Where can I receive Reiki initiation and training? Who is your best Reiki Master Teacher? What does attunement with a Tandem Student and Master Reiki Teacher give?


Many people want to eventually become a Reiki Master. This is wonderful. As Suvorov said: “The bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming a general!”

Is it easy or difficult to open the reiki flow at initiation?

For the student it’s easy. Find a Master and trust him.

And for the Master carry out initiation and open the flow of reiki to a person both simple and complex.

Difficult, because you, as a Master, are responsible for the people who trusted you. You promise that you will set them up to receive energy. To new spiritual vibrations. You promise that they will be able to conduct spiritual energy through themselves, through their hands, and will be able to release it, and direct it to the right places, and feel whether it goes inside or just touches the surface of the body. If you promise, then you must be responsible for your words.

But for the Master it becomes easy do it if you know how to do it.

If your Master taught you this, if he gave you a high-quality initiation at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages.

If your Master, before making you a Master, taught you not only theory, but also practice: to find problem areas, work with blocks, feel the energy from your hands and feel the energy in the human body.

Otherwise, you will simply join the army of Master Theorists. Those who themselves do not feel the energy and cannot open it at initiation to another person and teach him to work with it and let him feel it. Unfortunately, there are many such Masters in every city.

Our goal is to prepare worthy Reiki Masters in all cities, in all regions. So that they provide effective initiations and quality training for their students. So that they create their own centers and schools of reiki, bring goodness, light and healing to the world.

I openly talk about this in the book. “Reiki. Initiations, training, mastery."

  • About the secrets of initiation.
  • Why are all Masters called with the same word “MASTER” and carry out a procedure called the same word “INITIATION”, but the results for everyone are completely different.
  • Are all Masters really tuned to the required energy level and prepared themselves?
  • How to become a real Reiki Master.
  • How to clean the channels and guide the slats to the hands.
  • Why do you need to clean and adjust the energy exit points on your hands, etc.

Watch a video about Reiki and the training of Masters -

And look what we had yesterday, June 29, at the last lesson with Master Healers at the Sinpiden level (3rd level of Reiki).

In a programme:

1. Hatsurei Ho Shinpiden.

2. Working with the Master symbol and kotodama.

3. Working with the energy differences of the Master.

4. Developing hands as a working tool of a Master. Working with rays of energy from the entire hand, from the fingertips, from the palm chakras.

5. Technique for activating the Master’s capabilities.

6. Working with Reiki symbols.

7. We look for internal blockages and work with them. First we work with ourselves, then with the client.

8. Remove mental-karmic blocks.

9. Spiritual and energetic work with blocks in pairs.

10. Masters support each other. Mutual purification of karma.

11. Circle of Masters.

12. Control and correction adjustment.

Together - we are force! J

Photos of yesterday's lesson can be found view here :

If you have desire to pass the 1st stage reiki, learn to feel energy, release rays from different parts of the hand and work with them, then choose:

Stage 1 will be in person in Moscow around the end of July - beginning of August. The recording is already underway.

Free first stage materials http://youtu.be/qnF_XpBpPos

How to prepare for initiation http://youtu.be/nEKB7FLVWVk

The 2nd stage will be in person in Moscow at the end of July - beginning of August.

Seminar “Full preparation for the 2nd stage”-

Read the article to the end! All the answers are there!

From the article you will learn:

  • What is reiki (reiki) really?
  • Safety precautions and consequences of using reiki energy, which masters are silent about!
  • Is it safe to use reiki and kundalini reiki symbols?
  • Completely new techniques, principles, methods of helping reiki by turning off the stresses of the past in a person.
  • Initiation and initiation into the secrets beyond the highest levels of reiki!

What is reiki

The Reiki teaching system (or Reiki from Japanese: rei - spirit, soul, ki - energy, mind), as one of the types of energy healing, considers all human diseases from the point of view of life energy, its lack or excess in the corresponding organs and systems of our physical bodies. When a distortion in a person’s energy shell is detected, the Reiki master, through his hands, saturates this zone with the energy of life “ki”, synthesized by him from the surrounding space (Cosmos), i.e. allegedly creates a channel of “pure” Reiki energy, which feeds the patient’s damaged organs and systems, restoring all distortions in his energy shell. This is how reiki healing is performed. The consequence of this, as a rule, is the rapid restoration of health and normalization of all body functions.


Unlike conventional energy healing, where the healer, as a rule, works with his own energy (including using his kundalini energy), specialists and reiki masters use “pure” (in theory :-)) energy of space, which is easily absorbed by a person, precisely because it is “pure”, i.e. not colored or polarized by the reiki healer himself. At least that's what most reiki schools say. (Later in this article we will show why can't this be from the point of view of the laws of physics and why discussions about the “purity” of Reiki energy are a myth.).

Fig.1. Various types of deformation of the energy shell, leading to
a) hypertension, obesity or sudden weight loss,
emotional discomfort, irritability; problems with kidney activity;

b) chronic constipation is added to the previous symptoms,
impotence or infertility, possible thrush, chlamydia,
herpes, sexually transmitted infections and cystitis;

c) severe loss of vision is added to the previous symptoms.

Now there are many different courses, seminars, centers, reiki schools, training systems and directions founded by various reiki masters. One of the most famous directions is Kundalini Reiki, the basis of which is the activation of Kundalini energy in the human body and its subsequent use to heal one’s physical body, mind and help other people. The following directions are also distinguished: Mikao Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, named after the master teachers who founded these Reiki schools, training in the systems of which is divided into certain stages, at which students receive the appropriate dedications and initiations: 1st level of Reiki, 2nd level, 3rd rack stage.

To quickly connect a person to higher energies, as well as during the ritual of initiation and dedication, Reiki uses the so-called Reiki symbols (special signs and hieroglyphs). The use of these symbols does not require mandatory meditation or long years of spiritual practice, as many masters in the Karuna, Usui and Kundalini Reiki schools claim. By acting directly on the subconscious, these Reiki symbols cause changes in a person’s internal state and thus give him the opportunity to connect to a higher source of energy. Some reiki teaching systems believe that symbols can only be activated in a certain way, but in fact there are different ways to activate symbols and many reiki masters and books teach that simply thinking about the intention of using these symbols is enough to activate them.

But we will not consider in detail in this article all the principles, foundations and techniques of teaching reiki. You can find a lot of information about this on other sites, as well as read in popular books on Reiki.

We'll talk about more interesting things here!

So what is reiki(or slats) really?

It would seem like a magic pill, effective, without side effects, leading to rapid healing. But is it? Can the energy passing through the hands of a healer be pure, even synthesized from the Cosmos? AND what consequences in the long term leads this type of energy assistance, both for clients and specialists themselves, reiki masters and any other energy healers? And also how sustainable can the result of assistance be when using these healing techniques through the laying on of hands?

Let's figure it out and in searching for answers to these questions we will appeal not to the widespread opinions of various schools of reiki and subjective assessments of the power of reiki of various treatment methods, but to the physics of energy-information interactions, as a neutral orbit!

Rice. 2. A method for characterizing the radiation of each human chakra using “Infosomatics” methods.
This way you can test the effect of Reiki energy on the adjustment.
energy shell of a person during a manual “healing” session.

I would like to emphasize that we have a very positive attitude both to the Reiki system as a whole, and to all masters and specialists who help people using energy healing methods. Their work deserves respect, because... thanks to their work, many people have already been able to get rid of their diseases and see from their own experience that their physical body and the visible material world are not everything that exists in Nature, but one way or another there is a world of energies invisible to the eye, the balance of which in body and our health depends.

Many years ago, we ourselves went through in practice all the stages of initiation into Reiki techniques and healing practices, achieving the highest level of mastery at this level. But then we were forced to leave this level and go higher, taking a position of categorical non-interference in foreign energy systems in any way, under any pretext, with any intensity due to observed side effects, safety violations and the limitations of these energy assisting techniques: both Reiki and any other method of healing through the laying on of hands.

This article is intended to show specialists who provide assistance in Reiki techniques and energy healing practitioners, as well as those who are just undergoing Reiki training or are looking for relief from their diseases in these techniques in the form of a panacea, a much more expanded picture of the world than the one that is limited only the level of energy flows. Diseases, as it turned out, can have a completely different root cause, the roots of which lie a level higher, in the area of ​​information interactions, and “bad” energy is only their consequence.

First, let's take a closer look limited applicability of healing practices in general, be it reiki or any other system of providing energy assistance.

Let us turn to the physics of subtle planes of existence of matter and modern scientific research into the processes of energy-information interactions, conducted within the framework of the new direction “Infosomatics” at the International Institute of Social Ecology.

Any person, in addition to his physical body, also has an energy shell (also called a biofield or aura), created due to energy-information radiation from organs and systems of the body, as well as the passage of control signals from the brain through biologically active points (energy meridians) of the body and having energy nodes antinodes called chakras.

Fig.3. Physical, energetic, intellectual and software shells of a person

We will not analyze in detail the physics of the device and the functions of each of these shells in this article, since this is a fairly extensive topic. Let us dwell only in more detail on the physical, energetic and emotional shells of a person and their relationship.

The emotional shell is formed due to the “foaming” of the surface of a person’s energy shell when he shows positive emotions: joy, pleasure from any process, etc. Those. The more a person experiences positive emotions in his life, the greater the volume of emotional shell he possesses (in metric coordinates). And the emotional shell, in turn, performs the function of a lens that collects plane-parallel cosmic radiation (in the figure - wavy lines at the top) on the crown of a person. This radiation, collected by the emotional shell, feeds, in turn, the energy shell of a person. And the state of the energy shell directly affects the functioning of organs and systems in our physical body.

And, as a result, you can pay attention (this is also confirmed by independent studies of psychologists and physiologists) that people with an optimistic life position, often experiencing joy in their lives, as a rule, are much less susceptible to colds, viral and other diseases than those who are constantly depressed or in a bad mood! The latter simply have their emotional shell “blown away” or completely absent, and their energy shell, not receiving proper nourishment from above, also greatly decreases in size and ceases to protect the physical body from the programmatic effects of various viruses. This level of protection by the energy shell of our body can be compared by analogy with the Earth’s atmosphere, which protects us from solar radiation and meteorites.

Fig.4. Deformation of a person’s emotional shell depending on his condition. Optimism/pessimism.

Now let's look at the problem through the eyes of Reiki masters and energy healers: if a person has little energy (the result of which is increased fatigue, CFS - chronic fatigue syndrome, susceptibility to colds, etc.), then this person needs to raise his energy level by saturating his energy shell with “pure” cosmic energy , transmitted through the hands of the healer. This is the concept of teaching reiki in various schools! Well, or you can hear a recommendation for using techniques for awakening your kundalini energy in the kundalini reiki school.

Now, from all of the above, think about what’s wrong here? What is Anti-Natural? From the point of view of Nature, in this case, diseases in a person arise only because of his incorrect, namely “pessimistic” and possibly aggressive life position! Nature thus encourages him to simply change his attitude towards the world, shows him that he is doing something wrong if he no longer experiences positive emotions from life. Start to be happy, look for the positive, change your attitude towards what you don’t like, or don’t communicate with these people anymore, change your place of work, just be happy... generate positive emotions... and you will be healthy again!

And third-party energy assistance provided reiki techniques, in this case no better than a pill, helping to eliminate the consequence of the disease, but not its cause. Having received relief due to external energy doping during a reiki session, this person will never solve his main problem associated with his worldview, will not pass the exam that Nature has prepared for him, and will be sent to the penalty loop, since the energy boost received in an anti-natural way, it will be wasted very quickly due to the lack of its own recharge from cosmic energy. And as soon as the energy potential of such a person drops to the previous level, he will develop the same diseases again! Conclusion - you need to turn on your brains! The main problem is them!

Fig.5. Focusing plane-parallel Cosmic radiation on the crown of a person with the help of an emotional shell that acts as a lens.

Now further. The form and condition of a person’s subtle material shells (as well as his physical body) is not static, but dynamic, i.e. constantly changes depending on the stress that a person experiences, on the processes and situation in which a person finds himself.

If we add the 4th dimension to the shells described above, i.e. time (t), then we will get the following subtle-material object of a higher plane of existence of matter (mental plane) – human memory body(in another way - Soul), which consists of a set of configurations of its shells in each quantum of time from the point of human birth to the present moment. It looks like this:

Fig.6. Human mental body, memory body or Soul. Consists of a set of human shells in each quantum of time.

Fig.7. Human mental body (or memory body of the 4th dimension). What does it consist of?

In the body of memory all stress recorded that a person has gone through throughout his life. They can be tracked by the distortion of the configurations of its shells at certain periods of time.

Fig.8. The mental body of a person with distortions in the configurations of its subtle-material shells over time until the complete disappearance (“eating”) of all shells except the physical one (red areas) due to stress or the presence of this person in the affected area strong energy vampire.

When removing graphic arts the so-called " life lines» (surface of the body of human memory), which is removed using the methods of “Infosomatics”, it is also clear which stresses a person was able to overcome correctly, and which ones still have a controlling effect on him, affecting both his health and the state of his psyche . Such stress can and must be discharged, eliminated in the past using special technologies so that they do not have a controlling programming effect on the present and future of a person.

Fig.9. Human mental body (chronal body): ideal and real configurations.

Fig. 10. Withdrawal example life line graphics(memory bodies). All holes that go into the negative area are control stresses experienced by a person and not worked out to date. Plus, a definition of the type of each stress is given. Working with the past and turning off these control stresses, as a rule, leads to rapid normalization of health status person in the present.

So, if a person has a large number of unprocessed and unresolved stresses in his past, then most of the energy of his body from the present “flows” into these pits of the past to cover his energy-informational debts. Those. These are the “Fs” in the school of life that a person has still not retaken, and Nature will collect these debts from him until he cleans out his “Augean stables” and straightens his life line! A person with a lot of stress in the past that was handled incorrectly, turns into energy vampire , because often even the reserves of his energy shell, generated by the body in the present, are not enough to fill these pits of the past, and he is forced to “suck” energy from his immediate environment. And all diseases (even very serious ones) of such a person are caused only by the fact that all the energy of his body flows into the past, and there is simply not enough of it to maintain the body in a healthy state!

Well, what's the point of using it here? reiki techniques to help yourself or turn to healers to receive energy help from the outside?! It's like pouring water into a leaky barrel! It will still leak...

The holes need to be plugged and the barrel patched! And this can only be done by working with a person’s past, helping him to discover, rewrite and eliminate the main control stresses that cause such an outflow of strength from his present. And the client himself should work under the supervision of a specialist, and not the specialist instead of the client, atonement through himself for the sins of others (by the way, this is one of the main conceptual errors of all energy healing techniques). Only in this case will the “sufferer” receive a “credit” from Nature, and his diseases will go away on their own, naturally, without the need for any external energy doping, committed in violation of the laws of Nature.

Now let's take another look at the possible distortions of the human energy shell, shown in Fig. 1 above in this article and in Fig. 11 below

Fig. 11. Distortion of the donor's energy shell with energy vampirism and its increase at the acceptor in the consumed spectrum.

On a life line chart it looks like this:

Fig. 12. Stress at the age of 10, which led to a complete “collapse” of the test subject’s energy and transferred him to the category of an energy vampire. The graph shows that this person is under stress still not out and his existence (without work to turn off and rewrite this stress in his past) is possible only through the consumption of the vital forces of other people.

Fig. 13. An initially energy-insufficient person from birth.

Again, in this case, Reiki and healing will be no better than a pill that temporarily removes the symptoms of a disease by injecting additional vitality into a person, but does not eliminate its cause. The holes in the barrel (a person’s energy shell), through which his energy uncontrollably drains, remain as they were.

Or maybe it’s easier to disconnect consumers from yourself?? It's very simple! But you will not find this information in any book on reiki, in any reiki training system!

In place of the silhouette of a person, imagine someone who, according to your assumptions, can “suck” your vital forces, i.e. be an energy vampire. This could be your boss or subordinate, some relative who constantly ruins your life and makes you feel uncomfortable, a sexual partner who pesters you with his jealous antics and constant total control of your life. Yes, anyone, and it doesn’t have to be just one person! There can be many of them. If you don’t know who is “draining” your vitality from you, let your subconscious make this choice for you: just close your eyes and try to see the image of this person. Your subconscious mind definitely has this information! Trust him. Now launch the technology using this link →

Don't worry, you won't be able to harm anyone with this technology. And after meeting and communicating with this person, the connection between you will still be restored. Therefore, for reliable protection, we can recommend using this technique regularly, either by scrolling through the video from the site using the link provided, or using your imagination!

And don’t be surprised if after this, even the simplest technique, some illnesses begin to go away! Moreover, independently and without the need for external energy injections, as intended by Nature!

Now about the imaginary “purity” of reiki energy (Rei-Ki)

Take another look at Fig. 15. Plane-parallel cosmic radiation (depicted by wavy lines above), which is called in the reiki training system channel of “clean” energy, necessarily passes through the programmatic, intellectual and emotional shell of the healer before it gets into his energy shell. And only from his energy shell (or rather, only from the level of its 5th chakra), the Reiki healer can divert this channel to another person who is receiving help.

Fig. 15. The channel of the attracted Reiki energy necessarily passes through the programmatic, intellectual and emotional shell of the healer. Can this energy be “pure”??

But even water, as Masaru Yamoto’s research shows, retains information about the trajectory of its movement and, after passing through a city pipeline, greatly changes its energy-information characteristics, which is inexorably illustrated by the configurations of quickly frozen droplets of this water. If a person creates a channel for the sublimation of an energy flow and directs it to any coordinates with his will, then he creates both a pump and a pipeline. And this pipeline passes through all his bodies of higher dimensions! And “as is below, so is above, as above, so below.” Therefore, declarations about the “purity” and pristine energy flow in Reiki are a myth intended for amateurs and simpletons. In fact, both the act of healing practices and the practice of Reiki simultaneously bears signs of sexual interactions with the unification of energy shells, and aggression - the penetration of one shell into another!

And if we take into account the supervision of any person by the Higher Powers and the need for any inhabitant of the Earth to feel the degree of responsibility for violating the laws of Nature, then more and more often healers and “reikists” receive their naughty “brains” from the Curators (Higher Powers) of those sufferers whom they interfere with complete individual tasks to understand this world and unauthorized “atone for their sins”, intended by the Higher powers to train their charges!

And in conclusion, I would like to warn all specialists, Reiki masters, and healers about safety precautions when helping people using energy methods:

During such practices, a strong energy-information connection is necessarily established between the client and the healer! No matter how conventionally “pure” your energy is. This is the physics of subtle planes!

We went through this many years ago, reaching the highest levels in healing practices and reiki techniques. And if these connections are not separated using special methods and you don’t even think about their presence, then very soon the health of the healer himself begins to deteriorate sharply, and he turns from an energy-giver into an energy-consuming one, and he begins to consume this energy not only from his current clients, but also, what is most interesting, from all their former clients equally according to those energy-information connections that were established earlier in the process of providing assistance, i.e. an inversion of all connections occurs, and those for whom the healer was previously an energy donor now become donors for him themselves, receiving new health problems and exacerbation of old diseases.

From Nature's point of view safe period of work using energy healing and reiki technologies is no more than 5 years! During this period, the Higher Forces “wipe and select” all the mistakes and inaccuracies made by their Supervised object so that he can learn and gain sensory experience of working at a given energy level, and then either go higher, to the level of information technology, or fall down under the burden of taking on “other people’s” problems and karmic debts, or stay at this level and work further, if this is the true purpose of this person in this life and he really has a healer channel. Only in this case will he be under the protection of the Higher Powers further.

If you allow yourself to discover and get rid of these “riders”, and also eliminate the main control stresses in your memory body, which consume the vital forces of the present from the past, then the need to conduct reiki sessions for yourself disappears by itself!

But this is the next level, the level of informational types of assistance, not energy ones. This is “Infosomatics” - a new scientific direction that allows you to solve problems in the human body and thinking not with the help of third-party energy resources and foreign implants, but independently - with the help of information infosomatic technologies, knowledge of the laws of Nature and the physics of the subtle planes of the existence of matter!

And in conclusion, I would like to note the most important thing: the correct way of providing assistance from the point of view of the laws of Nature is the only one where the person himself does the work on his mistakes, and the specialist only helps him in this, pointing out the places that need to be corrected, carrying out the appropriate diagnostics of his bodies subtle dimensions and showing technologies and ideological models for quickly correcting and rewriting your mistakes of the past, present and probable future!

Only this method preserves the freedom of both the specialist and the one who turned to him for help and guarantees the absence of energy-information bindings on any planes of sustainable existence of matter after completion of work. There is no mixing of energies and the formation of karmic connections that occur with ANY type of healing assistance, there is no violation of safety precautions and the laws of Nature. And the effect of this type of assistance is many times stronger and more stable than that of the energy doping described above!

Because any problem (with health, in business, in interpersonal relationships) is given by Higher powers to a person as a lesson that he must learn and not repeat similar mistakes of his past in his future, or as a call to change his worldview in relation to certain life situations and become stronger in this quality! And the specialist in this case, based on his experience, knowledge and technologies, only conveys to the person in a language he understands the essence of this lesson, helping him to pass this lesson quickly, according to an accelerated program, receiving credit from the Higher Powers. But be sure to do it yourself!

If someone offers to take responsibility for the mistakes of another, bypassing his head, giving him illegal energy doping instead of the required training, then he is invading the territory of the Higher Powers, which, just like strict teachers at school, give bad marks as a burden karma and state of health for an excellent student and a poor student at the same time, when it turns out that the excellent student solved the physics problem for the poor student, but signed the test paper in the name of this poor student, a poor student in the school of life.

So maybe you shouldn’t “joke” like that with the Supreme Teachers and the laws of Nature? Maybe it’s worth studying these laws and just not stepping on a rake on the road of your life? Because only in this case will you have stable health, success in business, harmony in the family and true joy in your eyes from the fact that you have finally found and learned to put into practice the magic of the “philosopher’s stone”!

"International Institute of Social Ecology".

Initiation on DVD. Beyond the higher levels of the rack.

Who can become a Reiki master teacher?

Being a Reiki master teacher is a recognition that not everyone is given. It requires much more than just knowing how to carry out the initiation process.

Can you convey without distortion the knowledge that you received from your Teacher? Can you methodically correctly convey knowledge and help students develop the necessary skills?

Think about what is at the core of your desire to become a master teacher? Do you want to bring knowledge, healing, help, or do you want to rise above others? Try to answer this question honestly.

So, you have firmly decided to obtain the Master Teacher level. This means that you have sufficient experience in using Reiki to treat patients, self-healing, and using Reiki in a variety of situations. This means that you have very well mastered all the Reiki manuals available to you. Then with God!

To become a master teacher, you must undergo initiation to the fourth level of Reiki from a master teacher who already has this level of Reiki.

At the fourth stage, all the symbols already known to the specialist of the third stage are used and the last main symbol of Ra-Ku is added.

The beginning master teacher repeats all the theoretical information and practical techniques of the first, second and third stages of Reiki, since he himself will have to initiate these levels and train specialists of these levels. The most important thing that a master teacher learns is the technology of conducting the process of initiation, or initiation.

It should be noted that how Mikao Wu Sui carried out the initiation process is not known for certain. By the way, according to the latest research by Reiki historians, Mikao Wusui trained not one, but about two dozen Reiki masters.

Even among traditional Reiki masters, the initiation process differed in many ways from the outside. A Reiki master could sit a student in front of him and conduct a joint meditation with him, during which he would send a Reiki flow through himself, opening the student’s energy channel, and mentally send the Reshen symbol to the student’s chakras. Or the Reiki master carried out attunements by holding his hands on/above the student’s chakras and blowing the Reiki symbol into the student’s chakras, and there was no strict technology. Some symbols were blown into a certain chakra, others were blown into another, or not blown at all.

New wave master Diana Stein conducts the initiation process by holding the breath for a long time, holding a special pose.

Of the traditional and new processes of initiation, known to us, we present the most (in our opinion) rational one.

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Reiki Master Veronica and Reiki Master Vitaly

My goal is to put you on a path that can lead to the experience of enlightenment itself. My goal is to encourage you to search for the causes of your own unhappiness and help you find the source of joy and divinity that lies within you.

Reiki Master Teachers – Reiki Energy Schools

We, Reiki Master Teachers Vitaly and Veronica Latunov, welcome you to the website of the Reiki Energy school and thank you for your attention to our school.

Our school “Reiki Energy” was founded in 2006 in Moscow, and we Veronica and Vitaly Latunov, having become master teachers of the Usui Reiki system, before embarking on the path of teachers, conducted several months of deep research in the field of esotericism, theosophy, psychology, homeopathy , meditation techniques, psychosomatics and the Reiki self-healing technique itself.

We have been using Reiki for many years and thanks to this divine and healing energy, we have achieved not only inner harmony, but also a high intellectual and spiritual level. Knowledge of the Reiki self-healing technique opened up to us the boundaries of the unknown in the field of a living organism. By using the Reiki healing technique both on ourselves and on our loved ones, we came to a clearer vision of all energy and information problems, and a more sensitive understanding of how they appear on the physical level in literally each of us.

By healing and helping to understand the cause-and-effect relationship of diseases and illnesses, we were also able to help ourselves in many aspects of our lives, which further strengthened our faith in this truly divine energy of Reiki. Energy practice has inspired us to discover enormous possibilities not only in ourselves, but also in all the people and living beings around us.

Working and researching, we constantly share our findings and skills with our students and fellow masters. New students, with the help of our programs and with constant support, begin to practice healing. Developing and improving, we climbed the professional career ladder, working in leading companies and in leading positions, we have been engaged in various spiritual practices for several years. And acquaintance with each new practice gave different shades to one or another stage of life.

By taking practical meditation courses by Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh), our capabilities in the skills of transforming psychosomatic disorders through meditation were revealed to us, we share our discoveries in the field of meditation and its capabilities with students at seminars, we still turn to this wonderful technique, relaxation and renewal of internal energy potential. Be it mantra meditations, dynamic ones, or meditations on the development and harmonization of male and female energies - all of them are a good experience of spiritual practices for us.

We consider ourselves, as they say, “born in a shirt,” because on the path of our formation and spiritual growth, our teachers were truly teachers endowed with this Divine gift, and we thank them for their participation in our spiritual life.

A Reiki Master is learned in the pursuit of self-improvement!

Working with students, we understand that a Master Teacher is not just a person who showed what Reiki is and how to work with it. Osho said that there are many teachers, but few masters. In our understanding, Master Teachers exist for this purpose, to help their students with knowledge, experience and strength. A Reiki Master Teacher is not just a person who conducts Reiki initiations and then has no interest in the further life and spiritual path of his student. A true Master Teacher gives more than initiation settings; he provides his student with the opportunity to master the same knowledge and gain the same power that he himself possesses, to rise to the same spiritual level where he himself is.

Benefits of the Reiki Energy School

1. Academic Standards. All students studying at the Reiki Energy school have a guarantee of training during the training and initiation period.

2. Certified Masters. Masters of the Reiki Energy school have undergone training of all levels and channels, as well as direct initiations from the master. They are also master teachers, which allows them to provide both training and initiation to everyone who wants to work with Reiki.

3. Educational material. All materials during the training period are issued to each student. The materials were developed by the school’s masters themselves, in the process of working with Reiki. In their textbooks, masters share their experience and practical skills.

4. Initiations. In the “Reiki Energy” school, training and initiations have their own developments; in the process of initiation, the work of not only the chakras of the hands and feet is involved, as well as the direct preparation of the student for initiation with the help of blissing cleansing, through which all energy systems (chakras and channels).

5. Channels of Reiki power. In the school system, training and initiations are carried out not only of Reiki in its traditional form, as initiations of the 1st stage, 2nd stage and stages of the Master Healer and Master Teacher, as well as 9 additional channels that develop and develop the facets of a person, both material and informational. , energetic and spiritual.

6. Online training and initiations. Our school has a practice of distance learning, masters work in Reiki energy mode, “there are no boundaries in time or space” online with anywhere in the world and transfer settings directly via Skype from Master to Student.

Natalia Vesna, reiki master

Tell us how you came to practice Reiki.

How is your work organized? How do you receive clients?

I never considered practicing Reiki as a profession or a job. For me it's more of a calling. This is my own path that I follow, and if there are people for whom this is also important and interesting, I am ready to share my knowledge.

Healing for me has always been selfless. This is just help. I never wanted to put it on stream; rather, it is working with individuals, with family, friends, and students. Every Reiki Master once has to choose - either you heal or you teach. I chose the second because it happened that way. People came with exactly these requests.

To work, I can rent a room in special centers, there are many of them in St. Petersburg, or I can work remotely. Here you need to look at what kind of people they are. I really enjoy working with students one on one.

Where do students come from? How are classes going?

Mostly from the Internet. Training is paid because it is experience, knowledge and time that the Master spends on the student. I also paid for my education and I believe that the best investments are investments in yourself, in your development. There is free knowledge that you can get from various sources: books, videos, textbooks, the Internet, but there is knowledge that you will not find anywhere, because no one will write about it. Such knowledge is transmitted only from Master to student. I work both personally with a person or group, and remotely. If we are talking about Reiki, then we are talking about the world of energy, for which there are no barriers, this is not a thing, this does not apply to the material world. I conduct personal dedications, participate in on-site seminars and webinars. I not only practice Reiki, but also study other practices for working with energies. Reiki is just a basic and a good training school for beginners.

Reiki master with students

Are you confused by the attitude towards alternative types of medicine in our country? Most people turn to alternative medicine only if traditional medicine is powerless.

I see no obstacles to combining these two paths. This is what they do in Europe and the USA - along with traditional treatment, they prescribe a course of Reiki sessions. Of course, Reiki is not a panacea. For example, if you have acute appendicitis, then it is quite obvious that with the help of Reiki we will not be able to eliminate it instantly, but recovering faster after surgery or getting in the mood for surgery is always more favorable with Reiki. Reiki also helps with chronic illnesses, provided the person is truly ready to be healed. In most cases, people see treatment sessions something like this: “I moved my hands over the person, and everything went away.” This is fundamentally wrong. There are three forces at work in Reiki: the healer, the energy, and the patient. You need to understand that if a person is sick or experiencing difficulties in life, then he has energy blocks that he created himself - with his thoughts and actions, which led to illness and depression. Reiki sessions will work with a person’s energy body and gently, and sometimes harshly, push him towards personal changes. If a person resists these changes and does not want to change his behavior and habits, then the energy will only give a temporary effect or will be completely useless.

Can anyone come to study with you or is there some kind of selection process?

Selection exists, but it happens without my participation. For example, a person writes to me that he wants to study with me, but then something doesn’t work out: I can’t or he’s leaving. No contact occurs. This is how it works out and, therefore, it is necessary. There are no accidents in Reiki. Maybe he’s not ready yet or it’s not his thing at all. A couple of times it happened that I myself refused people because I had suspicions of their inadequacy. In general, people come to spiritual practices consciously.

Have you encountered outright negativity or aggression towards your activities?

I think no. I encountered indifference, but not aggression. With skepticism, but only at a time when I also had skepticism, when I was unsure of myself. The behavior of those around us often reflects what is happening within ourselves. If you yourself are full of aggression, then there will be the same people around you. My family and friends who previously did not trust me now often seek help because they see results. My husband has always been sympathetic to what I do.

Is it possible to make a living from this activity?

I believe that when you really find your way, the money comes on its own. You are given exactly as much as you need. Let's just say that spiritual practices come first for me and the income that I have allows me to live quite normally. Even if I lived alone and this was my only source of income.

Will this niche develop? Will healer become as widespread a profession as, for example,?

It will develop, of course, judging by the number of people coming to me. But, unfortunately, not every person comes to learn healing for themselves and use this knowledge for the benefit of others. There are people who want to make easy money from this. On someone else's grief and troubles. But it is always easy to distinguish them by one thing - they offer to solve the problem for money instead of you and give a guarantee for this. No doctor can ever give guarantees and no healer will do so. He will only create conditions, give the patient knowledge and tools with which a person can cope with his problem. The only way.

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