Insurance companies will repair cars under compulsory insurance. Compensation in kind under compulsory motor insurance. What happens

Payments under compulsory motor liability insurance have been replaced with repairs since 2017 - this rule came into force after the President of the Russian Federation signed amendments to the previously existing law on compulsory motor liability insurance. The new amendments are effective from April 28, 2017 and apply only to those compulsory insurance policies that were issued after this date.

Before the law came into effect, car owners had the choice of receiving a refund or making repairs. Now he's gone. If the culprit in the accident signed a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement after April 28, in most cases you will have to forget about the monetary payment. After another six months, direct compensation will be relevant even in the event of an accident involving 2 or more cars.

How did the old rules work?

Before the new law, the car owner had two options for compensation:

  • The funds were transferred to the car owner, after which he made repairs.
  • The money was transferred directly to the service station, and the car owner paid the difference for the repairs from his own pocket.

As you can see, the injured party retained the right to refuse repairs at the service station and take the money. This loophole was used by various lawyers, helping participants in road accidents to sue the insurance company for the required funds and in this way receive additional income. The presence of cash payments led to the emergence of scammers who substituted their cars on the roads in order to receive money under compulsory motor liability insurance.

With the new law coming into force, there is no room for choice, and car owners are forced to repair their car at a service station.

​With the entry into force of the new amendments, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • The car owner gets into an accident.
  • The victim's car is sent to a service station.
  • The insurance company pays the bill for repairs and parts.

Cash payments have not been canceled for everyone, but only for owners of passenger cars registered in the Russian Federation and owned by citizens of the country.

Main features of the new law

  1. Who makes the payments?

In the event of an accident, a representative of the insurance company inspects the car and issues a referral for repairs. During the car restoration process, only new parts are used. Installation of used spare parts is possible upon concluding an agreement with an insurance company. By the way, the insurer may not give its approval.

  1. How are payments calculated?

Repair costs are calculated using the Central Bank method, which takes into account various indicators. When this method is used, the costs of painting parts are not always included in the total amount or are partially painted.

Payment for installed parts is made not according to a receipt from the store, but taking into account the average statistical information given in a special directory. The same approach is used when determining costs for service stations. If the money allocated by the insurer is not enough for repairs, the difference will have to be made up from your own money.

  1. What repair periods are established by law?

A referral for vehicle restoration is issued within 20 days from the date of acceptance of the application by the insurer. If the work is planned to be carried out at a third-party service station, which is not included in the list of the insurance company, there may be a delay in issuing a referral - up to a month.

30 working days are allotted for repair work. The countdown starts from the moment the vehicle is accepted by the service station. An increase in the established period is possible for more complex repairs and with the consent of the injured party. If repairs are delayed, the insurance company pays a penalty.

  1. Is there a guarantee?

Many people are interested in whether the service station provides a guarantee. If we are talking about body restoration work, it is 1 year, and for other types of repairs - 6 months.

  1. Where is the car sent for repair?

Where the vehicle is restored depends on the insurance company. Each insurer has its own list of service stations with which contracts have been drawn up. There may be many options, but each time the decision is made individually. According to the law, a car service must be located no more than 50 km from the scene of the accident or the place of residence of the injured party.

If the insurance company pays for a tow truck to deliver the car to the service station, you can choose any option from the list. What does it mean? If the accident occurred at a distance of 200 km from the car owner’s house, the insurer has the right to send a tow truck. In this case, the transport takes the car for repair to the nearest service station or to any other service station. It is worth knowing that the task of the insurance company is to deliver the car not only to the service station, but also to its original location.

  1. What to do if the car is under warranty?

By law, the insurance company is obliged to send the car to a service center that has the right to service cars of a certain brand (this must be confirmed by an agreement with the dealer or manufacturer). If such a service station is not on the list, the car is sent for repair at any other service offered by the insurer, but subject to the consent of the car owner. If the owner refuses the proposed option, he is allowed to take the money.

This condition applies if the car is under 2 years old. This is a big minus, because many manufacturers provide a warranty of 3-5 years. If the insurer does not have suitable options in the list, it has the right to send the car for any service. In this case, no compensation will be issued.

  1. How to decide on a service station?

When applying for a compulsory insurance policy, the car owner has the right to indicate a specific service to which the insurer must issue a referral for direct damage compensation. Most often you have to choose from the list of an insurance company, but by agreement it is possible to indicate another service station (even if it is not on the list).

If any agreements are reached, the latter must be recorded in the statement. In this case, the consent of the insurance company must be in writing. If the insurer cannot pay for repairs at the agreed service, the owner has the right to demand monetary compensation.

  1. What to do if the repairs are done poorly?

If the car was transferred to a service station, which delayed the delivery of the car or poorly completed the task, the owner files a claim with the insurance company with a request to remove the existing defects. If the problems have not been eliminated, you can demand compensation, and in case of refusal, go to court.

  1. When can I receive monetary compensation?

Cash payments are made in the following cases:

  • The car cannot be restored at a service station.
  • The victim died, and the relatives do not want to restore the vehicle.
  • There is mutual responsibility of the parties (this fact must be proven).
  • The victim is disabled and drives a special car.
  • The insurance payout is not enough to pay for the necessary repairs.
  • The party injured in the accident suffered severe or moderate harm. In this case, the car owner preferred monetary compensation.
  • The Central Bank did not allow the damage to be covered by paying for repairs.
  • The insurer and the policyholder have agreed that compensation will be paid in cash.
  • The victim refused to have the car repaired at a service station that did not have an agreement with the dealer or manufacturer.

Can I get money for doing my own repairs?

Some car owners decide to repair their cars themselves. It is worth considering here that receiving money at will is no longer possible. Compensation is paid only in one of the above cases. The easiest way is to try to negotiate with the insurer about monetary compensation. In case of refusal, it will not be possible to somehow influence the insurance company. The car will have to be sent in for repairs and, perhaps, some of the funds will have to be spent on spare parts.

Why should the car owner pay extra if there is no fault?

It was noted above that the calculation of the amount of payments is made using the Central Bank method, which takes into account many indicators, starting with the area of ​​damage and ending with the volume of leakage of consumables during the repair process. The owner of the car cannot demand to fill in the usual oil or install spark plugs from a specific manufacturer. The insurer takes into account data from a special directory and takes into account information received from an expert. This is why sometimes there is not enough money for repairs, and the car owner is forced to pay extra out of pocket.

To reduce costs, you can agree to install used parts, but such an agreement must be in writing. Even in the absence of fault, compulsory motor liability insurance rarely covers the cost of repairs, but according to the law, the injured person has the right to demand additional payment from the guilty party.

What to do if you have a policy issued before April 28?

In this case, you can use the old contract and, in case of an accident, choose one of the available options - payment of money or payment for repairs. Once the policy expires, it is important to carefully select an insurer. Pay attention to the list of services that the insurance company works with. This list can be found on the official website of the insurer. There should also be other information here - the addresses of the service station, the timing of repairs, as well as the brands of cars being serviced.

Before concluding a contract, contact a trusted service station and find out which insurance companies it works with. Then select the appropriate option from the list.

If you replace parts yourself, collect receipts for spare parts, as they may be required for examination or legal proceedings. If an accident occurs, make sure that the paperwork is completed correctly. This will preserve the possibility of direct coverage of losses with the insurance company.

What if you are going to buy a car?

If you are just planning to buy a car and want to maintain the warranty, make a request from an authorized service station dealer. Select the company that works with the service center you are interested in. If the insurer of the guilty party does not have an agreement with this service station, demand a referral here or monetary compensation.

If you are buying a used car, ask the seller for papers for parts that they recently purchased. If you purchase an expensive car, consider whether you can pay the difference yourself when repairing the car under compulsory motor liability insurance. It will no longer be possible to receive a payment and then make repairs in a friend’s garage.

As you know, in 2017, MTPL introduced a priority for compensation in kind (hereinafter referred to as repairs in the text) over cash payments. A number of questions arise in connection with the innovation.

What is the essence of the priority of repairs under compulsory motor liability insurance over payment?

In simple words, the priority is that instead of a cash payment, you receive a referral for repairs, which are paid for by the insurance company. At the same time, it is now impossible to choose money instead of repairs, as it was before, except for a small list of cases.

Let's take a look at the various issues.

1.When can you choose between money or repairs according to the old rules?

To determine whether you can get money under the old rules, you need to look at the policy of the person at fault for the accident.

The priority of repairs over payment was introduced by the Federal Law of March 28, 2017. No. 49-FZ. It came into force on April 28, 2017. This means that if the person at fault for the accident was issued a policy before this date, then the old rules apply to you, when the victim had a choice: money or repairs.

What makes up a simple calculation. The last day when an accident can occur, and you will have the right to choose if you have an old policy, is April 27, 2018.

2.Which service stations are sent to, and can a citizen choose a service station at his own discretion?

The insurance company issues a referral to the service station with which it has an agreement. The list of service stations with which the insurer has such agreements must be indicated on its website.

A citizen can carry out repairs at any other service station only if there is an appropriate agreement with the insurance company. In other words: the choice is only within the limits provided by the insurer.

3. How is the repair carried out? Does wear and tear count? Do I need to pay extra for the service station?

The law obliges the use of new parts when carrying out repairs and prohibits the installation of used ones on a car. Therefore wear and tear is not taken into account. By the way, they can supply new non-original (Chinese) spare parts.

Additional payment for repairs is provided only if the culprit has an old policy and you chose repairs instead of money (see answer to question 1).

4. Is the warranty void when repairs are carried out under compulsory motor liability insurance?

A mandatory requirement for a service station with which the insurer has an agreement is that it has its own agreement with the manufacturer or distributor of cars of the corresponding brand. In other words, it must be a service station of an official dealer.

This requirement is mandatory if your car is no more than two years old (from the date of manufacture). The warranty does not expire if it itself does not exceed this period. Otherwise, if the guarantee is given for a longer period, it will be void.

5. What are the deadlines for insurance compensation and repairs?

After inspecting the vehicle, the insurer is obliged to issue a referral to a service station within 20 days from the date you submit an application for an insured event with a full package of documents.

Repairs must be carried out within 30 days from the date you hand over the car to the service station. This is a mandatory requirement that cannot be changed by any agreement. Pay attention exactly after the car is handed over for service! If you don’t hand over your car for service, but continue to drive it, then the 30 days don’t even begin to count.

6. Who is responsible for delays in repairs and their poor quality? Car service or insurer?

The insurer is responsible to you.

For violation of the deadlines for issuing a referral to a service station, the insurer will pay you a penalty in the amount of 1% of the amount of insurance compensation for each day of delay.

In case of violation of the repair deadlines, the insurer pays a penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the same amount, respectively.

In case of poor-quality repairs, you also submit a claim for compensation of losses to the insurer.

7. When can I get money in lieu of repairs?

There are several such cases. Let's look at the general principles first:

  • the car is destroyed - in other words, the car is written off as “total”
  • your death
  • you have suffered serious or moderate harm to health and you have received an application for payment
  • you are disabled and you have received an application for payment
  • if the cost of restoration repairs exceeds the liability limit (currently this is 400,000 rubles)
  • The insurance company does not have the opportunity to organize repairs at the service station with which it has an agreement
  • you have an agreement with the insurer to pay in cash
  • if the Central Bank, in the event of repeated violations by the insurer during the year of the rules for in-kind compensation, will limit its right to send for repairs
  • none of the service stations with which the insurer has an agreement meets the mandatory requirements required by law

Now let's move on to the mandatory requirements for service stations:

  • The period for repairs at a service station does not exceed 30 days
  • The service station is located no further than 50 km from your place of residence or the scene of the accident
  • The service station must have an agreement with the manufacturer or distributor of cars of this brand, if your car is no more than 2 years old (see answer to question No. 4)

If none of the service stations with which the insurer has an agreement meets the specified requirements, money is paid.

If the Central Bank has limited the insurer’s right to refer victims for repairs, repairs can only be carried out with your consent. Information about the Central Bank making such a decision is contained on its official website.

7.How is money paid in this case? With or without wear and tear?

Taking into account wear and tear according to the Unified Methodology approved by the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

8. Pitfalls of repair under MTPL

It is assumed that the owner of a damaged car makes no difference how to receive insurance compensation. All he essentially wants is for the car to be repaired and to be drivable.

If the insurer chooses the station himself, pays for the repairs himself, old parts are replaced with new ones, then the citizens only benefit. At least, this is how the amendments to OSAGO were announced.

Meanwhile, real life brings surprises.

If earlier insurers delayed payment, now they are just as delaying in issuing directions for repairs and paying for repairs.

The stations are also not punctual and a 30-day repair turns into a sluggish process for several months. At the same time, some service stations, after 2-3 months, even refuse to do repairs due to their high cost or the impossibility of ordering the necessary spare parts.

It is important to note that the quality of repairs is also a big question. If your car is more than two years old, then you cannot be sure that the insurer, in an effort to save money, will not send you to a service station where the repairs will be carried out cheaply and of poor quality.

Some insurance companies do not issue referrals for repairs at all due to the high cost of repairs and the desire to save money. It is cheaper to pay taking into account wear and tear than to pay for a full repair with replacement with new parts. That is, the very idea of ​​the priority of natural compensation loses all meaning.

As of January 2018, the situation in St. Petersburg is as follows.

At the end of April 2017, changes in the field of motorist liability insurance came into force. Particularly important innovations affected the procedure for compensation of damages. Now drivers who purchased a policy after April 28 will not be able to receive cash payments. Changes do not apply to contracts concluded before this date. And if they are involved in an accident, the old rules will apply.

○ The right to choose repair or payment.

The law establishes the right of a driver who is not guilty of an accident to choose the type of insurance compensation.

Clause 15 Art. 12 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance:

  • “ compensation for damage caused to a vehicle can be carried out at the choice of the victim: by organizing and paying for restoration repairs; by issuing the amount of the insurance payment to the victim at the insurer’s cash desk or transferring the amount of the insurance payment to the bank account of the victim.”

With regard to passenger vehicles of Russian citizens, which are registered in the country, a different condition applies, with some exceptions:

Art. 15.3 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance:

  • “ compensation for damage caused to a passenger car owned by a citizen and registered in the Russian Federation is carried out by organizing and (or) paying for the restoration of the damaged vehicle of the victim (compensation for the damage caused in kind).”

While most drivers still have the opportunity to choose, it is important to understand which compensation option is beneficial to the motorist and not to the insurance company. The introduction of repairs as a reimbursement option was made with great reserves for the future. The reform process in this area has not yet been completed, so it is not yet possible to talk about any serious advantages. The obvious advantages of repairs at the insurance company’s service station include:

  • Eliminates the need to search for services on your own.
  • There is no need to negotiate additional rubles from the insurance company (often even in court).
  • After repair, all quality guarantees are provided.

Meanwhile, until this process is fully debugged, you can agree to this option if minor repairs are required. For example, if only the body or external elements are affected, and the list of service stations offered by the insurer includes worthy representatives of their profession. In other cases, repairs can result in even bigger problems.

○ Changes in 2017:

The main innovation is that monetary compensation has been replaced by repairs. In some cases, compensation will still be paid, but these are few.

✔ Rules for MTPL contracts until 04/28/2017.

Before the introduction of the changes, the opportunity to choose the type of compensation (money or repairs) was retained for all motorists who were involved in an accident and were innocent of the incident.

✔ Rules for MTPL agreements after 04/28/2017.

It has been established that everyone can choose insurance compensation, except for Russian citizens who have a car registered in the Russian Federation.

The innovations do not affect those who purchased a policy before April 28, 2017. Therefore, if they get into an accident under the old policy, they will also be able to choose the type of compensation.

✔ When the insurance company is obliged to issue a cash payment under the new law.

Payment will be made in the following cases:

  • Complete loss of the car.
  • Death of the victim.
  • Causing serious or moderate harm to the victim.
  • If the victim is disabled.
  • If none of the service stations has the equipment necessary to carry out repair work.
  • If the insurer cannot arrange for repairs to be carried out.
  • Subject to a written agreement with the insurance company.

In all of the above situations, car repair is impossible: the insurance company must pay the car owner money.

✔ Accounting for wear of spare parts during restoration repairs.

Costs for spare parts are calculated according to the level of wear and tear. It is determined by experts when inspecting the car and preparing a report. The maximum level of wear is defined as 50%.

✔ Possibility of choosing a car service when purchasing MTPL.

After the new rules come into force, before purchasing a policy, it is recommended to study the list of services that different insurance companies work with. They are available on insurers' websites.

You should also pay attention to the quality of the work performed, reviews, and the popularity of these services among motorists.

Only after choosing a potential service station for possible repairs can you conclude an insurance contract.

○ How to arrange repairs under OSAGO.

If an insured event occurs, the following documents must be submitted to the insurance company within 5 days:

  1. Notification of an accident.
  2. Certificate about road accident.
  3. A resolution identifying the culprit.

The insurer accepts the driver’s application, reviews it and recognizes the case as insured. The appraiser inspects the vehicle and determines the cost of repairs.

After this, the car owner decides which service station will carry out the repairs, and the insurance company prepares an agreement. It indicates the deadlines for completing the work, the list of actions and the cost. The agreement is signed by everyone: the insurance company, the car owner and the service station.

Next, the motorist is given a direction for repairs, which must be carried out within a certain time frame. Next comes the actual repair work. However, the car owner cannot control the service station workers; all issues are resolved through the insurance company.

○ Who does the repairs?

  • Makes and years of production of cars that are serviced at each service station.
  • Repair completion times (approximate).
  • Confirmation of the service station's compliance with the requirements for organizing and carrying out repairs.

When filing an insurance claim, the insurance company must also provide the motorist with a complete list of organizations that carry out repairs.

In addition to these service stations, a motorist can repair his car:

  1. From an official dealer who cooperates with the insurance company.
  2. On a service owned by an insurance company (not all insurance companies have such services).
  3. At a service station chosen independently (this option is practically impossible, since it requires an agreement with the insurer).

Thus, the choice of the service station that will repair the car remains with the motorist.

On April 28, 2017, changes to the Federal Law “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners” came into force. The new version of the law changes the procedure for compensation for damage caused to passenger cars. These changes apply to vehicles owned by citizens and registered in the Russian Federation.

The priority form of compensation for damage will now be restoration repairs at a service station.

How will it work?

The car owner chooses a service station (STS) from among those with which the insurance company has an agreement. You can choose a service station both when purchasing a policy and at the stage of settling a loss. A list of service stations indicating the addresses of their location, a list of brands and years of production of the vehicles being serviced, as well as approximate repair times should be published on the website of the insurance organization and constantly updated.

Important! During restorative repairs, in contrast to monetary payments, wear and tear of parts and assemblies is not taken into account, and the use of used or refurbished components is not allowed (unless otherwise determined by agreement between the insurance company and the victim).

Is it possible to choose another service station?

To repair a damaged car at a service station with which the insurer does not have an agreement, you must obtain the written consent of the insurance organization. In the application for insurance compensation, you must indicate the full name of the selected service station, location address and payment details so that the insurer can pay for the restoration repairs carried out.

What are the conditions for restoration?

The deadline for repairs is no more than 30 working days from the date the victim presented the vehicle to the service station.

Repairs of new cars (not older than two years) must be carried out at the service station of an official dealer providing warranty service.

The minimum warranty period for restoration work on a damaged vehicle is 6 months, and for body work and work related to the use of paint and varnish materials - 12 months.

What to do in case of an accident?

If, as a result of an accident, damage was caused to only two vehicles and all drivers have valid MTPL policies, then an application for insurance compensation must be submitted to your insurer.

Important! In cases of harm to the life or health of participants in an accident, an application for insurance compensation should be submitted to the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

Completed notifications about road accidents must be submitted by road accident participants to their insurance companies (or their representatives in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the accident occurred) within five working days after the accident.

The period for consideration of an application for insurance compensation is 20 working days.

For failure to comply with the deadline for issuing a repair order to the victim, a penalty is charged in the amount of 1% of the amount of insurance compensation for each day of delay. For violation of the repair deadlines, the insurer is punished with a penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the amount of insurance compensation.

In what cases is a monetary refund in lieu of repairs possible?

Insurance payment in cash is made in the following cases:

  • death of the victim;
  • infliction of serious or moderate harm to the health of the victim (if such a form of insurance compensation is selected in the application for insurance compensation);
  • the victim is disabled and has a car for medical reasons (if such a form is chosen in the application for insurance compensation);
  • total loss of the vehicle;
  • the cost of restoration repairs exceeds 400 thousand rubles (50 thousand rubles for cases of registration of an accident according to the European protocol) and the victim does not agree to make an additional payment for repairs at a service station;
  • all participants in the accident are found responsible for the damage caused (“mutual”) and the victim does not agree to make an additional payment for repairs at the service station;
  • as a result of an accident, damage was caused only to property other than a vehicle;
  • the victim refuses repairs at a service station if it does not meet the requirements for organizing restoration repairs;
  • the insurance company does not provide the victim with the opportunity to carry out restoration repairs at the service station specified when concluding the MTPL contract;
  • existence of a written agreement between the insurer and the victim.

On September 1, 2014, another amendment to the MTPL Law came into effect. Now a car owner injured in an accident can choose a method of compensation for damage: payment in cash or repairs at a service station controlled by the insurer. However, this is not a unique innovation for the “motor citizen”.

Rosgosstrakh has been practicing such relationships with clients for more than two years. And since 60% of all MTPL contracts are drawn up by this insurer, a large number of drivers have already learned from their own experience all the features of this method of compensation for losses. Let's analyze the comments on this matter, gleaned from reviews of Rosgosstrakh.

How is repair an alternative to cash payment?

The car owner applies for payment under the MTPL policy and agrees to the company’s offer of compensation in the form of repairs. After this, the insurance company offers several auto repair shops to choose from (or, depending on the circumstances, place of residence and other parameters, offers one single service station). The client makes the best decision for himself and receives a referral for repairs. The insurer transfers money to the organization's account.

The car service center is responsible for the timing and quality of work. Without proper quality, you can not sign the acceptance certificate, and in case of delay in repairs, you can demand that the service station pay a penalty.

What is common between cash payment and repairs under compulsory motor liability insurance?

Wear and tear accounting. The insurance company's expertise, when assessing the amount of damage, as expected according to the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance, will necessarily take into account the wear and tear of the parts being replaced. The only difference will be that in one case the amount equal to the amount of wear will be received less by the client, and in the other by the car service. Of course, the latter will definitely require the car owner to pay the difference in order to replace the damaged parts with new ones. Another option is that the car owner will be asked to find used spare parts with a similar degree of wear, which, in fact, is an unrealistic task.

An opportunity for the insurance company to understate the loss. The service station carries out repairs based on its own calculations, or according to calculations from the insurance company. Taking into account wear on replaced parts allows both to maneuver in this regard. For example, just before an accident, a car owner replaced some parts with new ones, and wear on them is calculated in accordance with the age of the car. By the way, this is why you should always keep receipts for work on replacing old parts, so that, if necessary, you can document that you are right. The assessment may also incorrectly determine when certain damages occurred (before or as a result of the accident).

In a word, even using a single methodology, different experts can easily calculate completely different amounts.

For example, the real damage amounted to 50,000 rubles, and the insurer counted 25,000 to be paid. And it does not matter to whom he should transfer the funds: to the client’s card or to the accounting department of the service station. The main thing is that bringing the car to the condition it was before the accident will require twice as much investment. Obviously, if the client chooses a natural payment method, the auto repair shop will require payment of the missing 25,000 rubles. And the car owner, outraged by the low estimate of the loss, will traditionally have to seek justice in court.

When is money better than a referral to a service station?

  • It would be good if the service station informed the client that they were unable to make normal repairs for the amount determined by the insurer. A “bad” car service may not bother the client about this, but simply “make a mistake from what is there” or, for example, not pay attention to internal damage. With further use, all the shortcomings will be revealed, but it will be too late.
  • The list of car services friendly to the insurance company may not include one that will satisfy the specific needs of the victim: proximity to home or place of work, good reputation, conscientious craftsmen, etc.
  • It is not a fact that it will be possible to systematically monitor the process of restoration work, freely communicate with craftsmen and receive honest information.

In what case can you choose repair?

The idea of ​​compensating for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance through repairs has long been implemented in CASCO insurance. Moreover, the vast majority of car owners prefer to choose repairs at a service station at the choice of the insurance company. It's really convenient! There is no need to waste precious time and nerves on all kinds of searches, just “hand over the scrap metal and take the swallow.” True, you cannot compare a highly profitable CASCO insurance with an unprofitable “automobile insurance”. However, in a certain situation, choosing repairs under MTPL will be more convenient than agreeing to a cash payment. For example, when there is no need to change spare parts (which means the possibility of manipulating wear is excluded), and we are talking only about body work. Especially if the proposed car service has proven itself quite well. And in case of poor-quality work, it will be possible not to sign the acceptance certificate until the claims are fully eliminated.

Unfortunately, until order is brought to the “automobile industry,” car owners will often find themselves in the situation: “no matter where you throw it, there’s a wedge everywhere.” You will have to fight with the insurance company over money, and with the car service over issues of quality. We look forward to the changes.

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