When should you move your child from the back seat of a car to the front seat? At what age can you transport a child in the front seat? Child car seat: how to choose a manufacturer

The increase in road accidents is directly proportional to the rapid increase in the number of cars on the roads, and children are often the victims. Parental carelessness sometimes leads to irreparable consequences, so every Russian driver must know how to properly transport a child in a car.

At what age can children ride in the front seat of a car in 2018?

Many sincerely believe that having a baby in the back seat, behind the driver, is absolutely safe and fully complies with current traffic rules. In fact, it does not prohibit transporting children in the front passenger seat, but with an indispensable condition - a special restraint device must be used and the front airbag must be disabled. The device, carefully designed for the height and weight of the baby, makes it possible to securely fasten it with seat belts and protect it from dangers on the road. The child restraint system consists of:

  • Durable elements or straps with buckles that can be adjusted;
  • Reliable fastenings;
  • Comfortable additional devices - booster, chair or cradle, special child seat.

The restrictions apply until the child is 12 years old and can use a regular seat belt. However, statistics show that in the event of an accident, the most dangerous place is next to the driver, so the decision to place the baby should be made carefully and responsibly.

Installing a triangle in a car

The domestic budget analogue of a car seat for children is a certified triangle. It will save the driver from having to pay a fine for transporting children illegally, but it is unlikely to be able to protect the child from dangerous injuries in the event of a serious traffic accident. The tests carried out prove that riding with a triangle does not guarantee the safety of the baby. It is better to use a triangle when placing your son or daughter in the back seat.

Using a car seat

Products are divided into five groups, designed for different weights of children. According to existing rules, a baby who is under one year old must be positioned against the direction of the car. Properly selected according to acceptable parameters and installed in accordance with all the rules, the seat serves as reliable protection for the child in the event of a possible accident and allows you to comfortably endure a long journey. For the little ones, infant carriers are used, which must be securely fastened. The use of car seats allows you to transport your baby in the front seat.

Riding with the FEST children's adapter

If your child is from 3 to 12 years old, and he is fastened using a FEST adapter, no traffic police officer has the right to issue a fine. By law, any restraint device that provides safety may be used. The adapter is a pad made of soft fabric with buttons for size adjustment. It is attached to belts, with one of the straps covering the hips. A son or daughter is comfortable in this form even without a regular child seat, the traffic police officers have no complaints, but experts do not recommend using the adapter for safety reasons - it is much safer to transport a small passenger in a car seat. Numerous videos from accident scenes prove this quite convincingly.

Riding in the passenger seat of a gazelle

Parents are often interested in the question: at what age can you ride a train without an adult?

Is it possible to send children on a trip on their own if you need to take the child to relatives for the summer holidays, but adults do not have time for this?

There are situations when a child needs to be sent on a trip, for example, to a championship, festival, or to a neighboring city to visit his grandmother.

At what age can you travel by train alone?

Children under 7 years of age are prohibited from traveling on trains without adult accompaniment. From the age of 7, a child can buy an adult ticket for an electric train at the ticket office or use a travel card.

According to Russian laws in 2019, children can travel on long-distance trains unaccompanied by adults only if they are already 10 years old. Until then, travel is permitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

According to the rules of intercity transportation on long-distance trains, it is prohibited for children under 10 years of age to travel unless accompanied by parents or teachers.

As an exception, children can travel by rail if they are going to a general education institution and there is no other way to get there.

If the trip is carried out by rail on suburban transport, then the child must be at least 7 years old to travel independently.

Children aged 2-12 years can travel with an accompanying adult or a passenger under 18 years of age who has already reached legal capacity.

Do I need a power of attorney? To transport children over 12 years of age under the supervision of the carrier, a written application from parents or guardians will be sufficient.

Many people are interested in at what age can you travel by train without parents in Russia and can a 14-year-old child travel alone on a train?

If a child has already reached 14 years of age, then he can travel independently, but he must present a passport. When boarding a railway transport a child 13 years old will need documentary confirmation of his age and identity.

To do this, it is enough to present the original birth certificate or its copy certified by a notary.

Is it possible for a 16-year-old child to travel on trains by himself? Yes, such a minor can independently move to another city if he has a passport and ticket.

Age is taken into account at the time of travel, not when purchasing tickets. A child can purchase a ticket only after presenting an identification document.

When boarding any passenger, the conductor checks the ticket and identification document. If there are benefits, a document giving the right to benefits must be presented.

If travel is carried out using a discounted travel pass, then with the passport the child must additionally present a certificate received from a school or other educational institution.

The certificate must contain the following information:

Cost of travel for children by railway transport

The fare depends on the age of the children; the ticket price is much lower than for adults, for example:

  1. Children under 5 years old travel for free if the child does not occupy a seat and shares it with an accompanying person. If a parent wishes to travel in a separate seat, the ticket is issued in accordance with the fares for children.
  2. Children 5-7 years old - according to children's rates.
  3. Children over 7 years old travel at adult fares.

Even if children have reached the age when they are allowed to travel independently, they must know the rules of behavior in transport and not forget about safety, as sometimes unpleasant situations happen during trips.

To avoid tragic consequences or minimize them, you should explain to your child the rules for minors traveling on a train without their parents.

During the movement of railway transport, while on the platform, you should move to a safe distance. Railway tracks can only be crossed at specially equipped crossings.

If the crossing is located at the same level as the railway tracks, make sure that there is no approaching train nearby.

It is prohibited and prohibited:

In addition to standard safety rules, we suggest using the following tips:

It is very important to talk about safety precautions with the child himself, because traveling on a train is unsafe even for an adult. The train may suddenly swerve at speed or brake suddenly.

Do not allow your child to walk around the carriages on his own or get out of the carriage at a stop; he may get lost or fall behind the train. Forbid him to come into contact with suspicious strangers.

If a request for help arises, it is better for the baby to turn to a woman, especially if she is traveling with her children.

Having found out whether it is possible to send your child on the train alone, you can plan a trip for your child to visit grandma or go on an excursion, but it is still better not to send children on the trip alone.

If such a need arises, then it is necessary to responsibly prepare for this trip, not only by preparing the necessary documents, but also by paying attention to safety rules.

Remember that no one can keep an eye on your child and ensure his safety better than a parent.

Sending a child alone is dangerous, even if he is already 10 years old, so try not to let him go alone on long-distance trains unnecessarily!

Changes regarding the transportation of children in the front seat of a car were made to the traffic rules on July 12, 2017. The changes in this regard were significant. If previously a child under 12 years old could not be transported without a car seat, now this can be done, but with certain subtleties and conditions. From what age can you transport a child in the front seat in cars and trucks (including when it comes to a child in the front seat in a Gazelle), what are the nuances of transporting children without a car seat, wearing standard seat belts, we will look into article.

Let's talk about everything in order!

At what age can you transport a child in the front seat without a seat?

So, traffic rules regulate 3 age periods of children, each of which has its own transportation rules. The Rules also separate cars and trucks, and the front and rear rows of seats to indicate conditions of transportation.

To quickly answer the question of at what age can you transport a child in the front seat, we suggest taking a quick test specifically for your case of transporting children.

Can I carry a child in the front seat - quick test

1. Are you going to transport your child in a car or truck (including a Gazelle)?

On a passenger car On a truck

2. What is the age range of your child?

Less than 7 years 7-11 years 12 or more years

You can transport your child by fastening him with a standard seat belt.

Go through again

You can transport your child, but only in a car seat or other type of child restraint.

Go through again

Let's first give an excerpt from paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules, and then in a convenient tabular form we will indicate what age and age a child can be transported in certain cars in a certain place. Just get ready, the quote from the traffic rules is quite long:

22.9. Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a car and a truck cab that is designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX* child restraint system must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.
The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR RS 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”.
Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child. The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cabin of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the specified systems (devices). It is prohibited to transport children under the age of 12 on the back seat of a motorcycle.

The above rule is quite difficult to understand and may seem confusing to many. So let's make it easier to understand! In the table diagram below we provide a simple answer to the question whether children can be transported in certain vehicles in a child restraint system (CDU) or wearing standard seat belts, or whether they cannot be transported at all.

The horizontal rows of the table show the age of the child, the vertical columns show the type of car and the position of the child in the cabin (in front or behind) and then whether it is possible to transport him in a child restraint system or a car seat, or with a standard seat belt fastened or not.

Child's age/type and row of car seats Child under 7 years old Child from 7 to 12 years old Child over 12 years old
Front seat of a car Car seat or child restraint 1 Car seat or child restraint Safety belt
Back seat of a car Car seat or child restraint Safety belt Safety belt
Truck front seat Car seat or child restraint Safety belt Safety belt
Back seat of a truck Car seat or child restraint Safety belt Safety belt
Back seat of a motorcycle Forbidden Forbidden Helmet

As you can see, the main differences are only that in a truck a child can ride in the front seat with a seat belt fastened from the age of 7, while in a passenger car - only from the age of 12.

Is it possible to transport a child in the front seat of a Gazelle?

In the front seat of a Gazelle (canopy, van), where there is no back row of seats at all, sometimes it is also necessary to seat a child. Do I need a car seat for this or can I fasten it with a belt? After all, on the one hand, the Gazelle’s PTS indicates that this vehicle belongs to a truck, on the other hand, the car weighs less than 3.5 tons, and almost all traffic rules apply to the Gazelle as a passenger car!

The answer to this question is clear. Traffic regulations clearly do not distinguish between trucks and passenger cars in the context of their curb weight of up to 3.5 tons or more. There are requirements either for the weight of the car or for its type. In paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules, trucks are specified, therefore the Gazelle in the context of this paragraph refers specifically to trucks.

This means that a child can be transported in the Gazelle in the front seat with a seat belt fastened if he is over 7 years old. Moreover, regardless of whether the Gazelle has a rear row of seats (“Farmer” or passenger version) or not.

How will a traffic police inspector determine whether a child is 7 years old or not?

Proof of the child’s age lies with neither of the two persons opposing at a certain point in time: the driver and the traffic police officer. And this, one might say, is in the legislation.

The fact is that the traffic rules clearly stipulate that the driver must submit for inspection to the traffic police inspector: driver’s license, STS, compulsory motor liability insurance and other documents in certain cases. There is no birth certificate or other supporting document among them.

If the inspector still demands evidence and tells you that in any case he will issue a fine for an unbelted child, and you then prove whether he has reached 7 years of age or not, then in this case he is wrong. The driver is not obliged to prove his innocence, and any doubts about the innocence of the driver involved should be interpreted in favor of this driver (clauses 3 and 4 of Article 1.5 of the Administrative Code).

What is the fine for an unbelted child?

The Administrative Code does not distinguish a specific violation, of which there may be several of the provisions of the above paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules. A child may be transported in violation of:

  • unfastened seat belt,
  • under the age of 7 years in the back seat of a car, wearing a seat belt, while he should be in a child restraint system,
  • under the age of 12 years, and in a truck up to 7 years old in the front seat, fastened with a belt, as it should be in a child restraint system,
  • up to 12 years old on a motorcycle.

The Code of Administrative Offenses simply has one single article that provides for a fine for any violation of the rules for transporting children:

Article 12.23
3. Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Traffic Rules entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of three thousand rubles; for officials - twenty-five thousand rubles; for legal entities - one hundred thousand rubles.

There is no provision for deprivation of rights and evacuation of the car to an impound lot for violations of the transportation of children.

Can an inspector prohibit further movement after a fine?

The functions of the traffic police are entrusted with ensuring road safety, including the suppression and prevention of violations. And now a situation where you were stopped by a traffic police officer with a child under 12 years old in the front seat, and you were driving in a passenger car, and issued a fine for the violation. Logically, he should prohibit you from further movement, because you do not have a car seat or other type of child restraint device, and accordingly, if he lets you go, he will commit a further violation.

By the way, there are no prohibitions on operation, as well as a day or any other time to eliminate violations in the traffic legislation for 2019. However, any procedural actions, including prohibition of further movement, detention of a vehicle and others, are expressly prescribed in the administrative code with certain grounds. If something is not spelled out, then the traffic police inspector cannot create a “gag” - Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Police” directly prohibits him from doing so:

Article 6. Legality.
1. The police carry out their activities in strict accordance with the law.
2. Any restriction of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of public associations, organizations and officials permissible only on the grounds and in the manner provided for by federal law.

In this case, no Russian federal law stipulates the obligation or even the ability of the inspector to stop the violation by sending the driver to purchase a car seat and only on this condition releasing him to further movement.

However, it is pointless to argue about the safety of child seats, comparing them with a child wearing a regular seat belt, and it is completely pointless to justify yourself by driving carefully - you are not alone on the road and cannot influence other drivers. A high-quality car seat costs as much as two or three fines for not having one. But most importantly, always remember, no matter how rude and cynical it may sound, that the cost of a child’s coffin is always higher than the price of a good certified car seat. Think about it! Especially if you make excuses for transporting a child “just once,” because children are also buried only once.

From January 1, 2017, changes to the rules for transporting children come into force. We'll go over each of the changes with our expert Alexander Starostin.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared a draft amendment to the traffic rules that will simplify the rules for transporting children in a car. The draft amendments are posted on the website.

According to the draft changes to the traffic rules, the following innovations are planned regarding the rules for transporting children:

22.9. Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years in a passenger car and the cabin of a truck, the design of which provides for seat belts, must be carried out using child restraint systems corresponding to the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a passenger car - only using child restraint systems that are appropriate for the child’s weight and height. It is prohibited to transport children under the age of 12 on the back seat of a motorcycle.

What does this mean and how should we approach it? Let's figure it out.

A new concept is being introduced: “a child restraint system corresponding to the weight and height of the child.” Children under 7 years old can now be transported in the back seat of a car only with its help.

A clear description of what a “child restraint system appropriate for the child’s weight and height” is has not yet been given, but it is obvious that it means a child’s car seat. Currently, clause 22.9 of the traffic rules is in effect, according to which children under 12 years of age must be transported in the back seat using “child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts.” These “other means”, which are excluded from clause 22.9 of the draft amendments, include boosters, adapters, pads, pillows, etc.

“Transport children under 7 years old only in car seats! Boosters and other devices are a cheap alternative to avoid punishment,- an expert on the safety of motorsports competitions, a lifeguard, told Healthy Children. — Since the Rules do not clearly state what a restraint device should be, negligent drivers-parents, in order to circumvent the law and not receive fines from traffic police inspectors, resort to using any “other means,” even home pillows and the Soviet Encyclopedia. Enterprising people began to call a cloth with two buttons an adapter or a holding device, referring to just one parameter - that the belt should not pass through the child’s neck(adapters are devices that allow you to change the geometry of the passage of a standard car seat belt through a child’s body – approx. Artem Magidovich)».

It is worth adding that Rosstandart initiated changes to European rules prohibiting certification and, as a result, the official sale of seat belt adapters, reports. The department proposes to allow the use of boosters only for children taller than 125 cm.

“When using the “booster plus a child’s height of 125 cm” scheme, a standard car seat belt will correctly hold the child, his body will fall exactly in those zones that are considered as safe as possible and are designed to preserve vital functions - these are the safety zones for the shoulder girdle and head. Adapters do not work dynamically as the manufacturers would like. In a static state, they allow you to change the geometry of the seat belt, but under real load conditions, as a rule, they fail, and everything does not happen according to the scenario that we would like.”

Children over 7 years old will be allowed to be transported in the back seat without a car seat, using the car's standard seat belts, and in the front seat - only using " child restraint systems that are appropriate for the child’s weight and height.”

Alexander Starostin: “This is the closest to reality, because few schoolchildren travel in car seats. This is normal because at the age of 7, children are usually of such a size that they do not feel very comfortable in a car seat. Usually at this age they already fall into the standard sizes for belts and seats, which are provided by the manufacturer. According to statistics, in frontal collisions, the front part of the car is subject to more overload than the rear part. Therefore, the back seat will be safer for the child.”

Children will now be able to ride in the front seat without assistive restraints from the age of 11, and not from 12, as was previously the case.

Alexander Starostin: “It all depends on the individual developmental characteristics of the child. Such standards are a kind of average balance. In each specific case, it is better for parents to decide for themselves whether their child should ride in the front without a car seat. It is clear that children want to sit forward as soon as possible and feel like an adult. It is also necessary to take into account that cars of different classes have different seat and interior sizes.”

“It is prohibited to leave a child under 7 years of age in a vehicle while it is parked in the absence of an adult.” For this violation it is proposed to introduce a fine of 500 rubles.

Alexander Starostin: "Agree. The main problem here is the child’s emotional state and temperature. Children, as a rule, begin to overheat in the car, dehydration occurs, and the threat of heat stroke occurs. If the car is started, the child can get over to the controls and do some mischief. In addition, there have been cases both here and in Europe when tinted cars with a child in the cabin were taken away on tow trucks, which also led to negative consequences for the health of children.”

The question of at what age can you take your license and study for the category is relevant for teenagers and their parents. A car gives you freedom of action; if you have it, you can travel, earn money, help your parents and friends. It is not surprising that young people want to enroll in driving courses as soon as possible and become full participants in the traffic. And what will happen to those who drive without a license?

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N1097 of October 24, 2014, candidates aged 16 years (for two-wheeled vehicles), 17 years (for passenger cars) and older can take the theoretical and practical exam. Those who have not reached the age of majority require the written consent of their parents (persons replacing them).

However, in fact, teenagers under 17 years of age can only obtain and drive a motorcycle or scooter.

You can drive a car as a driver only from the age of majority - the traffic police simply won’t issue you a license before that. However, it is allowed to learn to drive a car after reaching the age of 16. Many schools are aimed specifically at this age category of cadets. A teenager, under the guidance of an instructor, will become a completely legal participant in traffic.

According to clause 21.4 of the traffic rules, the student must be at least 16 years old. Thinking about the age at which you can take the exam, you can plan to start studying at a driving school. Considering that the preparation process will take 3-6 months, it is more rational to select a school closer to adulthood.

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, 21. Training driving

21.4. A student driving a car or motorcycle must be at least 16 years old.

I passed - what next?

Many people have a question: if the test was taken at the age of 17, when can you pick up your ID? This can be done at any time after reaching adulthood. However, a current medical certificate is required to complete the procedure.

Consequences of driving without a driving license

It is worth remembering at what age you can fine a “disenfranchised” driver. According to Art. 2.3 of the Administrative Code, administrative responsibility begins only in the sixteenth year of life. Before reaching this age, penalties may be imposed on the offender’s parents or guardians.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 2.3. The age at which administrative responsibility begins

1. A person who has reached the age of sixteen at the time of committing an administrative offense is subject to administrative liability.

According to Part 1 of Art. 12.7 of the Administrative Code, the fine for driving without the right to drive is 5-15 thousand rubles. Under this article, it is possible to force the car to be towed to an impound lot, which means additional costs. Thus, only the instructor is allowed to hand over the machine to a person who does not have a license. He must also be in the cabin while the program is running.

Are there any plans to change the rules?

Residents of remote cities and villages in Russia also want to know at what age you can drive a car. Indeed, in the absence of public transport, the issue of movement is solved only by a personal car. In Soviet times, a 16-year-old driver could be found everywhere, and an adult driver with 3 or more years of experience had to be in the car with him.

And although the question of returning this norm arises constantly, no changes are expected. Therefore, you will have to wait until you reach adulthood to legally drive a car.

So, teenagers (over 16 years old) can also learn to drive if their parents don’t mind. From the same age, category “A1” and “M” licenses are issued. As for the full category “B”, you can take the exam allowing you to receive a certificate at the age of 17, and only an adult can receive it.

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