The strangest bikes. The most unusual bicycles in the world: review, characteristics and interesting facts. Di-Cycle - a bicycle with parallel wheels

Although the bicycle was invented a long time ago, modern developers and luminaries of engineering are not lazy to improve this two-wheeled form of transport, one might say, reinventing it. Today's models are not only extraordinary and interesting in their form, but also multifunctional.

We'll tell you about the TOP 10 most unusual modern bicycles in the world in our review.

Electric sports bike with on-board computer

The Trefecta DRT electric bike with computer control will appeal to lovers of speed and comfort. An electric bike has many advantages over a conventional two-wheeler. In particular, it reaches speeds of up to 65 km/h, has an on-board computer in the center of the steering wheel and a folding frame.

Computer control allows the cyclist to choose between manual and automatic gear shifting. Also, using a computer, you can control shock absorbers, control speed, and use GPS navigation.

The price of such a unique bicycle is quite high - $25,000.

Bicycle controlled by smartphone

And this bike will appeal to lazy people who are too lazy to pedal - the bike is equipped with an innovative Centinel Wheel with electric motors. They control the wheel using a smartphone thanks to special mobile applications.

Energy consumption and speed are tracked in the same way. And the wheel also has an “intelligent” system built into it, which itself controls the speed of movement and the energy expended depending on the terrain.

The most comfortable bike

This Trivek tricycle is equipped with a very comfortable mini-chair instead of a saddle, sitting on which you will not feel either fatigue or back pain.

A distinctive feature of this vehicle is that the seating position in it is mounted high - you can enjoy a wonderful view of the surroundings while driving. You can change your body position in it - sit not only straight, but even recline. This reduces the load and unnecessary stress on the body while riding.

Another important difference between this bicycle and ordinary ones is the design of the chain mechanism, which was designed in such a way as to remove the load from the cyclist as much as possible.

Solar bike

Danish inventor Jasper Frausing has created a solar-powered bicycle. They are mounted into the wheels on a special plate.

It takes 8-10 hours to charge the battery. It is enough for a 65-kilometer walk.

Bicycle without steering wheel

Fans of game consoles will surely like a bicycle that has a joystick instead of a steering wheel. You can move around reclining in it.

The bicycle is not afraid of strong roll while riding; it has two restrictive small wheels attached to its sides, thanks to which the vehicle will not fall over when turning. This bike has 10 gears, they are also switched using a joystick.

Di-Cycle - a bicycle with parallel wheels

And the creators of this extraordinary and creative Di-Cycle bicycle decided to place the wheels parallel to each other. It turned out quite unusual, but the design itself is stable and fast.

Fliz Bike - a bicycle without pedals

In this model of the Fliz Bike there are no pedals or seats, but people move around on it by pushing off the ground with their feet.

Small bicycle A-bike

The miniature and compact A-bike is ideal for moving around big cities. It can be further reduced in size by folding it and placing it in a backpack. This mini-bike weighs only 5.5 kilograms.

Aurumania gold plated bicycle

And this bike is literally golden - the vehicle is covered with a layer of gold! The ideal bike for the rich. Aurumania costs 80 thousand British pounds.

Scubster - underwater bike

The Scubster underwater bike will be useful for diving enthusiasts or those who want to be in a submarine. A watercraft moves underwater thanks to human legs.

The most unusual bicycles

The bicycle is the most common means of transport in the world. Today there are more than a billion bicycles in use on the planet. Denmark is considered the most “cycling” country in Europe, where on average each resident of the country travels 893 kilometers per year by bicycle. Next come the Netherlands (853 km), Belgium and Germany (300 km).

The widespread use of bicycles in the “Old World” is the result of their active popularization in order to relieve city centers from cars, improve the environmental situation, and promote a healthy lifestyle. For this purpose, as well as to develop cycling tourism, developed countries are building bicycle paths, opening bicycle rentals and bicycle parking.

But in our article we would like to pay attention to unusual bicycles, bicycles that amaze us with the unusual design, the material from which they are made, and amazing engineering discoveries that open up new possibilities for this type of transport.

Wooden bicycle
The world's first bicycles were made of wood. But later this material was almost completely replaced by metal and plastic. And now the story returns to normal again - Japanese designer Yojiro Oshima has developed a modern wooden bicycle.

Wooden bicycle

Chopper bike(chopper - a style of motorcycle with an extended frame and front fork)
Chopper bicycles are becoming increasingly popular. This beauty from Custom Max has the widest wheels in the bike industry (100mm). A couple of pedal strokes, and then he will take you on his own.

Chopper bike

Who said that an electric bike has to look like an American fighter jet? The developers of the bike with the self-explanatory name Cykno decided to return to the roots and styled the bike as retro.

Electric bicycle in retro style

Israeli designer Itzgar Gafni made a bicycle from ordinary packaging cardboard. The author came to the conclusion that if you soak the bicycle parts in resin and cover them with waterproof and fire-resistant paint, you can get a wonderful two-wheeled “all-terrain vehicle.” The bike costs less than $20.

The cheapest and lightest bike

Many people use a bicycle for daily trips around the city, but when they need to transport some cargo from place to place, they still resort to a car. Donkey is designed to fix this. The bike has two racks, which allow you to evenly distribute the weight and transport large items. The model remains stable even at low speeds.

Bicycle for heavy load

Bicycle backpack
Fans of outdoor activities are also pleased with German creatives. Bergmönch has released a folding mountain bike combined with a backpack. The transformation takes no more than two minutes.

Bicycle backpack

Designed by Estonian engineer Indrek Narusk, this bike has a completely innovative design based on two stainless steel tubes. Its lines are reminiscent of racing motorcycles with their classic, streamlined aesthetic.

Durable stainless steel bike

Anti-theft bike
British designer Kevin Scott has proposed an alternative method to protect bicycles from theft. Instead of all kinds of anti-theft devices, the Bendy Bicycle itself is used as a lock, which, if necessary, can simply be folded and fastened.

Anti-theft bike

AUDI Worthersee is equipped with five preset driving modes designed for different external conditions. In its maximum mode, this bike can accelerate to 80 kilometers per hour. Modern cycling enthusiasts don’t even have to pedal their bike for it to move!

Electric sports bike from Audi

The Ele bicycle is equipped with solar panels on disks that allow the motor to be charged with solar energy. For maximum efficiency, the discs can be rotated up to 30 degrees, positioning them perpendicular to the incident sunlight. In case the weather is cloudy, you can switch to normal mode and drive only by the engine.

Solar powered bicycle

You probably remember how strange and unusual the bicycles of the past were, so today we decided to replenish your piggy bank with 25 more examples of the strangest bicycles of all time:

25. Benjamin Bowden's bicycle. As you may have guessed, its creator is a British designer named Benjamin Bowden.

24. Amphibious bicycle.

23. Bicycle with windshield. In addition to the expansive windshield, this bike allows its passenger to ride reclining.

22. Multi-seat bicycle. It will be quite difficult to maintain this.

21. Bicycle rack in the shape of a bicycle.

20. Another variation of a multi-seat bicycle, only this time all participants in the trip are invited to sit opposite each other.

19. Antique bicycle. This is one of the first bicycles made entirely of wood.

18. Rowing bike.

17. “Frankenstein” of the cycling world.

16. Bicycle with square wheels.

15. Folding bike. If you have a spacious backpack, the question of where to leave your bike will disappear by itself.

14. Cargo bike.

13. Bicycle with a roof.

12. Volkswagen bicycle.

11. Lowrider bike. It’s hard to even imagine a person who would risk driving one of these around the city.

10. Fireman's bike. In fact, few would be happy if firefighters arrived at the scene on bicycles.

9. Just orange.

8. Another variation of a cargo bike.

7. Bicycle with harness. Now you don't have to pedal all the time.

6. Bicycle for two. You can only ride one with a partner you trust.

5. A strange little bicycle, all hung with locks.

4. A bicycle with a rather strangely curved frame.

3. A bicycle with a rear wheel significantly larger than the front. The purpose of this design remains unknown.

2. A bicycle with a huge front wheel. It’s a strange fashion for wheels of different sizes, don’t you think?

1. Railway bike. Yes, yes, you can ride on the rails.

The most common things that occur in everyday life almost every day sometimes simply amaze the imagination. “There’s no need to reinvent the wheel,” say bigots and bores, but designers and technicians, fortunately, don’t listen to them and shock the world with more and more inventions. And today we will talk about exactly this - we will look at the most unusual bicycles in the world. And we will also become surprised, perplexed and admire them.

Wooden "Japanese" from Oshima

Once upon a time, absolutely all bicycles were made of wood. Then this expensive and rather heavy material was replaced by lightweight aluminum and plastic. But one day the Japanese designer Yojiro Oshima came up with the idea of ​​a well-forgotten old thing that often gives new life. This is how his amazing bicycle, made entirely of wood, appeared.

Of course, this dreamer from the Land of the Rising Sun was not the only one who dared to create unusual bicycles from wood. And besides his world-famous bike, there are many others.

Scooter bike Pibal

As they say, there is no arguing about tastes. Some people love bicycles, while others prefer to ride a scooter. Well, what should those who are crazy about both do? It's simple - Philippe Starck, the French developer who gave the world the scooter bike, took care of them. You can move this vehicle from one position to another with a slight movement of your foot.

The new transport was appreciated not only by lovers of everything unusual, but also by athletes. Doctors also agree with them - after all, such unusual bicycle-scooters allow you to use a wide variety of muscle groups when riding, evenly distributing the load and providing the opportunity for rest. The saddle height adjustment option allows both men, women and teenagers to ride this vehicle.

Homemade Sawyer bicycle

Designer Jurgen Kuipers has given cycling enthusiasts an amazing opportunity - to create unusual bicycles with their own hands. His invention won the hearts of not only athletes, but also members of the prestigious international competition in Taipei, for which Kuypers received an honorable first place.

Jürgen's unusual bikes come in boxes and come with detailed assembly instructions. By the way, some of their parts are also made of wood.

Mobiky folding bike

Don't think that this bike is just a frivolous toy. It weighs no more than a baby stroller (12 kg), but it can easily carry a passenger weighing an entire hundredweight! And its small wheels allow you to travel the same distance per pedal revolution as full-size ones. These are such unusual bicycles, these Mobiky...

But their main miracle, of course, is their ability to be assembled. You can throw the folded bike over your shoulder, jump into the train with it and ride off towards adventure. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to travel around all the interesting places, pedaling endlessly? Some people are short on time, while others simply don’t have the patience to cover the entire path on their own. This is what Mobiky was developed for.

Worthersee with electric drive

Audi knows how to make reliable cars, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail for the comfort of the driver and passengers. It seems that this habit, developed over the years, formed the basis for the development of the bicycle. Why else would AUDI Worthersee deprive the pilot of the need to pedal? Moreover, you can accelerate to a speed of 80 km/h without straining at all!

These unusual bicycles, photos of which look more like scenes from futuristic motorcycle films, are equipped with five riding modes and nine speed modes.


When it comes to the world's best transportation, how can you do without a Lamborghini? Of course, this legendary manufacturer did not ignore bicycles, releasing a limited edition in honor of its anniversary.

What can you say about these bikes? Genuine leather, high-quality branded paint, a unique system of reliable brakes, the best tires, the highest quality materials - Lamborghini does not change itself in anything.

Anti-theft bike from Kevin Scott

Tired of lugging around with locks and chains, but don’t want to leave your pet in the parking lot unattended? Calm down, Kevin Scott has already figured it out!

We take the bicycle, bend it in half, wrapping the frame around the pole. Close the latch and voila! Your two-wheeled friend is securely chained to a pole and will certainly wait for you safe and sound. By the way, disassembling it is just as easy. Of course, the unusual bicycles from Kevin Scott can not only park well, but also ride. Powerful tread, reliable brake system, ergonomic steering wheel and comfortable sports seat - what more could you ask for?

Solar ELE Solar

The vast majority of the most unusual bicycles on the planet are environmentally friendly and do not harm the environment. What makes ELE Solar unique is that while it has this advantage, it still uses energy. True, it is solar, due to which its environmental friendliness and safety for others do not suffer at all. To generate energy, rays of sunlight are used, which are accumulated using plates built into the wheels. Depending on the position of the celestial body, the plane of the plates can be changed at your discretion, turning their surfaces in the direction of the source of light and heat.

In addition, he has an absolutely incredible appearance. You just can’t take your eyes off him!

Taga Bike - transport for sporty mothers

And, of course, these unusual bicycles are also suitable for dads. And for other relatives who are in love with cycling.

This amazing vehicle is equipped not only with a driver's seat, wheels and pedals, but also with a comfortable and safe child seat or even two! Now babies who have reached the age of six months can safely go on a trip with their parents.

Italtrike for little pilots

And what will those who are used to sports and wind ride from infancy? Perhaps they will like the Italian beauties Italtrike Evolution or Oko - bright three-wheeled bikes, equipped with comfortable seats with tilt adjustment, reliable frames, sun hoods, adjustable wheels and parent handles.

These unusual children's bicycles are available in different colors, have excellent handling and weigh very little.

Cykno Electric for lovers of retro style

This extraordinary bike is equipped with a battery that can help you cover a distance of 60 km. Its design is based on innovative carbon fiber. This is where you shouldn’t trust his appearance - he looks like a real old man.

Not only the shape, but also the use of high-quality genuine leather helps to set off the retro style. The image is also complemented by wheels that look so similar to spoked ones.

  1. Task 1 of 15

    1 .

    Are the Rules broken in the situations depicted?


    f) tow bicycles;


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    d) while driving, hold on to another vehicle;

    f) tow bicycles;

  2. Task 2 of 15

    2 .

    Which cyclist doesn't break the rules?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    b) move on highways and roads for cars, as well as on the roadway if there is a bicycle path nearby;

  3. Task 3 of 15

    3 .

    Who should give way?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.

  4. Task 4 of 15

    4 .

    What loads is a cyclist allowed to carry?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    22. Cargo transportation


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.4. A cyclist can only carry such loads that do not interfere with driving the bicycle and do not create obstacles for other road users.

    22. Cargo transportation

    22.3. Transportation of cargo is permitted provided that it:

    b) does not interfere with the stability of the vehicle and does not make it difficult to control;

  5. Task 5 of 15

    5 .

    Which cyclists violate the Rules when transporting passengers?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    e) carry passengers on a bicycle (except for children under 7 years old, transported on an additional seat equipped with securely fastened footrests);

  6. Task 6 of 15

    6 .

    In what order will vehicles pass through the intersection?


    16. Driving through intersections


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.12. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
    Tram drivers should follow this rule among themselves. At any uncontrolled intersection, a tram, regardless of the direction of its further movement, has an advantage over non-rail vehicles approaching it along an equivalent road.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.
    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.

  7. Task 7 of 15

    7 .

    Riding bicycles on sidewalks and pedestrian paths:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    c) move on sidewalks and pedestrian paths (except for children under 7 years old on children's bicycles under the supervision of adults);

  8. Task 8 of 15

    8 .

    Who has the right of way when crossing a bike path?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.

  9. Task 9 of 15

    9 .

    What distance should be between groups of cyclists moving in a column?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.3. Cyclists traveling in groups must ride one after another so as not to interfere with other road users. A column of cyclists moving along the roadway must be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists in a group) with a movement distance between groups of 80-100 m.

  10. Task 10 of 15

    10 .

    Vehicles will pass through the intersection in the following order


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.13. Before turning left and making a U-turn, the driver of a non-rail vehicle must give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving on an equivalent road in the opposite direction straight or to the right.

  11. Task 11 of 15

    11 .

    A cyclist passes an intersection:


    16. Driving through intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.3. Traffic controller signals take precedence over traffic light signals and road sign requirements and are mandatory. Traffic lights, other than flashing yellow ones, take precedence over priority road signs. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the additional requirements of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic lights, road signs and markings.

    16. Driving through intersections

    16.6. When turning left or turning around when the main traffic light is green, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving straight in the opposite direction or turning right. Tram drivers should follow this rule among themselves.

  12. Task 12 of 15

    12 .

    Flashing red signals of this traffic light:


    8. Traffic regulation


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.6. To regulate traffic at railway crossings, traffic lights with two red signals or one white-lunar and two red ones are used, having the following meanings:

    a) flashing red signals prohibit the movement of vehicles through the crossing;

    b) a flashing white-lunar signal indicates that the alarm system is working and does not prohibit vehicle movement.

    At railway crossings, simultaneously with the prohibitory traffic light signal, an audible signal may be turned on, additionally informing road users that movement through the crossing is prohibited.

  13. Task 13 of 15

    13 .

    The driver of which vehicle will cross the intersection second?


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.

    16 Driving through intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.3. Traffic light signals have the following meanings:

    A signal in the form of an arrow that allows a left turn also allows a U-turn if it is not prohibited by road signs.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow(s) in the additional section(s), switched on together with the green traffic light signal, informs the driver that he has priority in the direction(s) of movement indicated by the arrow(s) over vehicles moving from other directions;

    f) a red signal, including a flashing one, or two red flashing signals prohibit movement.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow(s) in the additional section(s), together with a yellow or red traffic light signal, informs the driver that movement is permitted in the indicated direction, subject to the unhindered passage of vehicles moving from other directions.

    A green arrow on a sign installed at the level of a red traffic light with a vertical arrangement of signals allows movement in the indicated direction when the red traffic light is on from the rightmost lane (or the leftmost lane on one-way roads), subject to the provision of priority in traffic to its other participants moving from other directions to a traffic light signal allowing movement;

    16 Driving through intersections

    16.9. While driving in the direction of the arrow turned on in the additional section simultaneously with a yellow or red traffic light, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

    When driving in the direction of the green arrow on the table installed at the level of the red traffic light with vertical signals, the driver must take the extreme right (left) lane and give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving from other directions.

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