings” tab, you can specify more

    Several conditions:

    - “Detour countries” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified countries.

    The function is especially useful for international transport. Allows you not to stop by

    To the territory of countries with a visa regime and avoid customs inspections.

    - “Detour of cities” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified

    Cities. If you do not want to pass through a certain city, enter its name in

    This field.

    - “Detour routes” - exclude the specified routes from the calculation.

    - “Through cities” - the function allows you to navigate a route through a specific

    City or cities, even if they lie outside the shortest path.

    - “Speed ​​on the road” - there are 4 types of roads - territorial,

    Regional, highway, motorway. You can exclude one from the calculation

    Or several types.

    You can plot a route by car in one of two modes:

    The shortest route is the minimum distance from one city to another;

    The fastest route - the minimum travel time (only


    After you have set all the conditions, click the “calculate” button.

    On the map that appears, the route will be marked with a thick red line, and all cities along the route will be marked with red markers.

    The calculation results are presented in the form of a table, which shows the length of the entire path, the time in

    trip, total fuel consumption and the amount this fuel will cost.

    The table also contains a list of all cities through which the route is laid, with

    Division into regions and countries.

    The results obtained can be printed on a printer and taken with you on the road instead

    Atlas. If you have the ability to access the Internet in your car (for example, through

    satellite or cellular network), you can check the route and correct it in

    Depends on the circumstances.

    Please remember that the calculations use average data. That's why

    The results obtained are only indicative values ​​and not exact figures.

    In addition to determining the distance between cities, the calculator shows the following travel parameters:

    • Route mileage from point A to point B (cities in Russia, CIS, Europe, Ukraine, Belarus);
    • Average travel time;
    • Intermediate points between main stops;
    • Markings of hotels, hotels, cafes and gas stations on the map;
    • Fuel consumption depending on consumption per 100 km, gasoline costs;
    • Detailed route displayed on the map;
    • List of intermediate stopping points;
    • Names of federal highways;
    • A complete list of driving directions on federal and regional highways.

    Fuel consumption of a car and determining the distance between cities

    In addition to the fact that the service accurately determines the distances between cities, it also lays out a detailed route between cities on the map. To determine the above parameters, fill in the “From”, “Where” fields, as well as fuel consumption per 100 km and road speed (highway, regional, territorial), then click the “Calculate” button.

    You can also mark in the form the cities and towns where you plan to stop or visit along the way (intermediate points). The route from one city to another will be built based on all entered data. Additionally, by indicating the cost of fuel, the application also calculates gasoline consumption for the entire trip.

    Online distance calculator

    Results of calculating gasoline for a trip and plotting a route with distance

    In addition to the results of calculating distances, the application will plot the route in the form of a blue line on the Yandex map and show the exact distance from one city (point) to another. Above the map you will see the following parameters: distance, travel time, as well as gasoline consumption. Below you will find a detailed list with driving directions, taking into account federal highways. Using the buttons on the map you can zoom in and also switch to satellite mode to determine your current location.

    Use the “Intermediate points, speed” option to determine the path taking into account the required stops, as well as calculate the movement parameters for each section of the path and each city separately.

    On the right there are checkboxes for selecting hotels, cafes and gas stations to see their location on the map.

    The form below allows you to make an online calculation of distances between settlements in Russia, CIS countries and Europe, plot a route by car and get a calculation of fuel consumption.

    Automatic dispatcher

    Distance and fuel consumption calculator

    Calculating distances between cities and planning a route by car

    Any trip by car requires you to first measure the distance between cities and plot the car route on the map. This can be done quickly, simply and conveniently using the special online service “Calculation of distances between cities”.

    The distance calculation service is designed to determine the route and distance between settlements, as well as travel duration and fuel consumption. With its help, you can calculate the distance between cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries, as well as Europe.

    The calculation of the optimal route is carried out in accordance with road maps and consists of finding the shortest, in time or distance, path between two points.

    Using the appropriate settings, you can create a car route based on your wishes and needs. The service allows you to exclude specific settlements and sections of the road from the calculation, as well as list intermediate points through which you must definitely plot a route on the map. You can specify the driving speed for each road type to get a more accurate timing estimate.

    What's good about this service?

    To calculate distances between cities online, you only need Internet access, without installing programs, without being tied to a specific computer, in any place where there is Internet access.

    performs international distance calculations

    You can calculate road distances not only within a certain country, but also find out the distance between cities in different countries if you are planning a trip abroad.

    gives accurate calculation of distances

    provides additional calculation settings

    Planning routes and calculating distances along roads will help when planning a trip on vacation or on a business trip. If you are going on a trip abroad using your own transport, then in the service you can calculate the distance between countries.

    Distance and fuel consumption calculation is a useful tool for calculating travel costs, with which you can easily calculate the cost of your route. Indicate fuel consumption and price to calculate the amount of fuel required for the entire route and its cost.

    Going on vacation in your own car gives you an excellent opportunity to explore nearby attractions. Here, again, online calculation of distances and routes comes in handy; you can plot a detailed travel route in advance and plan (in terms of time and financial costs) trips to interesting sites and cities near your vacation spot.

    Using route calculations between cities will also be useful when sending cargo using a transport company. Using the distance calculator, you can determine the mileage to your destination and estimate the cost of delivery in accordance with the freight carrier's tariffs. If you carry out cargo transportation yourself, calculating distances is simply necessary for you.

    So, what does the distance calculation service offer:

    You can build the optimal route, look at the traffic pattern on the map and, if necessary, print out the calculation results. You can find the distance between two points directly or change the direct route by indicating intermediate points that need to be avoided or, conversely, add and plot a route with intermediate points.

    Find out the distance between settlements

    The distance calculator between cities allows you to determine the distance between the starting and ending points, taking into account the route.

    Calculate car fuel consumption

    Get directions with timing

    How to calculate a route between cities

    To calculate the distance between cities, start entering the name of the starting point of your route in the "City from" field. Select the desired city from the drop-down list. In the same way, fill out the “City to” field and click on the “Calculate” button.

    The word “city” is used only as the name of the form fields; here you can specify any locality and, for example, calculate the distance between villages or towns, etc.

    As a result, you will get the shortest distance between the two settlements that you specified. The route will be displayed on the map and in the table. The table lists sections of the route (route) and indicates the distance between cities along the roads on each section of the route, as well as the time and total length of the journey.

    Map route planning

    Calculation of distance and fuel

    As mentioned above, the service allows you not only to determine the distance between two points directly, but also to plot a route with intermediate points and exceptions specified by you. To calculate the driving route based on your parameters, open the “Advanced settings for calculating distances” window.

    Calculation of vehicle distances with additional parameters

    Fill in the additional settings fields you need.

    Here you can indicate the countries and cities that you want to travel around, then they will be excluded from the final route. And also list which settlements you need to pass through so that they are added to the calculation of the car route. Leave these fields blank if you only need to find out the distance between two cities, simply indicate the points of departure and arrival in the appropriate fields of the form.

    Calculation of road distance between cities

    In the advanced options window, you can change the driving speed for different types of roads to get more accurate travel times.

    How to calculate a car's fuel consumption? Fill out the form fields with your data, indicate the average fuel consumption of your car and the price of fuel. The service will calculate the volume and cost of fuel required for this route and display in the table the calculation of gasoline or diesel fuel consumption in liters and rubles.

    Online fuel consumption calculation

    Well, the last setting, it allows you to calculate the optimal route by time or length. Set the value you need: “Fastest route” to plot a road with minimal travel time or “Shortest route” to calculate the shortest route by distance.

    Calculation of the route

    After additional parameters have been specified, click the “Calculate” button again to calculate the distance and time along the new route.

    If you want to remove specific sections of the route from your route, check the box next to them in the route calculation table and click the “Exclude marked” button. An online program for calculating distances between cities will plot a route that bypasses the specified routes.

    Distance in kilometers between cities

    The online service “Calculation of distances between cities” offers calculation of distances between cities on roads in the Russian Federation, Europe and the CIS. It allows you to calculate distance and fuel consumption in a matter of seconds, plot the shortest route and, if necessary, print the result.

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