Show throttle sensor. Dpdz: what is it and how does it work? Throttle sensor malfunctions and causes of their occurrence

The operation of the engine of a modern car is completely controlled by electronics. The controller collects readings from several sensors, prepares a mixture of fuel and air and supplies it to the cylinders in the required quantity. Failure of any of these meters leads to problems with the engine: failures, increased fuel consumption and loss of power. This publication proposes to consider the signs of a malfunction of the throttle position sensor (abbreviated as TPS), since it fails more often than others, making car enthusiasts nervous and looking for problems in the power unit.

Location and principle of operation of the meter

The sensor is installed on the throttle valve block and is mechanically connected to its axis. Thanks to this, the device is able to solve 3 problems:

  • inform the controller at what angle the throttle is currently open;
  • signal that the air supply is completely closed (the driver has released the accelerator pedal);
  • monitor the speed at which the damper opens.

Based on this information, the electronic powertrain control unit (ECU) makes a decision to increase or decrease the fuel supply and fuel injection for intense acceleration when the gas pedal is sharply pressed.

Reference. Two types of TPS are installed on cars: resistive and non-contact. The first ones are cheaper and therefore are found on all budget cars. The latter are more reliable and more expensive, and are installed on cars of medium and high price categories.

The operating algorithm of the resistive sensor is as follows:

  1. At idle, the damper is closed and air flows into the engine through a separate channel. The voltage at the device output does not exceed 0.5 volts; the controller supplies fuel to maintain engine idle speed.
  2. When the driver presses the gas pedal, the sensor slider moves along the resistive film. The resistance of the electrical circuit into which the device is connected in series decreases.
  3. The ECU “sees” the increase in voltage in the meter circuit, makes a calculation, prepares the air-fuel mixture in the required quantity and supplies it to the cylinders. The maximum voltage at wide open throttle is about 4.5 V.
  4. When the driver sharply presses the accelerator pedal, the controller notes a similar voltage surge and delivers a portion of the enriched mixture for dynamic acceleration.

Note. The operating voltage values ​​are indicated for a common Russian car - VAZ 2110.

The non-contact throttle position sensor functions identically. The difference lies in the method of influencing the electrical circuit. A resistive device changes resistance using a slider moving across the film, while a non-contact device changes resistance due to the magnetic-resistive effect. Thanks to this principle of operation, the TPS lasts much longer and does not create problems for the owner of the car.

Symptoms of sensor malfunction

The main control unit contains a program: if one of the important meters stops working, the air-fuel mixture is prepared and supplied according to average indicators, and the Check Engine warning sign turns on on the dashboard. Emergency operation with increased fuel consumption is a clear sign of a breakdown of any sensor.

The insidiousness of the TPS is that it does not break in the usual sense. When the resistive film begins to wear away, the resistance of the device changes unpredictably. The controller either “sees” a working sensor in the circuit, or notes incorrect voltage surges and tries to switch to emergency mode. From here, the main sign of a malfunctioning throttle valve is determined - a periodically flashing Check Engine display.

The problem is accompanied by a change in the behavior of the engine, or more precisely:

  • “shaking” and spontaneous stops of the engine idling;
  • there is no acceleration dynamics; after pressing the gas pedal, jerks and dips are observed;
  • increased idle speed of the power unit (1500–2500 rpm);
  • the car “does not pull” due to loss of power;
  • jerks are also felt while driving;
  • Fuel consumption increases by 10–25%.

The listed symptoms can be caused by a dozen reasons, ranging from malfunctions of the ignition system to wear and tear of engine parts. That is why it is important to weed out problems that lie on the surface, including incorrect operation of the throttle position sensor.

How to check TPS?

To confirm or refute the symptoms of a malfunction of the meter, you will need a multimeter or other device with a voltmeter function. The kit must contain pointed probes, otherwise you will have to strip the wires connected to the sensor. It is highly undesirable to strip the insulation from the conductors, so if there are no sharp contacts, make them yourself - they will come in handy in the future.

The sensor is diagnosed by measuring the voltage between the output wire and the machine ground. The operation algorithm is as follows:

  1. With the ignition off, remove the TPS connector and use the diagram to determine which of the three wires is the output. In VAZ cars, the required conductor is connected to the upper contact of the block.
  2. Put the connector in place and pierce the outside of the found wire with a pointed probe. Connect the second clamp to the negative terminal of the battery.
  3. Set the multimeter to measure voltage and turn on the ignition. Record your readings.
  4. Open the throttle all the way and remove the second voltage reading.
  5. Smoothly turn the damper, observing the voltage increase. The values ​​should change gradually, without jumps or drops to zero.

Advice. If the diagram is not available, find the required wire by elimination. The first contact is the power supply of the meter, the second is the “minus”, the third is the pulse output. With the ignition on, it is easy to find a wire with a constant supply voltage of 5 volts (for VAZ) and ground.

Now analyze the data. The voltage when the throttle is closed should not exceed 0.5–0.7 V (depending on the make of the car). When the specified threshold is exceeded, the controller “sees” the throttle slightly open, supplies more fuel and the speed increases, although in fact the throttle is closed. Compare the output with the symptoms of the malfunction.

Deviations with the air damper fully open and sudden jumps in voltage give the same effect. The ECU does not understand that the sensor is simply lying, and supplies the engine with fuel in accordance with its readings. This is where all the unpleasant moments arise - instability, failures, jerks. When the contact on the slider completely disappears, the controller goes into emergency mode, the display turns on and gasoline consumption increases.

So, a sign of a breakdown is a deviation from the upper and lower voltage thresholds and inadequate jumps when the throttle is opened smoothly. To be sure of the malfunction, you can disconnect the sensor connector and check its resistance in different throttle positions.

Replacing a non-working device is quite simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove the negative terminal of the battery.
  2. Disconnect the TPS connector.
  3. Unscrew the sensor and put a new one in its place.
  4. Connect the wires in reverse order.

To secure the meter, 1–2 screws or plastic latches are usually used. After installation, start the engine and make sure that the problem is resolved.

The design of a modern car includes many elements, it could be an expensive turbine or a cheap throttle position sensor. At the same time, the cost of a part does not at all indicate its significance. Thus, failure of the specified sensor can lead to disruption of engine operation and expensive repairs.

DPDZ area of ​​responsibility

In this article we will look at the features of this part and provide detailed instructions for its repair, adjustment and replacement. But before moving directly to the practical part, you should pay a little attention to theory and consider what the throttle valve and its sensor are, what functions they perform and where they are located. So, the damper itself is a structural component of the engine intake system. Its functions include adjusting the amount of incoming air, i.e. it is responsible for the quality of the fuel-air mixture.

The position sensor transmits information to the manifold about the state of the bypass valve. This is obvious from its name. The sensor can be film or non-contact (magnetic). Its design is similar to an air valve, and when it is open, the pressure in the system is equal to atmospheric pressure. But as soon as the element moves to the closed position, the value of the above characteristic immediately decreases to a vacuum state.

The throttle sensor consists of constant and variable resistors, the resistance of which reaches 8 ohms. The voltage at its output, depending on the position of the damper itself, constantly changes. The entire process is monitored by a controller, and the amount of fuel is adjusted depending on the data received. If the TPS does not work correctly and produces distorted data, then not enough fuel will enter the system or there will be an excess of it, which will lead to disruption of the engine and even sometimes its failure. In addition, the correct operation of the gearbox and ignition timing depend on this device. We will not calculate how much it will cost to repair these mechanisms.

To diagnose any component or part, you need to know its location. The throttle position sensor is located in the engine compartment. You can get to it after you find the throttle pipe, on which the TPS is fixed.

Why might we need to repair the sensor?

Nothing eternal has yet been invented, and this element is also breaking. Let's consider what reasons can provoke its failure and how this can be noticed. Throttle position sensor malfunctions are mainly caused by normal wear and tear. Thus, the sprayed base layer along which the slide moves wears out. As a result, the device gives incorrect readings. Another reason for incorrect operation may be the failure of the movable core. And if one of the tips is damaged, then a number of scratches will appear on the substrate, which will lead to breakage of the remaining elements. This will cause deterioration of contact between the resistive layer and the slider, and in some cases, its absence.

You can understand that it’s time to contact a service center or carry out independent diagnostics and, if necessary, repairs, based on the following signs. First of all, listen to your car while idling; if the speed “floats”, then do not hesitate to check the device. Another warning sign should be the engine stopping when the pedal is suddenly released. And when accelerating, it may seem that fuel is not getting into the system, the car twitches and jerks appear.

Sometimes the revolutions seem to hang in one range (1.5–3 thousand) and do not change their position even when switching to neutral gear. In addition, the dynamics deteriorate. In general, the slightest disturbance in engine operation should alert you. By the way, pay attention to the dashboard; the “Check engine” warning light should light up on it. If this happens, then your car automatically goes into emergency mode, and after doing computer diagnostics, you will see that the reason lies precisely in the sensor.

Checking the sensor without the help of an auto electrician

Checking the position sensor is quite easy, and anyone can cope with such a task, especially since for this you only need a multimeter, and when you don’t have one, a simple voltmeter will do. Next, perform all the steps below.

Turn the key in the ignition and measure the voltage between the slider contact and the minus. Its value should not exceed 0.7 V. Then we open the damper, turning the plastic sector, and take measurements again. Now the device should show more than 4 V. Turn on the ignition completely, after which the connector is pulled out and the resistance between any terminal and the slide is checked.

Now we slowly rotate the sector and observe the indicators of the measuring device. Its needle should also smoothly change its position, and any jumps are a sign of a sensor malfunction. There is a little trick. If you don’t want to disconnect the wires, you can simply pierce them with a thin needle, although it’s better not to be lazy and do everything as expected.

Adjustment in your garage

Even a novice car enthusiast can adjust the throttle position sensors; the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions given below. Moreover, this operation does not depend on the operating principle of the TPS – non-contact or not. So, first we carry out the preparatory work. We disconnect the corrugated tube through which air passes and thoroughly rinse it with alcohol, gasoline or another strong solvent. But one liquid is not always enough; to achieve a better effect, you should also wipe the tube with a soft cloth. We carry out the same operation with the damper itself and with the intake manifold. In addition, do not forget to carry out visual inspection, especially for the damper.

So, no mechanical damage was detected? Then we proceed directly to adjusting the throttle position sensor. First, take the key and loosen the screws. Then we raise the damper and sharply lower it all the way, keep in mind that you should hear a blow, otherwise repeat the operation again. Loosen the screws until the part stops “biting.” And only then can the position of the fasteners be secured with nuts. Next, unscrew the bolted connections of the TPS and rotate the device body. Next, we set the throttle position sensor so that the voltage changes only when the valve opens. The setup is complete, all that remains is to return everything to its place, tighten the bolts and enjoy driving your favorite car.

Replacement and selection of sensor - non-contact or film?

If the element fails, then its complete replacement will most likely save the situation. One of the important points of this stage is the correct choice of a new device. Of course, if you do not want to carry out all the operations again in a short period of time, then you should give preference only to high-quality products, and even more so avoid cheap Chinese counterfeits. In addition, do not opt ​​for film-resistive models. They are short-lived, and such savings can cost you a pretty penny. But contactless throttle position sensors are more reliable. They only cost a few dollars.

The film model has resistive tracks, while the non-contact model works on the principle of the magnetic effect. Its components are a stator, a rotor and a magnet. On the first, the magnetic field has a huge impact. The material of the second one is chosen such that the magnet does not have any influence on it. The distance between the TPS elements does not change and is selected at the assembly stage. Needless to say, the contactless sensor cannot be repaired.

The replacement itself will take you much less time than choosing a device. But despite the fact that the process is quite simple, let’s consider it in detail. We prepare a Phillips screwdriver, an O-ring for the throttle pipe and, of course, the part itself. The replacement begins by turning off the ignition if the car has been started. Open the hood and do not forget to disconnect the battery. To do this, remove the negative terminal.

Now we find the sensor on the throttle pipe and remove the block with wires from it; most likely you will have to press out the special plastic latch. Then unscrew the mounting bolts and dismantle the device. There is a foam ring between the TPS and the pipe, and it definitely needs to be replaced. And only after this can the sensor itself be installed. Fix the device firmly with bolts, otherwise the vibration will not do it any good and will cause failure. Reconnect the block with all the wires. Sometimes people forget to disconnect the battery; in this case, it is necessary to de-energize it for at least five minutes after installing the new device and connecting the plug to it.

You can check whether the element is working correctly as follows. Open the damper and pull the throttle cables to turn the TPS drive sector. If the position of the sector does not change, then the sensor should be installed again. At the same time, we rotate it 90 degrees relative to the damper axis. And finally, check the voltage with a tester; if its values ​​coincide with those indicated above, then the device is working.

Illusory repair possibilities

It should be said right away that repairing throttle position sensors is extremely rare. Firstly, the part itself, even the most expensive one, costs only a few dollars, and it makes sense to spend the money. Secondly, in most cases it is simply impossible to make repairs, for example, to restore a worn-out base layer. However, in some models you can slightly shift the resistive tracks relative to the slider and thereby extend the life of the device.

So, there is a special screw on the sensors. With its help, the position of the tracks is fixed. If they are already worn out, then you should loosen this same screw, this will change the location of the slider a little, and you can be patient with replacing the device a little. But don't count on long-term respite. Naturally, we remember that the non-contact TPS cannot be repaired. This completes the adjustment, repair and replacement of the throttle position sensor, now you can operate the car for several more years and not even think about such issues.

Every motorist knows perfectly well what a throttle valve is and what place it occupies under the hood of a car. During operation, this part takes two positions - it can be closed or open. And so that the driver knows exactly what position the part is in at a particular moment, there is a special throttle position sensor. Let's try to understand the device, the causes of the malfunction and methods of repairing the latter.

1 How the throttle position sensor works and why it breaks

To understand how the most popular non-contact position sensor works, we need to understand the design of the part. This element belongs to resistive devices. If we disassemble the sensor device, then inside we can find a movable slider that moves along a track in the form of a horseshoe or arc. The device operates due to the influence of magnetic waves that are created using air currents. It is because of this operating principle that this part is called a contactless sensor.

Let's begin with a review of the most common breakdowns of such an important element of the car. Malfunctions often occur due to wear of the resistive layer on the tracks along which the slider moves. Such breakdowns occur with contactless sensors and other types of parts. Often wear occurs in the area of ​​the track where the slider begins its movement. This malfunction is clearly visible upon visual inspection of the element.

Another type of throttle position sensor, powered by electrical power, very often ceases to perform its functions due to frayed wires. In most cases, such parts operate on a voltage of 5V.

If the sensor is faulty, then when measuring the indicator you will see that the part receives power of 0.3–0.5V. In this case, in the fully open position of the damper, the sensor will operate on a voltage of 3.2–4.7V.

Some vehicle models are equipped with sensors with inverse output characteristics. When the throttle is closed, such parts will show maximum voltage. The more the damper opens, the lower the power supply will be. Very often, drivers confuse this feature of the throttle position sensor with a breakdown. To verify the reliability of your guesses, you need to study the technical data sheet of the car, which indicates the type of sensor. To test such models, auto power must be determined not with one, but with two potentiometers. One device is designed to determine the direct inverse characteristic, and the second will show the inverse indicator at the output.

2 The first symptoms of a breakdown of the throttle position sensor

The fact that the throttle position sensor is broken can be determined by every car owner. To do this, you need to know about the main symptoms of part failure. These include:

  • The car engine is unstable or stalls at idle;
  • when you press the accelerator pedal, the car randomly revs up the gas, or, conversely, stalls;
  • the car “fails” in 1st–3rd gears.

The last type of malfunction is very common when execution fails. This problem is also encountered by drivers who replaced the original sensor with a low-quality analogue. Non-original parts are characterized by the fact that they are almost completely dependent on temperature. This means that the more the throttle position sensor housing heats up, the more often the element’s power output changes. For example, if the sensor shows an output voltage of one value when the engine is not running, then as the engine heats up this indicator will rapidly increase. At the same time, the ECU will not have time to respond to an increase in sensor voltage, which directly affects the operation of the car when shifting gears.

To eliminate the malfunction for a while, the driver just needs to turn off the ignition and then immediately start the engine again. In this case, the ECU will save the last indicator of the sensor power supply as if the throttle is closed. When the driver starts the car again, the ECU will work more stably, without “sinking” the car when changing gears. But do not forget that this is just temporary help for the car. And as soon as you discover a malfunction, immediately go to the nearest car service center.

3 Repairing the throttle position sensor at home

Above, we looked at the most common causes of throttle position sensor failure. Since most often the resistive layer in the design of a part wears out, repairing this particular part of the device is worth considering in more detail. Very often, drivers who have already encountered such a problem wonder about methods to solve it. The answer is very simple - it is impossible to do this at home. The only way out is to replace the damper position sensor completely. To do this, you need to remove the faulty device by unscrewing the fasteners and disconnecting it from the power supply and from the engine ECU. After this, we install a new sensor, connect it first to the ECU, and only then turn on the power. It is very important to install the new part in this order. There is no need to make any additional settings.

The throttle position sensor (TPS) is an electronic device that provides a relationship between the throttle valve angle and voltage, which regulates the level of fuel and air supplied to the cylinders. This element is used in fuel injection engines.

The design of the sensor is quite simple: a potentiometer with three terminals is rigidly attached to the throttle valve. One of the terminals supplies the operating voltage, the second is connected to ground, and the third allows the engine control unit to record the received data for further processing.

The operating principle of the throttle position sensor can be understood based on its design. A closed throttle valve should not produce a signal, so the voltage is kept within background levels. When the throttle valve is opened, the voltage level increases up to a maximum value if the throttle valve is opened completely.

The signal sent by the TPS makes it possible to monitor the current position of the throttle valve, and the rate of change of this signal sends information about the dynamics of the gas pedal to the engine control unit. The engine control unit receives a signal about the voltage level on the potentiometer and promptly makes changes to the operation of the power unit, regulating the fuel supply and the moment the spark occurs.

When starting the engine, the TPS determines the degree of opening of the damper. If it is open more than ¾, then the controller starts purging the power unit. The closed position allows you to activate the idle speed control, which provides air to the engine through a bypass channel.

It is worth immediately noting that the signs that appear when a faulty TPS can be interpreted in different ways. Sometimes inexperienced drivers, when there is a lack of speed, immediately change the throttle position sensor, although it could well be in good working order. In general, there is no need to rush to replace this element - first you need to make sure that it was its malfunction that caused the poor functioning of the engine.

It is quite easy to notice signs of malfunctions in the throttle position sensor, since there are many of them:

  1. Increased or unstable engine idle speed.
  2. Lack of revolutions when engaging neutral gear, due to which the engine constantly stalls.
  3. When driving, there are noticeable jerks and a noticeable drop in dynamics.
  4. The “Check Engine” light came on on the dashboard.
  5. The engine cannot be started the first time, and during further operation there is a slight “uncertainty” of the motor.
  6. Increased fuel consumption.
  7. A noticeable drop in engine power at any speed.

DPZD: side view

Each of these signs is unpleasant in itself, and when they begin to appear synchronously and with enviable consistency, this is a clear sign that it is necessary to check the engine, including the throttle position sensor (this element quite often fails).

A faulty TPS often causes the problems described above, and its condition must be carefully monitored.

How to check the throttle position sensor

The symptoms of a faulty sensor are quite vague and can indicate a variety of problems. To accurately verify that the TPS is faulty, it is necessary to diagnose it.

Checking the sensor is quite simple, and the only equipment you need is a voltmeter. The verification algorithm will look like this:

1. First you need to turn on the ignition. Next, using a voltmeter, the voltage level between the slider and the negative terminal is measured. The voltmeter needle should not move above 0.7W. Otherwise, we can conclude that there is a malfunction.

2. If the previous step was completed successfully, then it is necessary, without disconnecting the voltmeter, to open the throttle valve all the way. The voltage should rise above 4 V. The operating voltage with the damper fully open usually fluctuates within 5 V, but small deviations are quite possible even with a working sensor.

3. The following action must be carried out with the ignition off. To check, remove the connector and check the resistance between the slider and any of the terminals.

4. When turning the movable sector, you need to carefully monitor the movements of the voltmeter needle. Smooth and unhurried movement suggests that the throttle position sensor is in order. Jerking or chaotic movements of the needle are a sure sign that the TPS needs to be replaced.

Throttle position sensor: possible malfunctions

The throttle position sensor has a fairly simple design, but even taking this into account, it contains elements that can fail due to wear or sudden overload. The most common TPS problems include the following:

1. Abrasion of the base coating at the initial segment of the slider movement. An erased resistive base always causes a TPS malfunction. As the slider moves, the voltage supplied to the engine control unit should increase - but this does not happen due to the lack of resistance. As a result, malfunctions occur, including failure of the engine control unit.

2. Malfunction of any tip. The slightest problem often leads to a host of other problems. In this case, damage to one tip leads to burrs appearing on the lining. They, in turn, disable the remaining tips. In this case, the contacts can sometimes continue to work, but not for long, and the wear of the substrate will be much higher than under normal conditions. In any case, with such a malfunction, the resistive layer and the slider do not contact, thereby rendering the power unit inoperable.

3. Failure of the slider. Sometimes the slider itself causes a malfunction in the throttle position sensor. As a rule, this structural element wears out over time or begins to move away from the correct trajectory, resulting in a malfunction.

To troubleshoot the TPS, you should first figure out whether you can get by with minor repairs, or whether it will be much easier to replace the entire structure.

Despite the simplicity of the throttle position sensor, repairing it is quite difficult and not very profitable. You can clean the contacts or bend them, but this solution is more like half measures - it will be much easier to purchase and install a new sensor.

Video: what is TPS, causes of malfunction and solution


We have determined where the throttle position sensor is located and what it is. The throttle position sensor is a small but proud element of the electronic engine management system, and if it malfunctions, a lot of problems arise, including the impossibility of starting the power unit. The simplicity of the design in most cases does not provide sufficient space for repairing the TPS, but the low cost of this element eliminates the need for repairs, allowing you to simply replace the defective part.

It happens that the car begins to work unstably or stall at idle. There are many reasons for this engine behavior, but one of them is a malfunction of the throttle position sensor (TPS). In principle, this phenomenon occurs quite often, and at first it may seem to you that there is some very serious problem with the engine. In order to make sure that there is no serious damage, and the whole problem is in the throttle sensor, you need to check its serviceability before going anywhere.

TPS and problems with it

The sensor is a device that determines the angle at which the throttle valve is turned. This is a sensor without which your engine would not be able to operate correctly. To put it simply, we can say that it shows whether the damper is open or not.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the sensor largely determines at what point the ignition will occur, and if you have an automatic transmission, how correctly it will work. That's why you need to monitor this sensor.

The problem with the sensor is that when there is a fault in the sensor, it can be closed, but the brains consider it open, accordingly, they begin to supply more fuel, which will correspond to a suitable air-fuel mixture. As a result, the engine begins to overflow and it stalls.

Of course, it’s not very pleasant when the engine constantly stalls. Besides that, there is another problem. When the engine operates in this mode, it can cause engine failure. If this happens, the breakdown can be very costly. But even if a malfunctioning throttle valve does not lead to more serious problems, it will still hit your pocket, since the engine will begin to consume much more fuel than necessary.

If you want to check if the sensor is ok, then you need to know where it is. To find it, first trace the throttle body. The sensor connected to the damper axis is located on it.

Signs of sensor malfunction

In order for you to be able to identify a sensor malfunction, you need to know all the symptoms that may indicate the presence of this problem:

  • The engine starts to stall the moment you change gear. More precisely, at the moment when you turn off the gear while driving.
  • Instability of idle speed, regardless of what mode the engine is operating in.
  • The presence of jerks when you pick up speed, even if you try to do it smoothly.
  • The engine starts to stall if you suddenly take your foot off the gas.
  • Engine power is noticeably reduced.

There are times when the “check engine” icon may light up briefly on the dashboard; you will learn about this feature a little further in the article. Be that as it may, if you notice one or more of these signs, it is better not to delay and check the condition in which the sensor is located.

How to check

There is nothing complicated in checking, but it is worth noting that you need to strictly adhere to a certain sequence, and you will also need an additional device - a tester.

A little information about the check engine light: it reminds you that there is some kind of malfunction in the engine and you need to check or repair the engine. In theory, it should light up when the ignition is turned on and then go out immediately. If it does not go off, it means that the computer has detected some problems. In this case, most likely, you need to contact specialists.

  • First of all, turn off the ignition. Once again, make sure that the check engine light on the dashboard is not on.
  • If the light goes out, you can safely open the hood and start checking the sensor.
  • First check if there is a minus.
  • Next, check if there is power to the sensor (note that the values ​​may vary depending on what voltage is used in the car).
  • Without removing the sensor from its place, connect the minus to ground and the plus to the output contact that goes to the ECU.
  • Without touching the damper in any way, turn on the ignition. The device should show a voltage of up to 0.7 volts.
  • After this, turn the knob to fully open the throttle. In this position, the device should show at least 4 volts.
  • Turn off the ignition.
  • With the ignition turned off, you need to connect to the sensor again.
  • Then rotate the sector smoothly and without jerking, at the same time look at what readings the device gives.
  • If they grow slowly without any sudden jerks or fluctuations, everything is fine.
  • But if not, then this indicates that worn spots have formed on the resistor track.

Please note that these indicators are very important, because they affect whether the control unit responsible for the level of fuel supply to the injectors will work correctly. After all, there may be situations when the throttle valve is closed, but the computer perceives it to be completely open, or vice versa. Both have a negative impact on the engine.

If you observe serious jerks, you will need to change the sensor.

If you have changed the throttle position sensor, then adjusting the sensor is not necessary after that. For the controller, the initial position is the moment when the damper is completely closed.

Reasons for sensor failure

Unfortunately, you are not able to save yourself from all breakdowns of any mechanisms, parts or sensors in the car. As for the sensor, there are several reasons why it may fail:

  1. The slider with the resistive layer loses contact. This can be caused by a broken tip that is riding up on the backing, causing all the others to break as well. It is worth noting that in this case the sensor can continue to work while it still has a resistive layer. As a result of this, the core finally fails. If you have this sensor malfunction, it will be more difficult to identify, because there may be other reasons for unstable engine operation.
  2. The linear voltage of the output signal does not increase. This may be due to the base coating being worn down to the base where the slider begins.

Please note that if you have a TPS malfunction, then no additional signals should appear on the dashboard, because the car’s self-diagnosis does not detect this problem; it can only be determined by the signs listed above.

And finally, choose a quality sensor if you still have to change it. It is better not to install an inexpensive film-resistive sensor, because this can lead to the fact that it will soon stop working correctly, and you will again begin to notice symptoms of a sensor malfunction when driving a car. But what’s even worse is that another breakdown of the TPS can, in turn, harm the engine.

The best option would be a contactless sensor. Naturally, its price is much higher, but you can be sure that it will serve you for a long time and reliably.

To summarize, if you notice any symptoms that indicate a problem with the throttle position sensor, then checking its condition will not be too difficult an operation. If, however, during the check you find that the sensor is faulty, then replace it. At the same time, it’s better not to save, because you can’t skimp on the quality of engine components. Love your car, and then it will repay you with long service and reliability.


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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (61) Additional to the author. certificate (22) Declared 03/24/76 (21) 2339622/25-08 with the addition of application No. (23) Priority” (43) Published 03/05/78, Bulletin No. 9 (45) Date of publication of the description 02/09/78 State
Circuits for protecting Li-ion batteries from overdischarge (discharge controllers)
Assessing the characteristics of a particular charger is difficult without understanding how an exemplary charge of a li-ion battery should actually proceed. Therefore, before moving directly to the diagrams, let's remember a little theory.