Is alcohol in fuel dangerous for the engine: Alcohol-Yaga. Is it possible to refuel with gasoline and alcohol? Research results Filling the car with alcohol and gasoline

Alcohol gasoline, as you might guess from the name, contains some amount of technical or wine alcohol. Typically 5-10% alcohol is added, but other alcohol fuel options exist. Gasoline fuel with an alcohol content of more than 30% should not be called gasoline, since it contains too much industrial alcohol and not enough gasoline.

It is quite simple to identify such gasoline by its name; its name consists of the letter E and a number indicating the percentage of alcohol, for example E5, E10, E30, etc. You must be careful, since not all gas stations use standard designations for alcohol gasoline, in some cases, the letter E is added to the name of regular gasoline. An example of this would be A-95E gasoline, which is not regular 95 gasoline. The name of such gasoline means that it is an alcohol-containing fuel with an octane number equal to 95 gasoline. Alcohol fuel has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of alcohol gasoline

  • Low price. Alcohol gasoline is approximately 5-15% cheaper than its petroleum counterpart.
  • This fuel is environmentally cleaner than regular gasoline.
  • The engine operates at fairly low temperatures, which has a beneficial effect on wear.
  • The temperature inside the engine decreases when driving in hot weather.
  • In the event of a serious accident, the chance of gasoline catching fire is reduced.
  • When used on a modern car, the engine life increases.
  • The service life of the engine oil increases. Thanks to this, you can travel a longer distance without changing the oil.
  • Has a slightly milder scent.
  • Less engine noise when driving.

Disadvantages of alcohol gasoline

  • This fuel is not recommended for use in older cars, since their fuel system is simply not designed to use gasoline with the addition of technical alcohol.
  • The need to ensure special conditions of storage and transportation on the part of suppliers, otherwise the quality of alcohol gasoline will greatly deteriorate.
  • It cannot be poured into carburetor cars. Otherwise, fuel consumption increases, and the alcohol contained in the fuel “corrodes” the carburetor due to the presence of plastic or rubber parts in it.
  • Slight increase in vehicle fuel consumption.
  • Gas stations with alcoholic gasoline are not very common in the Russian Federation and CIS countries, so you won’t be able to refuel your car everywhere.
  • A car filled with alcohol-based gasoline is less likely to start in the winter.
  • The time required to warm up the engine when driving in winter increases, which may call into question the advisability of using alcohol fuel at sub-zero air temperatures.
  • Cars designed to run on gasoline with a high alcohol content are more expensive than regular gasoline cars.
  • The higher the percentage of alcohol in gasoline, the worse the driving performance of the car.
  • If the amount of alcohol gasoline in the tank is low, the car may simply not start.
  • A large number of bad reviews from people who tried to use alcohol gasoline.
  • Water may form in low-quality alcohol-containing fuel. Water should not be allowed to appear in the fuel system.
  • When driving in hot weather, the car can noticeably lose its power.
  • In Russia and the CIS countries, the quality of alcohol gasoline is much worse than in the USA or EU countries.
  • Some car manufacturers will refuse warranty service if traces of alcohol gasoline are found.
  • When combining alcohol fuel with regular gasoline, the engine may begin to constantly slow down, stall, or fail to start for no apparent reason.
  • The vehicle's fuel system may be severely clogged.
  • If used for a long time in an old car, the fuel hoses may burst.
  • Some manufacturers of alcohol gasoline do not meet quality requirements, but this can also be said about regular gasoline.
  • To use alcohol gasoline in older cars, it is necessary to modernize the fuel system (adjusting the fuel pump and replacing parts susceptible to corrosion).


In conclusion, we can summarize the following: before pouring this gasoline, you need to think carefully - is it worth pouring it? It is definitely not recommended for use in cars with a carburetor or very old cars (2010 and below). In other cases, pouring such gasoline into a car is “at your own peril and risk”; even a car of the same model but of a different year of manufacture can react differently to alcohol fuel.

One car will continue to operate normally without any visible changes, while a similar car produced a year earlier may begin to stall or slow down. Each car enthusiast must decide for himself the advisability of using alcohol gasoline. If you choose alcohol-containing gasoline as the main fuel for your car, you should stop refueling at small gas stations. The quality of their alcohol gasoline is somewhat worse, and low-quality fuel can cause very serious damage.

Despite all the advantages, such gasoline has many different disadvantages that do not allow a complete switch to this type of fuel.

January 2nd, 2016 Admin

Due to the poor state of the economy, many industries in Ukraine are experiencing a decline. It also affected the fuel market. Clients are trying to save money, and some have even given up their car altogether and switched to public transport. In order to regain at least some income and survive during the crisis, gas stations come up with various tricks to attract customers. One of the most popular ways is to sell a mixture of gasoline and biofuel. This fuel costs less than pure gasoline, and at the same time, as some companies claim, it is completely safe for the car.

However, there is one extremely important subtlety - bioethanol must be stored under special conditions, since it requires a special tank. The storage location matters - it is advisable to place them near production and in no case in the open air.

This circumstance prompted a large-scale inspection of alcohol gasoline samples by the Kyiv Institute of Consumer Expertise.
Since fuel of this type is not yet particularly widespread, the research was carried out on 4 samples taken at gas stations. WOG«, « BRSM-Nafta«, « KLO" And " Avias". Looking ahead, let's say that 3 of them showed results that fully met the standards, which greatly pleased the experts who expected the worst.

The first and most important examination was to answer the question of the amount of bioethanol in the samples taken. This is an extremely important indicator, since such fuel is divided into 2 classes. If the amount of bioethanol is greater than or equal to 30%, then this fuel is called alternative. If this figure reaches 7% or less (from 2018 - 10% or less), then it is considered an alcohol grade of gasoline.

Accordingly, they have different technical regulations, storage conditions, etc. After carrying out all the necessary procedures, it turned out that 3 out of 4 samples were alternative fuels. Only gasoline taken from the tanks of the gas station network was pumped up " Avias“, since the mass fraction of bioethanol was only 26%. In other words, it cannot be called either alcohol gasoline or an alternative fuel.
Despite the fact that such gasoline contains a large proportion of alcohol (on average, 1/3), it can be poured into the tank in the cold season without the slightest fear - the fuel will not freeze or even thicken.

How does alcohol affect changes in octane number?

The next examination was designed to determine the octane number of the contestants. For fuel, this is perhaps the most important characteristic that determines the limit for the onset of detonation (i.e., too rapid combustion). This phenomenon has a very bad effect on the condition of the engine, since it significantly increases the wear of the crank mechanism and the cylinder-piston group, and can also harm the gas distribution mechanism. Side effects are increased fuel consumption while reducing power.

The octane number was measured using a research method. The experts were again surprised, since all the subjects were able to meet the standard indicators, and some were again “ Avias- even exceeded them. In practice, such an excess can threaten the car with the consequences indicated above. Apparently, the root of all evil is the alcohol component with too high an octane number.

Content of benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons in alcohol fuel

For any fuel obtained by refining oil, it is extremely undesirable to contain a large amount of benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons. The thing is that they cause some damage. The first of them accelerates the wear of the car’s fuel system, as it has the unpleasant ability to wash off the oil film, and without lubrication, the service life of the units is significantly reduced. The latter harm the environment - the more of them, the less environmentally friendly the exhaust is.

But at the same time, there is a downside to the coin in the case of aromatic hydrocarbons. These substances are obtained as a result of secondary oil refining, and only thanks to them can gasoline be made high-octane. Their content in fuel is clearly stated in all kinds of technical regulations.

In the case of bioethanol, there should be less aromatic hydrocarbons than in regular gasoline due to the presence of alcohol, because it itself has a high octane number.

Currently, there is no state standard in the production of bioethanol. This means that it is produced based on technical conditions, and for each manufacturer they differ, albeit slightly. It was not very clear how to evaluate the competitors, so the DSTU for AI-95 gasoline was chosen as a guideline. It says that the benzene content should not exceed 1%. Judging by this criterion, then all samples, with the exception of the notorious “ Aviasa", again met the standards, and the fuel was from " WOG“It turned out to be a record holder, since it contains only 0.3% benzene and 10% “aromatics”! As for the outsider, it contains as much as 6% benzene, and as much as 22.1% aromatic hydrocarbons.

How does alcohol gasoline affect the engine and fuel system: for corrosion

Unlike ordinary gasoline or diesel fuel, for bioethanol such an indicator as corrosiveness is very important. This is due to the properties of alcohol, because it is a solvent, which means it can potentially corrode rubber seals or hoses. To neutralize these negative effects, a special substance is necessarily added to bioethanol, which increases acidity. In finished fuel, this parameter should range from 6 to 9 pH. Based on the results of the examination, it was found that for all participants the value was in the region of 7 – 7.4 pH. Regular gasoline shows approximately the same figures, from which the following conclusion can be drawn: these brands of bioethanol are not capable of causing damage to components of the car’s fuel system made of rubber.

Let's summarize. New types of fuel have appeared on the Ukrainian market, and in the future, apparently, they will constitute a real alternative to traditional ones, and over time, competition among gas stations will gradually increase. However, it is still better to refuel exclusively at large gas stations belonging to large chains.

As for the leaders and outsiders of the test, the first place was taken by a sample of fuel from WOG, clearly demonstrating the high quality of European fuel. But Avias bioethanol came in last because it does not meet most of the requirements for this type of fuel.

A new type of gasoline has officially appeared in Europe, which is called Super E10 and is a type of biogasoline. For 2013-2014, it should completely replace Super E5 (Ai-95). Let's take a closer look at what kind of gasoline it is and whether it will harm the engine of our car.

By the way, such fuel has already appeared at some gas stations in Ukraine; it is not yet sold in Russia.

In Europe, every gas station with E10 gasoline has the following inscription:

“Before refueling, you must consult with the vehicle manufacturer.”

And this is not surprising, since E10 contains 10% ethanol, and E5 only 5%, and this difference is very noticeable for many modern engines that refuse to run on gasoline with such a percentage of ethyl alcohol.

Ethanol- alcohol, which is obtained by processing plants (sugar beets, potatoes, barley and some other types). Most often used as technical fuel in various industries and for biofuel.

What are the benefits of switching to this type of fuel?

By diluting pure gasoline with ethyl alcohol, the European Union wants to solve at least several problems:

  • Economic benefit – gasoline becomes 20% cheaper;
  • Energy independence. The countries of Europe are gaining slightly greater energy independence from the countries exporting crude oil and gas, which are already less able to dictate their terms;
  • Environmental benefits.

But as always, the majority of the population is not interested in the last two points, but only in the price of the original product and another important factor – the safety of the car engine.

Automotive experts have identified several negative aspects of driving gasoline with 10% ethanol content:

  • Rubber gaskets inside the engine corrode faster;
  • Alcohol has a high level of hygroscopicity and will form condensation in the fuel system, which can lead to the owner being unable to start the car in the cold season;
  • Increased corrosion of internal engine parts.

Experimental tests

A number of tests were carried out in Europe to determine the main speed, dynamic performance and fuel consumption of an engine running on E10 gasoline.

For the experiments, we took a Volkswagen Golf, which showed that when driving at full load, fuel consumption with ethanol increased by 1.2 liters/100 km compared to E5 gasoline. That is, the economic effect “tends to zero”, since you will have to fill in more less cheap gasoline.

At the moment, in Europe there is no completely universal transition to the use of a new type of gasoline, and even “economically conscious” Germans are very strongly resisting this innovation, which will most likely begin to take effect in 2014.

There is much confusion regarding the effects of ethanol-containing fuels on marine engines and the means to keep the fuel in good condition.

According to Brian Kluge, director of components division at Mercury Marine, all grades of gasoline, with or without added ethanol, degrade over time due to evaporation, water and oxidation. However, ethanol can cause this degradation of gasoline to worsen.

Phase separation

E10 gasoline (fuel with up to 10 percent ethanol content) is subject to a phase separation process, although this only occurs under rare conditions. Pure gasoline does not have the ability to absorb water, but E10 fuel can contain up to 0.5 percent water under certain conditions. For example, 20 gallons of E10 at 60 degrees can hold up to 12 ounces of water. These 12 ounces of water are absorbed by the ethanol and pass through the fuel system without harming it. The water absorption capacity actually makes E10 a better fuel under ideal conditions, although E0 is still generally preferred.

Once the fuel reaches full saturation, in this case 12 ounces of water, the water and alcohol separate from the gasoline and, due to their density, sink to the bottom of the fuel tank, leaving the top layer of fuel devoid of ethanol, which has a lower octane rating, and a thin bottom layer, which contains an aggressive, corrosive mixture of water and ethanol.

Fuel products with certain types of alcohols reduce the rate of phase separation, but there is no product on the market - regardless of what manufacturers claim - that can completely prevent phase separation. Just as there is no product that can recombine, reunite layers separated into phases.

E10 has been on the market for decades, and some geographic regions, especially in the Midwest, no longer offer pure gasoline as a fuel. Modern marine engines are designed and manufactured to be fueled with both E10 fuel and pure gasoline.

Switching from pure gasoline to E10 fuel

Most problems associated with E10 occur when switching from pure gasoline to E10 or during seasonal storage. Problems may arise in regions of the United States where E10 is being introduced, such as the East Coast and Southeast. A fuel system that has used only pure gasoline will have a thin layer of water at the bottom of the fuel tank. This water is absorbed by the fuel intake in very small quantities and passes through the fuel system without harming it. These are usually water droplets that cause the fuel line to freeze in cold weather.
In addition, over time, deposits of oxidation and pollution products will form in the tank when the engine runs only on pure gasoline. Deposits will form even though the water layer is thin, but the engine system will remain stable.

When you add E10 to your fuel tank, you are adding new solvent to it. Ethanol will dissolve some of the deposits that have accumulated over time, potentially reducing engine stability.

“Additionally, when you add small amounts of ethanol, the potential for phase separation becomes very high,” said Ed Alanac, engine development and test planning manager for Mercury Marine. “This alcohol will leach out of the fuel into the water below, and there will be too much water in the fuel, it will not mix with the fuel, and you will end up with a layer of water and ethanol.”
“This layer can now be quite thick and deep in the area where the fuel intake strainer is (immersed) in this water mixture,” he added.

As a result, the fuel intake pipe sucks a mixture of water and ethanol into the engine.

“For a gasoline engine, this would be very unfavorable,” Alanac said.

Transition problems can be limited using the simple procedures below:

First check the system for the presence of water in the fuel tank and inspect and test the water separator filter (on larger engines). If water is detected, everything must be pumped dry from the tank. Also, check the fuel in the tank for clarity. If the fuel is milky in color, has particles floating in it, or emits a sour odor, the tank needs to be cleaned.
A quality cleaner such as Mercury's Quickleen Fuel Product will help dissolve deposits. The first full tank fill should consist of only E10 fuel to ensure that the maximum amount of water-absorbing ethanol is in the tank.

You should always keep an eye on the filters and their condition, and it is recommended to always carry extra fuel filters in case of potential problems with filter clogging.

Seasonal storage

Seasonal storage also causes problems. Temperature can greatly reduce ethanol's ability to bind water. Remember those 20 gallons of fuel that were able to absorb 12 ounces of water at 60 degrees? At 20 degrees, that same 20 gallons can absorb eight or nine ounces of water, about two-thirds of the water that would be absorbed at ideal temperatures.
The water and ethanol that were absorbed in warm weather now separate and settle to the bottom of the fuel tank. During storage, fuel may also oxidize (react with oxygen in the tank). Oxidized fuel will emit a sour odor and be discolored. It may also have small resin particles suspended in it.
Oxidized fuel can clog fuel filters, create deposits in the fuel system, especially injectors, and generally negatively impact engine performance. Once a fuel has oxidized, it cannot be restored back into a usable fuel.

Mercury recommends storing your boat with a full fuel tank to reduce the amount of air with which the fuel may interact and reduce the likelihood of condensation occurring.
Mercury also recommends adding a quality fuel stabilizer such as Mercury's QuickStor.

Some storage facilities require fuel tanks to be empty during seasonal storage. In most cases, these areas contain tools and pumping equipment to remove fuel from the engine and lines.

All brands of gasoline degrade

Pure gasoline or E10 gasoline will degrade over time. At the same time, gasoline requires special attention to its condition and taking measures to preserve its quality, regardless of what is used as fuel - pure gasoline or gasoline with the addition of ethanol.
“There are three types of legally approved products on the market that help prevent fuel-related problems, regardless of the type of gasoline,” said Kluge.

  • Cleaning agents that are added to fuel to remove deposits from the fuel tank and engine and that can be used for short-term cleaning or long-term maintenance.
  • Stabilizers that help reduce the rate of fuel degradation and sour odor and which contain corrosion inhibitors. Stabilizers are often used during seasonal storage or when the fuel will not be consumed for a month or so.
  • Antifreeze agents consisting of alcohol combine with the fuel in the tank and lower the freezing point of the water present. Gasoline containing up to 10 percent ethanol (E10) does not require antifreeze. For additional information on E10 fuel and fuel additives, visit the Mercury Marine website http:// and-maintenance/faqs/outboards/?category=ethanol

Facilities Mercury's Quickleen, Quickare and Quickstor help slow down the effects of ethanol-containing gasoline on your engine!

for E10 gasoline

What are the characteristics of ethanol?

Ethanol is an oxidized hydrocarbon compound that has a high octane number and is therefore suitable for increasing the octane level of unleaded gasoline. The EPA, the environmental protection agency responsible for setting a number of requirements and regulations for all brands of gasoline used in the United States, allows up to 10 percent ethanol in gasoline as an octane enhancer and to ensure favorable clean combustion characteristics that promote reducing the release of certain harmful substances. Ethanol is hygroscopic (meaning it absorbs water) and mixes more easily and quickly with water than gasoline. It has a different solubility than gasoline, including the ability to loosen rust and blockages that may remain intact in the fuel system. It can more easily and quickly remove plasticizers and resins from certain plastic materials that pure gasoline alone cannot affect. Loose debris clogs filters and can interfere with engine performance. In addition, ethanol is an aggressive, corrosive agent for some metals, especially in combination with water. Although gasoline does not conduct electricity well, ethanol has a significant ability to conduct electricity and therefore can provoke galvanic corrosion.

Does ethanol affect power or fuel economy?

Ethanol has a heating value of 76,000 British thermal units (BTU) per gallon, which is approximately 30 percent less than the heating value of gasoline [approximately 109,000 - 119,000 BTU/gal], E10 gasoline should provide several less mileage, i.e. a decrease of approximately 3 percent.
Fuels containing higher levels of ethanol will result in correspondingly reduced mileage. For example, E85 fuels provide approximately 30 percent less mileage than gasoline.
The octane number of pure ethanol (200 proof) is approximately 100 and is therefore suitable for increasing the octane number of gasoline. In E-10 blends, the presence of ethanol provides about 2.5 - 3 percent of the total octane number. The effect on engine power is determined by the resulting octane number of the fuel with the additive. Care must be taken in selecting fuel grades for proper operation and selecting fuels with the octane rating recommended for the specific engine as specified in the Operation, Maintenance & Warranty Manual.

Can fuels containing ethanol affect the performance of traditional 2-stroke carbureted outboard motors?

2-stroke outboard motors should experience little or no performance degradation from gasoline fuels containing up to 10 percent ethanol when the engines are operated to Mercury's recommended standards. When using ethanol gasoline for the first time after switching from methyl tertiary butyl ether fuel, the tank must be completely drained of water before adding ethanol gasoline. Otherwise, phase separation may occur, which may cause filter clogging or motor damage. It is probably best for a boat owner to first fill their fuel tanks with ethanol fuel when the fuel level in the tank is low but not critical. If the tank is clean and there is no water in it, there should be no difficulty. If there is water in the tank, then partial fuel filling will lead to phase separation faster, because with less ethanol in the tank, less water is required for phase separation. An important factor for boat owners to consider is the presence of water in their system tanks. If the engine was manufactured in 1990 or earlier, then it is recommended to carry out frequent inspections and checks of all components and parts of the fuel system in order to. to detect any signs of leaks, softening, hardening, swelling or corrosion. If any sign of leakage or deterioration is observed, the damaged assembly or part must be replaced before further work.

How does ethanol affect a fiberglass fuel tank?

Fiberglass fuel tanks manufactured before 1991 may not be compatible with gasoline containing ethanol. There is evidence that in the presence of ethanol, some resins can be drawn out of the fiberglass and into the engine, where they can cause serious damage. If you are using an older fiberglass tank, contact the manufacturer to determine whether gasoline and ethanol can be safely used in that tank.

Are older fuel lines susceptible to failure and damage from ethanol-based fuels? What happens to the gaskets?

During the 1980s, a variety of rubber products and components were developed for use in fuel systems to withstand ethanol-containing fuels. If rubber components and products in the fuel system are suspected to be from those years or earlier, it may be advisable to replace them with newer products that are safe and can withstand the effects of ethanol before using ethanol-containing fuels. Consult the manufacturer or frequently inspect and check these fuel system components and parts for signs of swelling or deterioration and replace if problems are found.

In my area, ethanol replaces methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE). What do I need to do?

Before adding ethanol-containing gasoline to your fuel tank, check with your boat manufacturer to determine if special precautions are necessary when using ethanol-containing fuel. Check your fuel tank for water. If you find any amount of water, remove all water and dry the tank completely. As a precaution, we recommend that you always carry extra filters with you in case the filter becomes clogged or clogged while working on the boat.

Are there additives or additives that can prevent phase separation?

In practice, there are no additives that can prevent phase separation. The only practical solution is to prevent water from accumulating in the tank in the first place.
Are there additives that, when added to the fuel tank, will remix the separated mixture?
No. The only way to avoid further problems is to remove water, dispose of exhausted fuel, and clean the tank; and then you need to start by using fresh dehydrated fuel.

Is there a simple solution to the problem of water condensation in the tank when using ethanol?

It is best to ensure that the fuel tank is always full when the engine is not in use. This will reduce the amount of empty space above the fuel level in the tank and reduce the flow of air into and out of the tank during temperature fluctuations. This will reduce condensation on the inside walls of the tank and limit the effect of moisture and condensation on the ethanol in the fuel.

3 factors for the deterioration of the quality and condition of gasoline


The lighter chemicals in gasoline evaporate in vented tanks, leaving heavier fuel in the tank that will not harm the engine but may cause starting problems when the engine is cold.


Water from condensation settles and accumulates at the bottom of the tank under the fuel. This water can cause gas lines to corrode and freeze.


The fuel reacts with oxygen to form new compounds. Oxidation leads to the formation of sludge, gum and acid deposits. Oxidized gasoline will have a discoloration (discoloration), a sour odor, and may also contain small particles of resinous substance in suspension. Oxidized fuel can clog fuel filters, cause deposits in the fuel system, especially injectors, and generally reduce engine performance.

Due to the poor state of the economy, many industries in Ukraine are experiencing a decline. It also affected the fuel market. Clients are trying to save money, and some have even given up their car altogether and switched to public transport. In order to regain at least some income and survive during the crisis, gas stations come up with various tricks to attract customers. One of the most popular ways is to sell a mixture of gasoline and biofuel. This fuel costs less than pure gasoline, and at the same time, as some companies claim, it is completely safe for the car.

However, there is one extremely important subtlety - bioethanol must be stored under special conditions, since it requires a special tank. The storage location matters - it is advisable to place them near production and in no case in the open air.

This circumstance prompted a large-scale inspection of alcohol gasoline samples by the Kyiv Institute of Consumer Expertise.
Since fuel of this type is not yet particularly widespread, the research was carried out on 4 samples taken at gas stations. WOG«, « BRSM-Nafta«, « KLO" And " Avias". Looking ahead, let's say that 3 of them showed results that fully met the standards, which greatly pleased the experts who expected the worst.

How much alcohol should be contained in gasoline: norms

The first and most important examination was to answer the question of the amount of bioethanol in the samples taken. This is an extremely important indicator, since such fuel is divided into 2 classes. If the amount of bioethanol is greater than or equal to 30%, then this fuel is called alternative. If this figure reaches 7% or less (from 2018 - 10% or less), then it is considered an alcohol grade of gasoline.

Accordingly, they have different technical regulations, storage conditions, etc. After carrying out all the necessary procedures, it turned out that 3 out of 4 samples were alternative fuels. Only gasoline taken from the tanks of the gas station network was pumped up " Avias“, since the mass fraction of bioethanol was only 26%. In other words, it cannot be called either alcohol gasoline or an alternative fuel.
Despite the fact that such gasoline contains a large proportion of alcohol (on average, 1/3), it can be poured into the tank in the cold season without the slightest fear - the fuel will not freeze or even thicken.

How does alcohol affect changes in octane number?

The next examination was designed to determine the octane number of the contestants. For fuel, this is perhaps the most important characteristic that determines the limit for the onset of detonation (i.e., too rapid combustion). This phenomenon has a very bad effect on the condition of the engine, since it significantly increases the wear of the crank mechanism and the cylinder-piston group, and can also harm the gas distribution mechanism. Side effects are increased fuel consumption while reducing power.

The octane number was measured using a research method. The experts were again surprised, since all the subjects were able to meet the standard indicators, and some were again “ Avias- even exceeded them. In practice, such an excess can threaten the car with the consequences indicated above. Apparently, the root of all evil is the alcohol component with too high an octane number.

Content of benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons in alcohol fuel

For any fuel obtained by refining oil, it is extremely undesirable to contain a large amount of benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons. The thing is that they cause some damage. The first of them accelerates the wear of the car’s fuel system, as it has the unpleasant ability to wash off the oil film, and without lubrication, the service life of the units is significantly reduced. The latter harm the environment - the more of them, the less environmentally friendly the exhaust is.

But at the same time, there is a downside to the coin in the case of aromatic hydrocarbons. These substances are obtained as a result of secondary oil refining, and only thanks to them can gasoline be made high-octane. Their content in fuel is clearly stated in all kinds of technical regulations.

In the case of bioethanol, there should be less aromatic hydrocarbons than in regular gasoline due to the presence of alcohol, because it itself has a high octane number.

Currently, there is no state standard in the production of bioethanol. This means that it is produced based on technical conditions, and for each manufacturer they differ, albeit slightly. It was not very clear how to evaluate the competitors, so the DSTU for AI-95 gasoline was chosen as a guideline. It says that the benzene content should not exceed 1%. Judging by this criterion, then all samples, with the exception of the notorious “ Aviasa", again met the standards, and the fuel was from " WOG“It turned out to be a record holder, since it contains only 0.3% benzene and 10% “aromatics”! As for the outsider, it contains as much as 6% benzene, and as much as 22.1% aromatic hydrocarbons.

How does alcohol gasoline affect the engine and fuel system: for corrosion

Unlike ordinary gasoline or diesel fuel, for bioethanol such an indicator as corrosiveness is very important. This is due to the properties of alcohol, because it is a solvent, which means it can potentially corrode rubber seals or hoses. To neutralize these negative effects, a special substance is necessarily added to bioethanol, which increases acidity. In finished fuel, this parameter should range from 6 to 9 pH. Based on the results of the examination, it was found that for all participants the value was in the region of 7 – 7.4 pH. Regular gasoline shows approximately the same figures, from which the following conclusion can be drawn: these brands of bioethanol are not capable of causing damage to components of the car’s fuel system made of rubber.

Let's summarize. New types of fuel have appeared on the Ukrainian market, and in the future, apparently, they will constitute a real alternative to traditional ones, and over time, competition among gas stations will gradually increase. However, it is still better to refuel exclusively at large gas stations belonging to large chains.

As for the leaders and outsiders of the test, the first place was taken by a sample of fuel from WOG, clearly demonstrating the high quality of European fuel. But Avias bioethanol came in last because it does not meet most of the requirements for this type of fuel.

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